Kinda New & Looking for Motivating Friends :)

andrewsa Posts: 5 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself

I joined MFP in August, but have just gotten around to using all the features. I lost 20 lbs before finding MFP, but am looking for something to keep me going!

I'm just a bit under 200 now, and am trying to get down to 150lbs. I'm eating about 1200-1300 cals a day, and trying to exercise 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes.

I'm looking to connect with some people to keep the motivation going :) Please add me as a friend if you are interested in joining me on my journey!


  • Go ahead and add me! I love to have plenty of friends needing and giving support and encouragement. I've only been here a couple weeks myself.

  • roddernation
    roddernation Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome!!! Come join the support and fun!!!
  • Hi, I'll join the journey! I just started 2 days ago.

    Kim, I'll add you too...
  • Hi there, just starting now. Good luck on your journey, look forward to sharing the Highs with you. Good luck
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    I'm new too and I need some motivating people as well I don't have anyone in my life encouraging me along my journey. I started at 315 pound and since June I have gotten down to 263 but still have alot of work to do I just started using this and I find that it really helps! I'm doing the south beach diet and exercising everyday for at least 30 mintues sometimes it's really hard because I have two little children but everytime I feel like I'm going to slip I just think about how much happier my kids and I will be when I have more energy and when I can take them places without feeling like everyone staring at my rolls!! Haha I'm really new to this and still figuring everything out!!! Good luck to everyone :)
  • lilscuder
    lilscuder Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, I would be happy to be your friend, and this is a great place to find support, and advice. I recently joined, so I'm happy to have new friends also. I think it's important, that know matter how busy one is, it's important to take that 1hr. a day for yourself. I go to Curves for woman, and walk Mon-Fri. You meet nice people, ang it's also a great way to unclog your mind while walking, while you know your doing something healthy and possitive for yourself. My neighbor told me about this website, and I plan to pass the word along. She's already lost 11 plus #s. Good Luck to you & just stay determined, because that's what it takes, along with changing the way we eat, for a healthier life style. It's a good feeling, to know your doing something possitive. I definately reward myself with my special food on the week-end. :smile: Mari
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    Hi there...I have sent you a friend request. I'm always looking to give and get some support. It's great to have company along the way!
  • losinit4me
    losinit4me Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, I am pretty new too with it only being 2 weeks since I started. Having friends is awesome when it comes to support and motivation. I would love to have more people to go on this journey with. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Hey there! I'm pretty new to this site too......although NOT new to trying to lose weight :( Feel free to add me as well! I think encouragement is what I've been lacking :)
  • Michael287
    Michael287 Posts: 17 Member
    Add me too! I've only been here a week...started out great, but relapsed a bit today. Traveling and staying on track is rough.
  • Hello All! I just started Monday and I am finding this site keeps me accountable for the food I eat and the exercise I know I need to keep up with! Would love to join in with friends and share in the support!
  • bmq98
    bmq98 Posts: 78
    hi, i'm sending you a friend request! LET'S DO THIS :happy:

    yours in the quest,
  • Hi and welcome to the forum! Good luck with your health/fitness goals!
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