does anyone have an obsession with weighing themselves every



  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    I weigh everyday too. I use to freak out, but now that i am on my last and final 7lbs I do not worry as much about it. I just hate when I let myself get back in the 150's. That is why I weigh daily. I need to know that what I am eating isn't going to ruin all my hard work.
  • I try not too but everytime I go to the gym I have to weigh before and after my workout! LOL I need to stop because then I get depressed if I haven't lost a pound!
  • oh god yeah im terrible i weigh in every morning,then i jump on in the afternoon..and before bed so YES i am obsessed!! LOL...the only way i dont is putting them up in the loft but then i just get the ladder down and get them out!!!! ;-)
  • i have that obsession and working in a hospital makes it 10 times easier i can weigh myself in 20 different places nly thing is they all read different so when i started this i bought a scale and im only going to weigh myself on that lol20 times a day
    good luck take care
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I used to weigh weekly but it was driving me crazy when my weight fluctuate or didnt move at all. Then I get depressed, lose focus and mess up everything. So now I just commit to weighing once a month. I stay on track all month and the scale reflects it and I have peace of mind.

  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I used to be very good at weighing myself only once a week, but lately it's been every day in the morning. I noticed this was a problem last week, so I'm definitely trying to cut back this week. Have only checked once! (I only ever log my weight on Saturdays though.) Next week, I'm going to get back into my good 'ole habit of once a week on Saturday.

    I also used to have this obsession with calculating my daily deficit and whatnot. I haven't done that all this week. I'm telling you, last week I started to realize it wasn't healthy.... mentally for me to be so obsessed; it stressed me out. I was calculating my daily deficits and cutting calories back to 990 somedays to get to a total of 7000. Ridiculous... :(
  • I weigh every morning! I guess you could say I'm obsessed. I just had lap-band surgery about a month ago so when I actually gained 4 lbs on the liquid diet/soft food diet phase (of no more than 600-800 calories a day!) I thought this is INSANE!! I had to chalk it up to the 'starvation mode' thing and just keep on doing what I was doing and following the Dr.'s portion control system and I'm happy to say I've lost those 4 lbs in about a week. I was, in my opinion, clinically depressed every AM when I got on that dumb scale and had gained but I didn't give up (which is what I usually do).

    Just don't quit or mentally give up when you see the scale climb a little. If you're eating healthy and correct portions and exercising the weight will not stay and you will see the scale go down!! :)
  • browneyesbb89
    browneyesbb89 Posts: 141 Member
    I way myself on the days I work out which is three days a week. Occasionally if I am walking by I will weigh also. I think it helps keep me motivated doing it more than once a week.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Wow...I feel so much better now. I just weigh in the morning after the bathroom, stark naked of course.
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    I think I have an issue. I weight myself everytime I go to the bathroom. Whether it is 8pm or 4am!!

    I do the exact same thing!

    Hahah. Me, too. :)
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Oh yeah! I do weight myself sometimes twice a day too just to see how much my wt fluctuates. I weight myself before going to the doctor, with the same clothes and without shoes, and there is between 2 and 2 1/2 lb difference between both scales. I prefer mine becuase it registers a lower weight LOL!
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, I don't consider it an obsession, for me it's preventative maintenance. Daily fluctuations don't bother me, but when I see my weight slowly going up out of my "happy range" then I take immediate action (i.e. pay more attention to my diet) to get things back in check.
  • YUP !!!
  • Everyday pretty much everytime Im in the bathroom. I didnt realize so many people did the same thing!!! Makes me feel better! lol
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I do! Every morning and I'm not ashamed to say it either. It's a motivation thing for me. Every morning I see where I'm at and it just keeps me on track to where I want to be. I only log it once a week (unless I'm at sea).
  • When I am trying to watch my weight I do...
  • OH YES...I weigh myself twice a day. Once in the morning and again at night. That's how I keep...well try to keep myself on track.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I only missed one day in August. LOL but i'm not obsessive about it. I work with numbers for a living - specifically performance of reps and so I understand well the importance of using the daily weigh ins as a barometer so I can modify behaviours as they happen. I only record it on my "groups" here weekly. My weekly totals are always a pleasant surprise. As long as I'm trending down weekly, I'm happy and I think they do that because of the daily weigh ins.

    As my manager used to say, you can't fix what you can't measure.
  • MyYing
    MyYing Posts: 13 Member
    Yes...but then again all my siblings and I, including my mom, are doing a contest to see who can lose the most weight percentage by Christmas. The winner gets the pot in where every participant has put in a hundred bucks :).
  • Yes of course, I thought that was normal! :)
    (It's called looking for results)
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