How long until I see results from weight?

Hi everyone
I have recently started to use weights in the gym and was wondering how long it will be until I start to see some results. As in some muscle definition. I know this depends on a calorie deficit as well, last time I checked I have 23% body fat and I eat approx. 1500 calories a day
I do an hour of cardio on a mon, wed, fri and the following weights on a tues and thurs

Chest press
Pull over
Lat pull down
Bent over row
One arm row
Shoulder press
Front deltoid raise
Lat raise
Bicep curl - wide
Hammer curl
Tricep pushdown
Tricep dips
One leg squats
Straight leg deadlift
All for 3 sets of 12. Since starting this program 4 weeks ago ive increased the weight on most exercises at least once.



  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    I am interested too. i started 3 months ago doing strength training and i see a bit of definition but i haven't seen my body fat really change yet. i also am eating between 1500-1600 cals. how tall are you? i am thinking i am not getting in enough cardio still with my 3 strength days to shed it?
  • EmilyWillBeSlim
    EmilyWillBeSlim Posts: 26 Member
    Im 5'7''
    From all the other posts I have seen, I thought that hours of cardio wasn't all that important, but im still unsure
  • posbldremr
    I am in the throws of menopause, so I do not weigh myself but once a's a downer for me because the weight just doesn't want to come off. I am focusing on measurements and general feeling of strength and well being for now. Doing JM 30 day shred workout (cardio/strength/abs) 5-6 timer per week and eating lo carb high protein at 1200 calories per day. I am down a full pant size and have eliminated all back pain since my core is so much stronger. All good stuff. I have found to focus on the positive results to keep me motivated because eventually the muscle mass will overcome the fat & thus the number on the scale.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Are you lifting heavy? Meaning is it a struggle for you to complete your last rep, especially the last last rep of the last set?
  • EmilyWillBeSlim
    EmilyWillBeSlim Posts: 26 Member
    Yes I'm lifting heavy. It's definitely a struggle to complete the last rep
  • EmilyWillBeSlim
    EmilyWillBeSlim Posts: 26 Member
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You are lifting heavy and doing hours of cardio and you are only eating 1500?
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I've only been lifting heavy for about a week and I've already seen my body fat % drop from 23.1% to 22.1%. But I noticed it was the increase in protein that really made all the difference for me.
  • EmilyWillBeSlim
    EmilyWillBeSlim Posts: 26 Member
    Yes, I've put all my numbers on mfp and to lose it said 1500cals, I know that is net but I don't generally eat back exercise cals. Will that make a difference?

    I have protein set at 40%, but don't generally hit higher than 30%, I think that's because I snack on fruit during the day. Next week I think ill try having a protein shake for breakfast and see if that makes a difference