Looking for support!

Hey, I figured I'd introduce myself :) I'm 27 years old, newly vegan, recently diagnosed with a thyroid disorder, and determined to lose all this weight I've gained, despite how difficult it's proving to be :(

I've been on and off fitnesspal for a few months but I've never attempted to post in the message boards or fill in my profile, mainly because I've been so embarrassed about my weight gain and I wanted to keep this struggle and journey ahead of me a secret. I've realized that I don't have any friends or family that are interested in health and fitness or are committed to getting into shape and therefore I really lack a support system. So I've decided to put myself out there in the hopes of meeting new people and making some new friends who are also on a fitness or weight loss journey of their own and maybe gain some support that way.

I've struggled with my weight most of my life just due to poor eating habits, lack of exercise and no portion control whatsoever. I ate a lot of junk food growing up and wasn't physically active. I managed to lose over 100 lbs at one point in my life and kicked my butt into damn good shape. Being fit was the best time of my life. I felt my healthiest, happiest and strongest. However, over the past 2 years I've developed a thyroid disorder and have gained back 40 lbs. I've only recently been put on thyroid medication and now I'm struggling more than ever to lose these 40 lbs since my weight just keeps fluctuating like crazy! It seems like no matter what I do, I'm not seeing the numbers on the scale go down. It can be really discouraging to keep going, eat clean, and sweat my *kitten* off at the gym when the next day I'll see an increase of another 2 or 3 lbs.

I'd love to be able to connect with other people who are challenging themselves every day, who are successful in their weight loss or who are struggling just like me. Feel free to introduce yourself, tell me a bit about your weight loss or fitness struggle/challenges/success, your current fitness and diet plan and how it's working out for you, and go ahead and add me to your friends list. I love meeting new people :)


  • sueozzy
    sueozzy Posts: 68 Member
    Congrats on your original weight loss - 100 lbs that is amazing. You did it once you know you can do it again! Feel free to add me as a friend... I could use the support and motivation as well.

    My name is Susan
    Married 23 years
    2 kids 18 and 22
    Will turn 45 in September
    Started running - (getting into fitness) 4 months before my 40th birthday
    Have ran 2 ... 1/2 marathons, and several 5k's
    Warrior Dash <<--- the best thing ever..... I went through 90 days of P90X to prepare for that.
    In the last 2 years I added biking to my daily activities <-- fell in love with that
    Kicked the smoking habit April 2012 and working to lose those added 10lbs
    Started T25 work out on Monday and hoping to build some muscle and definition - this is by beachbody but only 25 min compared to 1 hour with P90X
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Hello, ive tried vegan before but just couldnt stick to it
    Ive been over weight then skinny and overweight again, but almost getting to normal weight (by bmi) (yay)
    feel free to add me!!