Frustrated by a major weight gain

Haven't weighed myself in a couple weeks. Did it today to find out I've put on 5 pounds in a little over two weeks. I know how it happened, but all I can say is I'm a little fed up living on greens and healthy food, working out 3-4 times a week (and we're not talking walks around the block, either), and having WAY too much to show for it.

I've been right around 300 pounds since my senior year of high school (I'm 32, now), and no amount of exercise or diet change seems to help that number. Hell, I don't even think sewing my mouth shut would help.

It's not all bad. The diet and exercise aren't all for nothing. My blood pressure's normal, my cholesterol's normal for the first time...well, ever...and overall I feel better physically. And I can do a 45-minute circuit workout AND run 1.5 miles in the same session. But every time I look down, I see the most unwelcome guest anyone can have.

So on paper, I'm healthier, but who am I kidding? I don't care who you are, 300 pounds is not a healthy weight for anyone. Unless you're over 7 feet tall, which I'm not.

So while I feel healthier and maybe look a little better than before, I can't shake the feeling that that f@#$ing scale gives me every time I step on it.

Thanks for listening (reading?).


  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Hey hang in there the weight will come off. I am a really slow loser myself so I get a little frustrated as well. In order to lose you might want to look at your diary. You may need to change up your routine meaning your eating habits and exercise habits.

    What is your calorie goal?
    Are you eating back your exercise calories?
    Are you able to increase your cardio activity for at least one day?

    In my personal experience, I have my goal at 1700 calories per day, I workout 5-6 times a week and find that if I DON'T eat back my exercise calories (most if not all of them) I DON"T lose. I think my workouts are to much and put me to high in a calorie deficit which causes my body to hang onto things.

    You might be different, but try changing things up a little and give your body a little shock.

    **edited to add that it helps to make yourself get on a scale at least once a week, hold yourself accountable.
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    Hang in there... and toss the scale for a bit.. concentrate on mixing up your workouts...I have to agree with you.. eating rabbit food and such made me nuts.. I have returned to a more normal diet with strong portion control and I am MUCH happier and still losing weight... I simply am not going to do this if I have to delete everything I love... but I CAN control the portions and calories...
    you can too :) and still enjoy food
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I don't consider 5 pounds in 2 weeks a major weight gain. 18 pounds in 3 months (like me) would be a major gain. :)

    Check what you're eating - make sure you're having more protein than fat or carbs, and watch your salt.

    I started at 376 in April 2011. I'm now at about 250, and it's still a struggle. Yes, I still feel like sewing my mouth shut.

    But it's not all for nothing. Stick with it. I'm now not the heaviest person in the office. I'm not the healthiest, but I'm doing better.

    Get some help too - it wouldn't hurt to see a therapist. I've been seeing mine for about 2 years, and he's had gastric bypass surgery and is at goal - so he really does "get" where I'm coming from.

    You can do this. If I can do it, you can do it. There's no magic to it. It's just hunkering down and doing it. Sometimes the scale is fickle. I'll gain 5 pounds 1 week, and then go and lose 6 pounds the next week. It's really wierd. You can't let what happens over a two week period get you down....even though it is really hard not to.

    We'll get through this!!
  • LiqueLique89
    LiqueLique89 Posts: 75 Member
    I understand your frustration...i started my journey about a year & a half ago (at my heaviest of 198lbs & i'm only 5''2"). I was doing great until march of this year (i had lost a little over 30lbs) & i just stopped with everything-no logging, not watching what i ate, not exercising....i felt like i gave up in myself. Now after gaining 11lbs in 3 1/2 months (5 of them coming from just the last week alone), i know i need to step it up & get back on track.

    I say screw the scale, do what you can to make a difference & use other ways of measuring progress. Together we can a get through this & become better versions of ourselves

    Feel free to add me as a friend & supporter :)
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Friend me! I'm here for the long haul. Life is up and down, so has been my weight.....gotta just keep chipping away at the old block! (By the way, 5 pounds isn't major....could be mostly water).
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    It sounds like maybe you've been too restrictive in your diet, making it hard to stick to?

    Try to hit your macros, eat back your exercise cals (75% or so, MFP overestimates burns), maybe set a less aggressive calorie goal, like 1-1.5 lbs a week, and don't worry about the rest (being clean, etc.). See if that's easier to stick with.

    If you do keep a small deficit, I would recommend using a food scale to weigh your food to make sure your logging is accurate. It's easy and doesn't dirty up extra dishes. Plus, it makes it simpler to see where there are issues, and takes a lot of the guess work out of whether your portion sizes are right.