LADIES - pms topic

So Ive started my journey of weight loss, and I've ran into my first hurdle. I woke up this morning with symptoms of pms, and I'm trying really hard to stay on track. I get very irritable and fatigued and bloated and it makes me want to reach for chocolate and junk. I know its part of a lifelong habit also. I've been reading readingthe motivational and support forums and that helps a little. I'm sure if I can become less irritable I could have a better chance at staying away from the junk.

Are there any tricks or tips you guys use?


  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    Don't deny yourself chocolate- dark chocolate with a high cocoa content (no less than 70%) is the best way to get your chocolate fix as it tends to be lower in calories, as well as higher in mood-lifting chemicals and iron. :)

    A few squares of it melted over fruit (mangoes and strawberries go well) make a not-too-unhealthy snack or dessert. x
  • kkdelduca
    kkdelduca Posts: 73
    That sounds great, I think I'll try that for dessert. I've got to fit my exercise in first. If I can find my motivation lol. Thanks !
  • Chokis
    Chokis Posts: 131
    If you're making lifelong changes, then you should not make excuses (PMS, pregnancy, 1 kid, 2 kids, 3 kids, blah blah blah), it's all excuses, that's how people get into this evil circle of bad habits.

    If you have cravings, it's all in your head. The best thing to do is to NOT have temptations at home, so don't buy chocolate or chips, or cookies, ice-cream, whatever you crave the most. Find things that are healthier that will satisfy you (almonds, protein bar with low sugar, etc).
  • Celebi03
    Celebi03 Posts: 310 Member
    well, I honestly think it's OK to have some chocolate, in moderation of course. If you can't control yourself, then don't have it. Best of luck. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jennafer32
    jennafer32 Posts: 40 Member
    I would always blow it when it was that time and have to lose what I gained during that week, which was an endless cycle!

    This month I tried freezing chunky peanut butter mixed with cocoa powder (just a little bit goes a long way) and put them in those rubber looking ice trays. I'd grab one with a diet soda and I was statisfied. As for salty that was hard because I am doing a low carb diet so I would just eat a lot of chicken or steak with season salt or jerky. It worked! I didn't gain anything, actually lost.
  • SRB8710
    SRB8710 Posts: 90
    I find when I am starting to have cravings, I work out and whatever calories I burn I use towards something yummy that I am craving. That way I still stay on track and I push myself harder in my workout. :)
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    I have the appetite of a monster during pms and all I want is JUNK.

    So...I work out more. I freeze chocolate and have one or two when I want some. Denying myself completely never works long-term for me. I might go over a little, but in the end my sanity is worth not losing a pound that week. But that's just me.
  • I know what you mean I just cheated. I feel guilty. I have problems with self control. The PMS thing is no joke. Working out is hard for me to do when that time of the month comes around, but I push forward. I work out five to six days a week for an hour, because I'm committed to losing this weight. This is been going on for a month now. Just keep your head up. I read everybody's post and it gives me inspiration.:bigsmile:
  • Hunnib23
    Hunnib23 Posts: 61 Member
    I do the trick with the peanut butter and cocoa powder too. It's all about moderation. I do great until a week before my period. Then not only do I have cravings, I feel like I am STARVING.

    I am learning healthier alternatives. instead of eating a tub of ben and jerry's, I freeze some bananas, then blend them with some cocoa powder and peanut butter until it's thick creamy and it tastes pretty close to ice cream. Or I opt for sorbet with a couple of dark chocolate chips. This pretty much works for my chocolate cravings to. But if I want candy, I try for dark chocolate with fruit.
    A chocolate graham cracker with a little bit of whipped cream is yummy

    I crave chips too. I was trying to do veggie chips instead until I read an article that they actually aren't any better than chips. lol

    I feel like I get crankier if I try to deny cravings altogether, but it is possible to satisfy them without destroying the rest of your months hard work.

    And even though I have some healthy ideas. Some people may think it is all mental, and some of it may be true. I think it's like if you try to avoid eating, you end up binging. If you deny a craving, you may wind up binging as well.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    I believe that its okay to eat the foods that we like, but in moderation. Have a bit of oh lets say chocolate (or whatever the "craving"), then have water and a bit of a walk or something else. The part that I've always hated the most is the water gain...even though I know its just that, I sometimes wonder if it will ever come off. LOL Silly really, because it always does.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Personally, I become ravenously hungry the first 2 days of my period. While I used to just go right ahead and eat and eat and eat, now I am trying to be more conscientious of what types of foods I choose. I don't think you have to be 100% with carrying on as if it were just any other regular day, I think there is some validity to indulging yourself in some extra calories...whether it's for energy or taste or mental health. I think it's just important to not go overboard and to think it through before just stuffing your face. Also, if you know it's on its way, you might try staying a bit more under your calorie goal the days leading up to it, so then you'll sort of balance out in the end.

    As far as chocolate...if you want it, have some. There are chemical compounds found in dark chocolate that do play a part in your feeling of well-being. But again, be mindful of your choices. One or two ounces of a quality dark chocolate is not the same thing as an entire one-pound bag of Hershey Kisses.

    My own issue is that I crave salt. Here I am, already retaining water from the natural course of how things work at that time, and then I crave salt which will make me retain even MORE water. It's all a big cosmic joke.
  • kkdelduca
    kkdelduca Posts: 73
    I find when I am starting to have cravings, I work out and whatever calories I burn I use towards something yummy that I am craving. That way I still stay on track and I push myself harder in my workout. :)

    Thos sounds like what I'm going to try. Along with a healthy alternative. I'm going to try strawberries and a little sugar free free chocolate syrup. I do need to break the bad habit of using my irritability as an excuse to grab something unhealthy. Thanks everyone for the great advice.
  • kkdelduca
    kkdelduca Posts: 73
    I know what you mean I just cheated. I feel guilty. I have problems with self control. The PMS thing is no joke. Working out is hard for me to do when that time of the month comes around, but I push forward. I work out five to six days a week for an hour, because I'm committed to losing this weight. This is been going on for a month now. Just keep your head up. I read everybody's post and it gives me inspiration.:bigsmile:

    I agree with you. It's hard, but we just need to push forward. :)
  • kkdelduca
    kkdelduca Posts: 73
    I do the trick with the peanut butter and cocoa powder too. It's all about moderation. I do great until a week before my period. Then not only do I have cravings, I feel like I am STARVING.

    I am learning healthier alternatives. instead of eating a tub of ben and jerry's, I freeze some bananas, then blend them with some cocoa powder and peanut butter until it's thick creamy and it tastes pretty close to ice cream. Or I opt for sorbet with a couple of dark chocolate chips. This pretty much works for my chocolate cravings to. But if I want candy, I try for dark chocolate with fruit.
    A chocolate graham cracker with a little bit of whipped cream is yummy

    I crave chips too. I was trying to do veggie chips instead until I read an article that they actually aren't any better than chips. lol

    I feel like I get crankier if I try to deny cravings altogether, but it is possible to satisfy them without destroying the rest of your months hard work.

    And even though I have some healthy ideas. Some people may think it is all mental, and some of it may be true. I think it's like if you try to avoid eating, you end up binging. If you deny a craving, you may wind up binging as well.

    Those are great alternatives. I think I will definitely try the frozen banana idea some time. Thanks.
  • I had HORRIBLE pms and cycles, however when I worked in a warehouse and moved moved moved, The pain would subside, and the flow would lighten up...

    Hope that helps.

    Walking and swimming makes me feel better too.