How many calories is good?

On here it says I am supposed to be eating 1300 calories a day but I am like full and satisfied with generally 600-1000 on days. Is that OK? Will I still be able to lose weight?


  • dad2jandm
    I'm actually wondering the same thing. I'm a pretty hefty man and it says I'm suppose to consume 2590 calories a day and so far I've been ending the day with around 2000+ calories left after exercise!

    Best of luck on your weight loss!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    If you eat too little chances are your body is going to go into starvation mode, realistiically I dont see anyone being full on 600 cals in a day, your body needs at least 1200 to function and this webpage does a good job of telling you what you need to eat to lose weight and keep your body heathly, so I would recommend eating what the page suggests
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    what are you eating to be full on 600 cals a day? That isn't enough to get the nutrition you need. I have girlfriends who work out alot, whith AMAZING bodies that eat close to 2500 cals a day...if you are at all active i don't even see how you function that low, and if you only eat that much you probably don't have weight to lose!