
I have been dieting with mainly just eating salads, and then chicken salad for dinner. Snacking on fruits and veggies etc. no bad foods, but I have been doing an hour of Zumba daily as well. I hope to see results soon, but I don't think I can eat just salad anymore. I've done that before and it works for a few weeks but I get so sick of it. Like today, I am craving stuffed crust pizza, not salad. But pizza is one of the worst foods for you to eat. :( craving these foods is discouraging bc I know I can't eat it. Anybody have foods that are healthy that they eat? That will help with heavy weight loss? I have 45 days until I leave for college and I want to see big results so I can be confident and happy with the big move, instead of feeling self conscious like I have my whole!!


  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Maybe you want to do Weight Watchers.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Without going into the fact that you can eat what you want if you stay within your calories, I have found that if I increase my protein I feel fuller and more satisfied. I love hard boiled eggs for a snack, or even a veggie burger. Since you are eating a lot of fruits and veggies that might help you.

  • karli2121
    karli2121 Posts: 12
    What are things that are high in protein? I don't really have the money to join those kind of programs. College student. We are poor haha
  • euthena
    euthena Posts: 31
    In the past i denied myself and went full out and it never lasts :( try weight watchers as mentioned above but also why not make your own pizza using low fat ingredients and cutting down on the cheese :) google for low fat low kcal recipes for all your favorites. and if you do slip up start again and don't worry about it :) good luck xxx
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    I've lost 28 pounds since I started this site April 25th and I've eaten major major no no foods.

    Just keep your portions reasonable and work hard at the gym.
  • karli2121
    karli2121 Posts: 12
    That's reassuring. Thank you all :] I will start googling right now!!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    What are things that are high in protein? I don't really have the money to join those kind of programs. College student. We are poor haha

    For high protein snacks you could eat peanut butter with celery or apples,string cheese, hard boiled eggs and veggie burgers are high in protein, low in calories - I actually bought some pizza flavored veggie burgers that were pretty yummy.

    I know a lot of people are able to eat things like pizza etc. and keep it under control but I know for me, it can be a slippery slope after that first bite so I just don't go there too often.

  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    FUK salads. You can practically eat whatever you want. Take a look at my diary just so you have an idea. I eat all inds of stuff as long as it fits my macros.
  • karli2121
    karli2121 Posts: 12
    True, there are many other things I can eat besides salad!! Guess I just figured salad was healthiest Abd easiest I'd eat that 3xs a day...
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    I've lost 28 pounds since I started this site April 25th and I've eaten major major no no foods.

    Just keep your portions reasonable and work hard at the gym.

    Yup yup.

    All in moderation dear. Going to therapy and seeing a dietician; they both say the same thing. Eat what you want to enjoy but controlling your portions is what matters most. Problem with giving up food is majority of the time the body will just relapse and you will binge.

    We want long term success not short term achievement :)
  • JenRobistow
    JenRobistow Posts: 26 Member
    I too crave pizza and all things bad but mostly cheese...I love cheese! My husband and I tried this recipe for cauliflower pizza and it was really good. It wasn't the same as pizza hut obviously but it cut down on our pizza cravings considerably. The original recipe called for a ton of cheese so was high in calories but we cut the cheese down to only 1/4 cup in the crust and 1/4 cup on top. We also only put veggies on it, no meat. With those changes we got it down to under 500 calories for the whole pizza.
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    The best advise *I* got when I started on here was to eat what I wanted. The key was to eat within reason and within my calories. If you want pizza, see if you can find a place that will sell you just a slice, instead of a whole one. In this case, you can have your cake and eat it, too :P Throw in a work out once in a while, just don't go to hard. In both cases, the key is moderation.