Need support for weight loss...PLEASE!!

Today is my first day back in MyFitnessPal, and I know How important it is to have supportive and motivated weight loss buddies. So if you're as determined as I am, I hope that we can help each other out. I recently gained 25 pounds and im hoping to lose it soon. I didn't gain the weight overnight, nor will I lose it overnight. I know im more likely to meet my goal if I engage with others who are after the same thing, so will you be my buddy? (: Add Me


  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    Always looking to help and motivate others. I have a FB group also if you're committed.
  • Zenjaeie
    Zenjaeie Posts: 95
    You can add me! Support and motivation are the things that make weight loss happen!
  • one bit of oops doesn't mean its time to fall off the wagon! don't let a bad day...weekend...or week stop you from grabbing your bootstraps and going at it again.
  • maresy63
    maresy63 Posts: 3 Member
    I know how you feel! I last year I was comitted, lost 16 pounds, then gained back some, still on a journey to lose 25 more pounds!
    Every day is a new start. don't punish yourself for yesterday's mistakes, they don't count... just try and take it one day at a time. I am!
    last week was my first week back, challenged myself to 90 days of activity and eating healthy... I know you can do it.. I had to be honest with myself, re enter my measurements and weight, and start over... you can do it too!!