Disappointing myself over and over again

1234purple Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I officially decided to stick to some kind of food diary keeping program and started yesterday. It's just day 2 and I have already failed myself. I was home alone, got bored and binged. I have totally disappointed myself as I can't even commit to my own promises. I'm 61kg (not huge by any means) but I have a really unhealthy eating habit. If it weren't for all the exercise I do I would be a huge balloon. I've been doing this for most of my adult life (29 years old now) and I can't get a grip on it. I just want to be healthy and feel and look good. My goal is just to lose 2 kg but I can't even manage that. I really want to do this, especially more so now since my boyfriend has also started hitting the gym to get ready for the beach (it's almost summer in Australia).

Is anyone else in the same boat? How do you stop yourself from losing control? I do you stop the vicious binge eating cycle?


  • Hi, I can understand were you are coming from. I had the same problem when I first started. Everytime I was ready to start my diet, my cravings or lack of will power got the best of me. It doesn't help that I'm an emotional eater. I decided to do a 14 day cleanse to get my body used to dieting and started a food journal. I broke down on day 7 and gave into my cravings, I filled in my food journal, I couldn't believe I ate all that food. I felt so disappointed, but the next day I got back on track. Sometimes, we'll fail but tomorrow is always another day. I'm on day 11 of my cleanse and I've lost weight even after I binged.

    Good luck
  • Just try and imagine how you will feel after the binge (when you are about to do it) the binge then becomes pointless because you only get that high from eating what you shouldn't for a few minutes. You'll feel so proud the next day.

    If I want to binge it's usually on carbs so I have two or three pieces of weight watchers bread toasted. 150 calories and that is usually enough to stave off the cravings. Whatever you binge on see if there is a low cal version around, usually it's just the taste we crave not because we are actually hungry.

    And don't forget that the odd binge isn't awful, it can boost your metabolism and give your body what is needed. I have one day a week when I eat more than I usually do so that the other six days aren't too bad if I know I can have a 'binge day'
  • Thanks liaaki57 and morelivesthanone. Your replies are very helpful. It's good to know that you are not the only one out there battling these issues and there's always some one out there willing to help you.

    I'll enter all the food I ate today, grunt over the total calories I've consumed but then forget about it and start fresh again tomorrow.

    Thanks again.
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