
Antoria1 Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I joined the site about 4 days ago. Just want to say hello and best of luck to everyone on their weight loss journey. :smile:


  • Well, hello back at you. I wish you the best on your self-improvement/weight-loss journey. And welcome to here, wherever here actually is besides cyber-space. I've only been here a couple or few weeks myself.
    Best wishes always,
  • Hello, I'm a member here since 4 days ago. my goal is to gain weight. been skinny since i was a kid. Good luck to me!
  • hello, I joined yesterday, and loving this site, still mooching around and finding so much stuff!! love it! good luck...

    add me as a friend, coz I dont know anyone yet...:wink:
  • Well done for joining Antoria, I wish you all the best with your weight loss.
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