The Weightloss -Health Challenges Group



  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Ok got in my hour bike ride and the rest of my water. I was thinking maybe a good challenge for others to start would be not eating after 7. I already do that and I know it's made a huge difference, just a suggestion for future "challenges" also maybe cutting something out of our diet that we know is bad for us :)
    I ended up changing the cardio part of my challenge to elliptical or walking, and not just walking, because I don't' want to wipe out again from not seeing, if I can only get to exercise at a late time.

    Deanna the cutting something out that is bad is good, I could give up coffee for a week and The eating before you fall asleep thing we could make broader to maybe be like don't eat a certain amount of hours before you fall asleep because people's schedules are all different and some might work/be up late or work 2nd or 3rd shift, but good idea.
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    Options would want to incorp a balanced liting routine hitting every major body group each week and depending on your goals, hitting arms another day in addition to your routine. Abs, you can hit several days a week. add some in with each routine. you want to make sure you have 2-3 days in between arm days if you are going to hit them twice a week.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    How is everyone doing so far? I found it a challenge today to fit in cardio, but made time for it. Also did my arms routine + some. Getting my water in and recording is going good so far, and staying under my calorie goal.
  • natagal
    natagal Posts: 3
    would love to join.
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Exercising is really hard for me at the moment. I leave the house at 8:30 AM - 9 hours work, then to the hospital to visit stepdad. I come home around 9:30 PM. And then I'm dead... and hungry. But when I have dinner at this time, I'm too lazy to do workouts after it. And my legs feel like made of stone.
    Still try to push it hard.

    Plan for the next week: 8 glasses of water each day, always under cal goal, a 45 mins cardio workout 5 times the week.

    I would like to add some strength workout. But thats a huge problem for me. I hate strength training ... seriously. It gets too boring too easily for me. Any suggestions for a fun workout would be highly appreciated.
    I also don't like the weekend. I don't eat enough these two days. Pjuuuuu, I'm a hopeless case. LOL
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Nata you can join we're in the midst of this week's challenge and you can join in on that if you'd like next weeks will be posted Next Wed Evening or so and we'll start it on Thursday.

    Galathea, the challenges were self-defined. If you opted out of the exercise part of the challenge that we set this week that's fine, that's your choice. None of us are going to beat you over the head with it lol. It's good you're picking it up next week and we can actually have that be a part of next weeks challenge because I think that will help everyone establish a more set routine, and I want to know how everyone's week 7 days went for them too.

    I know you are setting those goals for next week, Just make sure they're obtainable for you, so you do not get discouraged. If you have that much time to dedicate then that's great.

    I'm not all that hot with the strength training either, when I went to the gym at least I had the guys with the nice arms to look at. Now no gym, but I started doing free weights again in my living room I do the Bill Phillips routine minus the leg workout and it's good, he doesn't have any videos though just his book. It's pretty quick too. If you have a library there see if they have it, It's called Body For Life. his website you can search it if you want has a lot of the transformation pics on it, I don't do his supplements though found that most of those end up making me not want to go to the bathroom and I like being regular with eating whole foods.

    and hope your step dad gets better soon Galathea
  • hsquared87
    For quick strength training I use a pilates video. Its one of the 10 minute solutions it's called slim and sculpt pilates and it breaks the workouts up into arms, abs, lower body and total body. This video uses the resistance bands and even 10 minutes is a really good workout.

    This video is challenging and you can work one section a day and still feel like you did something.

    I hope this helps

    ps all the 10 minute solution videos are good when your pressed for time but still want to get some kind of work out in.
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Ok got in my hour bike ride and the rest of my water. I was thinking maybe a good challenge for others to start would be not eating after 7. I already do that and I know it's made a huge difference, just a suggestion for future "challenges" also maybe cutting something out of our diet that we know is bad for us :)
    I ended up changing the cardio part of my challenge to elliptical or walking, and not just walking, because I don't' want to wipe out again from not seeing, if I can only get to exercise at a late time.

    Deanna the cutting something out that is bad is good, I could give up coffee for a week and The eating before you fall asleep thing we could make broader to maybe be like don't eat a certain amount of hours before you fall asleep because people's schedules are all different and some might work/be up late or work 2nd or 3rd shift, but good idea.

    Ok well I recently read an artical on speeding up your metabolism and one of the paragraphs was about eating no closer to bed time then 2hrs before. Maybe a good challenge for this week?

