Sick and Need a Last Minute Low-Cal Dinner!

I have an autoimmune disease and after having a great morning and doubling-up on my cardio (go me!), I am really sick. I have a fever and my joints are killing me. I was planning to make grilled chicken on a whole wheat bun with lettuce and tomato, but right now I have no interest in flattening out and grilling the chicken. Does anyone have any suggestions? Something that can be picked up from the store or magically delivered? I can't think of anything, but I'm new to low calorie meals. I could probably talk the boyfriend into cooking but I'm not sure if I trust him to cook low calorie foods, plus today is his birthday.

It is probably a good idea for me to figure out things that can be quickly whipped up because this does tend to happen to me a lot. I will feel okay, but out of no where I will get really, really sick. So if anyone knows of any great low-calorie meals that can be made easily I would really appreciate the help!



  • thesexybitch
    sushiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, just get it delivered
  • precioustypeoflove
    u can run to the store and get a rotissere chicken and u can put that on ur whole wheat bun then u wont have to grull the chicken
  • Mellie13
  • Buccinator
    All great ideas! Thanks everyone!

    I don't like fish, but I'd sell my soul, and maybe yours too, for some veggie roll sushi. Mmmm.

    And getting a rotisserie chicken is a great idea, that'd still be the same meal, with way less work!

    Sorry Mellie, I'm not a soup eater! Feel free to throw rocks at me!
  • jameskirkbride
    Whenever I need to get a quick healthy meal I tend to use frozen vegtables & tinned tomatoes! Microwave & it is good! & if you need the protein you can mix up a shake to go along with it!

    OR Omelettes are always good...

    It's always a good idea to have some frozen veg, tinned tomato's & a small amount of prepared salad I find ... from this you can come up with something.

    Failing this just order something, The local Grill will useully provide grilled chicken & sald in a pita bread! this comes in at 600Kcals & 10g Fat (NOT BAD FOR A TAKEAWAY)

    Hope this helps?
  • Skinnytime
    Eggs are a great idea, especially with veggies. Also, on days when you are feeling good, cook 3 or 4 extra meals and freeze them. This way, when you are not up tp par, you can just pop an already prepared meal in the micro.
    Feel better.:flowerforyou:
  • Buccinator
    Thanks everyone! I actually do love canned tomatoes and frozen veggies, but I don't like eggs. Maybe this was a bad topic to post considering I'm a picky eater! But you have definitely given me plenty of ideas for tonight and for future sick nights. Thanks!
  • Buccinator
    Thanks everyone! I actually do love canned tomatoes and frozen veggies, but I don't like eggs. Maybe this was a bad topic to post considering I'm a picky eater! But you have definitely given me plenty of ideas for tonight and for future sick nights. Thanks!

    Uhm, ooops! Sorry for the double post! It's the fever!