Why is diet coke bad?

jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
So, I've seen sooooo many people say they've given up diet coke and it has helped their weight loss. Doesn't diet coke have zero calories? Why would not drinking it make a difference in weight loss? BTW, I don't drink diet coke. Just wondering if someone could enlighten me? :huh:


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So, I've seen sooooo many people say they've given up diet coke and it has helped their weight loss. Doesn't diet coke have zero calories? Why would not drinking it make a difference in weight loss? BTW, I don't drink diet coke. Just wondering if someone could enlighten me? :huh:

    It is not bad for weightloss nor health.
  • Muncc
    Muncc Posts: 2
    I have the same question about diet soda in general. I heard, and I quote "the diet sodas are just as bad for you as the regular ones"! I don't understand...as mentioned below, we are getting zero calories - isn't that better?!
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    IN before "zero calorie drinks make you fat"
  • Fat_Combat
    Fat_Combat Posts: 4 Member
    The problem is with the artificial sweeteners that they put in, whether its Aspartame, Sucralose or Saccharin. One of the safe sweetners they say is Stevia but again there are limited studies. Those sweeteners slows down your metabolism. I personally drink Coke Zero just because I like the taste of it, but again I drink maybe 1 can every other day.

  • The problem is with the artificial sweeteners that they put in, whether its Aspartame, Sucralose or Saccharin. One of the safe sweetners they say is Stevia but again there are limited studies. Those sweeteners slows down your metabolism. I personally drink Coke Zero just because I like the taste of it, but again I drink maybe 1 can every other day.


    Exactly, they are chemicals. Think of drinking house cleaner. It's not exactly the same but I'm just making a point.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The problem is with the artificial sweeteners that they put in, whether its Aspartame, Sucralose or Saccharin. One of the safe sweetners they say is Stevia but again there are limited studies. Those sweeteners slows down your metabolism. I personally drink Coke Zero just because I like the taste of it, but again I drink maybe 1 can every other day.


    Exactly, they are chemicals. Think of drinking house cleaner. It's not exactly the same but I'm just making a point.

    What do you eat and drink that is chemical free?
  • Bearbrat
    Bearbrat Posts: 230
    The problem is with the artificial sweeteners that they put in, whether its Aspartame, Sucralose or Saccharin. One of the safe sweetners they say is Stevia but again there are limited studies. Those sweeteners slows down your metabolism. I personally drink Coke Zero just because I like the taste of it, but again I drink maybe 1 can every other day.


    Exactly, they are chemicals. Think of drinking house cleaner. It's not exactly the same but I'm just making a point.

    What do you eat and drink that is chemical free?
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    What do you eat and drink that is chemical free?

    Mountain stream water! Then I get giardia :( Jokes. Some people say diet soda makes them crave other sugary things and the point about the metabolism but I can't see how cutting it out would impact weight loss that significantly.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Because Pepsi is better.
  • xfnty
    xfnty Posts: 2
    There has been an influx of what I would consider "biased" studies on Diet cola, where extreme quantities of soda are consumed by the participants (4+ liters/day) and they have pointed out the issues with teeth decay and overweight individuals. I don't believe that someone drinking this much soda represents the general population so it seems a bit unfair to draw conclusions from such a sample group.

    however, I understand there are two primary concerns which do have some merit, but neither are directly related to Diet Soda's being directly "Unhealthy" more of the effect the ingredients might have on your additional food intake:

    1) Artificial sweeteners stimulate the brain to believe sugar carbs are going to be entering the body, so it looks for these, when it isn't rewarded with a spike in glucose levels, it ends up craving more sugar "flavored" food. this can lead to overeating or binging on sweet things that are not "Sugar Free"

    2) Caffeine is still present in most of these Diet sodas, its currently believed by many that caffeine stimulates hunger in the body and therefore some decide to avoid it.

    Both aren't good enough reasons for me, I see mind over matter as a the better way to use diet sodas I know if my stomach and brain make me feel that I'm hungry but I know I just had lunch a while ago, its just a chemical reaction so I'll ignore it.
  • lj8576
    lj8576 Posts: 156
    Its not bad
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    I drank Diet Pepsi and then Diet Dr Pepper daily, and a lot of times a day. The ONLY reason that I've cut it out was because I had a lapband surgery and they don't like carbonation of ANY kind. I can, on my surgeon's advice, still use Mio or Crystal Light in my water if I so choose. I was starting to hear at least once a week about how I was at risk for any number of things, like MS and cancer. I will say this, if you google "apples are dangerous" there will be an article there about that. I do what is right for me.

    And - I miss Diet Dr Pepper very much - so would like it if someone would have one for me!!
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    When you're regulating caloric intake, it's a matter of taste. I think it's bad, because it tastes terrible to me.

    If you eat based on hunger, which is somewhat anathema to this site/app, it doesn't seem to help people control weight gain. It should, because it's dropping a lot of calories compared to regular soda, but people just seem to get those calories anyway.

    Like many "bad" things, it's not bad if you're not depending on your own body to regulate caloric intake.
  • Tessyloowhoo
    Tessyloowhoo Posts: 504
    Try polar seltzer instead... the ingredients are water and natural flavors plus they taste really effin good and come in every flavor imaginable
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    It isn't. That's why.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    On drop of diet coke and....


    Srsly....and you should see what happens when you drink a whole can...

    Actually, it really just tastes like cat piss (or what I think cat piss would taste like) so I steer clear and just have me some regular old sugary soda....which of course sugar.....


    'Cuz everyone knows that insulin fair is a real *****...especially when she strikes at night while you're sleeping...

  • MrsSenecal
    MrsSenecal Posts: 312 Member
    Because Pepsi is better.

  • chancock6
    chancock6 Posts: 87
    Apparently the artificial sweeteners make you crave food and prevent you from feeling full? So when you dump the diet soda, you don't eat as often, thus cutting your calories. I stopped drinking sugary drinks, and it really helped my weight. I just drink water and plain iced tea anymore. :)
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    The problem is with the artificial sweeteners that they put in, whether its Aspartame, Sucralose or Saccharin. One of the safe sweetners they say is Stevia but again there are limited studies. Those sweeteners slows down your metabolism. I personally drink Coke Zero just because I like the taste of it, but again I drink maybe 1 can every other day.


    Exactly, they are chemicals. Think of drinking house cleaner. It's not exactly the same but I'm just making a point.
    Everything you eat is chemicals. Water, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin A, they are all chemicals.
    Those sweeteners slows down your metabolism.
    If that's true, we need to send diet coke to starving people so they don't need as many calories to survive...:noway:
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Because it tastes like *kitten*.