    I have already drank 4glasses of water and gone for my morning walk with my youngest. This afternoon (I too have changed up my workout) Instead of 2.5mile run today I will be doing a 1mile run as fast as I can and then the last 1.5 using the HIIT method, which I love. Followed by ab's and this week I'm back to working on arms (I focus on a different spot each week 3 days a week, do my ab's everyday and either running/ or shred everyother day with at the least one walk a day, but sometimes 2)

    Good luck everyone this week. Any changes to the challenges?
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member

    Good luck everyone this week. Any changes to the challenges?
    Let you know on Wednesday :) and probably something added to it. Thank you for the idea too.
    The challenge for last week didn't start on a Monday so figured we'd just keep with the same schedule Thursday start date. Hope that works for you.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    For quick strength training I use a pilates video. Its one of the 10 minute solutions it's called slim and sculpt pilates and it breaks the workouts up into arms, abs, lower body and total body. This video uses the resistance bands and even 10 minutes is a really good workout.

    This video is challenging and you can work one section a day and still feel like you did something.

    I hope this helps

    ps all the 10 minute solution videos are good when your pressed for time but still want to get some kind of work out in.
    I'll check them out in a couple of weeks or see if there's a preview for them on the net somewhere, I know that I have a new yoga dvd that I just got in today that I plan on using tonight to see how it goes.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Hi Everyone, Let us know how you did with the challenges from last week please. If you met them, if you didn't, If there's anything you'd like added in the future.

    I am posting this week's challenges on Tues instead of Wednesday because Lissa and I got them all sorted out. I also did some research on one of them #5.

    Challenges Start on Thursday. Week 3 Challenges. (6 Challenges)

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    2. Stay Within our Calorie Goal Range
    3. Record EVERYTHING we eat/snack/drink for One Week.
    4. Make an exercise goal and stick with it for One week. (self defined - not group defined)
    5. Stop food intake 2-3 hours before bed time Notes Following: (NOT if you're diabetic NOT if you're hypoglycemic NOT if you're borderline diabetic NOT if you're borderline hypoglycemic, NOT if you wake up in the morning feeling jittery or faint from not eating - NOT if you haven't hit the 1200 minimum calories a day NEEDED so you do not hit starvation mode-if you are ANY of these things you are left out of this part of the challenge because you need healthy blood sugar and that comes before challenges. The goal for this group is good nutrition and health NOT self-harm or unhealthy habits.- Just use common sense.)
    I did some research and it's all over, Some research says that it's a good thing because your metabolism speeds up if you do not eat a certain amount of hours before bed, and your body has a chance to regenerate and not be focusing on digesting food, other research said that it doesn't make a difference. So the choice on this challenge is really yours.

    6. Find at least one new healthy food to eat this week (or revisit an old one you haven't in awhile.) OR find a new recipe & try it, (feel free to share it) and incorporate that into a meal this week. or both choice is up to the member. You can do this daily or just once, it's your choice.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    So far I hit everything on the goals for last week, but have until Thursday, finding that the free weight arm exercises I set myself are going okay, can do a lot more bicep curls than I originally thought I could and will be upping the weight I do it with tonight was doing 5lb only going to 10lb tonight. Also did two different triceps strength training to help with the jiggle of my arms, Also added others but am doing at least those three consistently, Got my cardio in so far, HATED doing it this weekend, was a pain in the butt but I at least got the minimum in even if I grumbled prior to doing it.

    Stayed within my goal calorie range and didn't go over, recorded everything drank all the water...Reminder try to drink it during the day because the 3 am wake up gotta pee calls are really messing with my sleep. Hope you all are doing well with it.

    oh and happy about the adding a recipe/healthy food one for this coming week because my meal choices have been pretty bland lately.
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Hm, I'm not a good cook. Well, actually I am, but what I cook tends to be not really healthy. LOL So this recipe thing will be a challenge for me.
    Uhm, are we allowed to ask family members for help? I bet my stepsister knows a good german recipe you all would like. Heehee.
    Last week goals I hit, although I had a little downfalll over the weekend. But I stayed under my cals.
    I like this week's challenge.
    Btw, do we have an official weigh in day here or can I just post my weight (and hopefully the loss) whenever my day is (usually Friday)?

    Oh, and thanks for the advices for the weight training. I will take a look into it. I really have to start dooing something about it.
  • hsquared87
    WOW! Everyone I'm a little disappointed in how I did this week. I was so sure I was gonna be a rock star doing these challenges. I only managed to drink the 8 glasses of water only 3 or 4 times this week. I did manage to stay within all my points everyday except 1. The exercise thing I will continue to try and work at. I did start the one hundred push up challenge and the 200 sit up challenge and I have kept at it. I feel a difference in my ability to do both!!!

    I'm gonna keep trying and making these things healthy habits!

    I know I will do better this next week!.

    I hope everyone had a great week. Good luck this coming week!!
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Galathea, you can get them from where-ever you need, I plan on using the web. and post the recipe! it'd be interesting & fun to try an official german recipe as long as the ingredients are spelled out in english so I can understand what they are.

    You can post your weight whenever you want IF you want it's not necessary. But if you're proud and want to share that's great. :)
    Not sure what you meant about weight training, I just know that muscle mass is smaller than fat and that muscle mass helps to burn more calories even at resting.

    Hsquared Good that you're getting back on the horse with the water thing, your insides will love you for it, and we're building healthy habits that's part of the reason the challenges are getting repeated, that and you'll get there,You will do it. That being said I'm down 4 waters today, because of an insane afternoon that I didn't get even near water for 6 hours after. But I'll be sucking them down tonight and having my mid-sleep wake up and stumble to the bathroom jig going on tonight.
  • hsquared87
    heres a meal i made yesterday and it was very healthy and very good.

    I took a packet of the lawerys chimichurri burrito cassarole seasoning and healhafied the recipe that is on the back, and it still made 5 servings

    heres what you need

    4oz tomato sause
    8 oz lean ground beef
    1/2 can black beans
    1/2 can of corn
    5 la tortilla smart and delisous tortilla the 50 calorie small ones
    3/4 cup 2% shredded mexican cheese

    brown 8 oz of lean beef once browned add half a can of black beans and half a can of corn: set aside

    add 3/4 water 40z tomato sause and half of the chimichurri burrito cassarole seasoning: mix well

    cover beef /bean/corn mixture with half of the sause

    fill 5 smart and delisous small (50 cal one) tortillas with 1/2 cup of beef mixture put in a greased 13 by 9 by 9 pan with seam side down.

    once all 5 burritos are in the pan cover with the rest of the sause mixture and top with 3/4 cup of cheese

    let this cook for 15 mins or untill hot all the way through.

    makes 5 servings : 1 burrito is a serving and comes in at 241 calores 9 grams of fat and 10 grams of fiber.

  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Hi Everyone, due to my schedule changes school/work kicking my hiney I asked Lissa if we could repeat last week challenges. So that's what we're doing this week. Plus I need more recipes to incorporate and Glad you're having fun with it Hsquared :)

    I hope everyone is doing well. Feel free to fill us in if you are or are not. Also if you'd like to suggest a challenge for next week, post it!

    Challenges Start on Thursday. Week 4 Challenges. (6 Challenges)

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    2. Stay Within our Calorie Goal Range
    3. Record EVERYTHING we eat/snack/drink for One Week.
    4. Make an exercise goal and stick with it for One week. (self defined - not group defined)
    5. Stop food intake 2-3 hours before bed time Notes Following: (NOT if you're diabetic NOT if you're hypoglycemic NOT if you're borderline diabetic NOT if you're borderline hypoglycemic, NOT if you wake up in the morning feeling jittery or faint from not eating - NOT if you haven't hit the 1200 minimum calories a day NEEDED so you do not hit starvation mode-if you are ANY of these things you are left out of this part of the challenge because you need healthy blood sugar and that comes before challenges. The goal for this group is good nutrition and health NOT self-harm or unhealthy habits.- Just use common sense.)
    I did some research and it's all over, Some research says that it's a good thing because your metabolism speeds up if you do not eat a certain amount of hours before bed, and your body has a chance to regenerate and not be focusing on digesting food, other research said that it doesn't make a difference. So the choice on this challenge is really yours.

    6. Find at least one new healthy food to eat this week (or revisit an old one you haven't in awhile.) OR find a new recipe & try it, (feel free to share it) and incorporate that into a meal this week. or both choice is up to the member. You can do this daily or just once, it's your choice.