Any other nursing students out there?

I am a 21 year old, full time nursing student, as well as a full time CNA. Throughout my college journey I have put on quite a bit of weight that I am hoping to shed through this process. It can be difficult finding the time to eat right and get out and exercise with such a crazy schedule! However, I want to be an example of health to my patients, not just some one preaching to them to eat right and work out. With that being said, I am committed to losing 40-50 pounds before I graduate nursing school. Any one in the same boat? or just looking for a friend or two to support them through their journey. Lets help each other out!


  • dreamer2452
    dreamer2452 Posts: 22 Member
    I am 24.I'm doing the pre-Reqs for the nursing program have 2 years to go(been in school for 3) I go to school part time bc I have to work. I work a retail job which helps pay the bills. I also live with my bf. all together it can make eating healthy and working out incredibly 194 right now but want my old pre school pre move in 130ish bod back cuz I feel the same way. I want to be an example of being healthy when I am a nurse
  • amybraddy22
    I am also a 22 year old nursing student. Currently working on my BSN and then want to go back for my master's. I will agree nursing school is difficult while trying to mantain a full-time work schedule on top of boyfriend, house, etc. My weight started slipping when I was in a mentally and physically abusive marriage. After finally getting out of that I began to lose the weight I had packed on over the couple of years. I am currently with an amazing man, learning to eat right, going to school, and focusing of being a happier me. My goal is to just get these last 15lbs of stubborn weight off, tone up my body, and maintain a healthier me!
  • AbbiBish
    AbbiBish Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm not a nursing student yet but I will be this September! Is it easy to put on weight as a nursing student? I'm currently trying to lose weight before I start my degree because I thought it would be hypocritical to be telling people they were unhealthy and needed to lose weight if I myself was overweight. I'm nearly half way there but don't want to put it all back on as soon as I start my degree :ohwell:
  • CRHarrigan
    CRHarrigan Posts: 15
    I am in the same boat!

    I am 24 and doing an LPN program, but it is way more intensive then I thought it was going to be! This is year 7 of post secondary education for me (have a B.Sc in Environmental Science and a diploma in Equine management) and the years of sitting and studying are finally catching up!

    I am super excited to start my last year in September! And just finished my one-on-one with a nurse in June, where I got to do lots of my skills (I think I am on my way to mastering IV insertion! After missing on my first three attempts!).
  • dlbohl79
    dlbohl79 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm currently a nursing student. I start my last year this fall. 2 more semesters to go for my RN. It is tough but the end result is worth it.
  • gIrlChip21
    gIrlChip21 Posts: 4 Member
    I guess you could say we're I am 21 as well, in nursing school full time, and working in a hopsital full time as a CNA (night shift). I can definately sympathize with you. I feel like I'm always tired and it's easier to say "oh ill work out later" and eat something easy but not so great for you. I've been really working hard this past month on creating a schedule I can work with now and when I return to school for my last semester in the fall. If your looking for encouragement or motivation feel free to add me :)
  • kirstyliveslife
    I'm 21, and not a nursing student anymore (Graduated November 2012), but am working full time at the moment, and have recently gone back to uni to start the long road to my masters!
    My work provides morning teas everyday, and soup and bread 3 times a week. There is always cheese and crackers in the tea room, right next to the chocolate biscuits. And don't even get me started on the food the medical reps bring in.
    There also seems to be any excuse to have a shared lunch - there was a massive lunch a couple of weeks ago because it was the shortest day of the year.. Haha.

    It's just so hard to say no to all the food that's around! I've gained a few kgs this year since I started working!
    I just want to get rid of the excess weight I'm carrying around, and not relying on scrubs to be 'forgiving' anymore!
  • meggyannpt
    meggyannpt Posts: 73 Member
    I'm not nursing, but I just finished grad school for physical therapy, so I feel your pain. I just graduated and I'm still trying to get myself back on track. Just think of how much better you'll feel if you can commit to a healthier lifestyle during such a stressful time!
  • kcummings330
    I have one more semester until I complete my nursing degree. I also work full time as a CNA and have two children, making the time to make healthy food and exercise is very difficult. I have gained 32lbs since I started and while on break this summer I am determined to lose 20 of those pounds and continue to lose even if it's a small amount through my last semester. The lack of time is definitely tough to work around but I think for me it's the stress that causes me to eat. Hopefully I can learn to combat stress with exercise instead of eating and make changes that will last me a lifetime. I don't think that weight gain and nursing school have to be synonymous, but it's good that you are going into it realizing that it is something to be aware of and work against. My weight kind of just snuck up on me.
  • RN514
    RN514 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I'm so sending you a friend request!

    I'm 22. I finished nursong school in December 2011, then took & passed boards. Now I'm a RN!! I gained about 45-50lbs during nursong school. I've lost 24 of that so far. I still have quite a bit to go!

    I know how hard it is...nursing school, clinicals, studying, stress eating, gets so overwhelming! Just know that if being a nurse is what you REALLY want to do, you can get through it!! Trust me, the end result is so rewarding. At least once a day I'm amazed by my patients and how deeply I care for them!

    Any other nursing students/students/nurses, feel free to add me too! :) GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE ;)
  • binnyblonde
    binnyblonde Posts: 10 Member
    Ugh! Nursing school! Sometimes I think " I actually wanted to sign up for this? " ...I have to keep reminding myself how bad I want it! Hopefully God willing I will graduate next May. Our fall semester starts up here in a couple of weeks. I was already heavier than I'd like when I started nursing school.... and with the added stress, stress... did I say stress??? I packed on more weight! With some changes in my kids schedules this year I should have more time to put aside for exercising. My weight has totally gotten out of control...I HAVE to lose this weight. :0)

    I want to look good walking across that stage! LOL!
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I'm starting classes to become a LPN in September. Please tell me its not all bad!
  • slpdprvd
    slpdprvd Posts: 1
    Start my ADN program in two weeks
  • beeskipp
    I'm 26 and I start RN school in sept. And I start my new job as a full time night shift patient care technician at a hospital. I lost 40 pounds before but gained it all back during pregnancy. And I haven't lost the baby weight yet. Its been a year and a half now and I'm ready to lose 35 lbs. Hopefully nursing school and working again will help me stay busy.

    I heard a lot of stories of weight gain in nursing students and night shift workers. I'm gonna be both so hopefully I make it work in my favor. I'm going to bring healthy food to class and snack on veggies n fruits and will be staying away from vending machines and fast food. Getting in exercise whenever I can.

    Pls add me too..I'm new here and I could use the support especially from my fellow nursing students and night shift workers.
  • Abloodphoenix
    Abloodphoenix Posts: 1 Member
    I am 29 and went from being a full time case manager/social worker to a nursing student and working full time for a hospital/university. I need to get healthy for myself since I only have a year left of school and I need to be healthy for it!
  • rcade21
    rcade21 Posts: 5
    I'm 24 and am in the last 2 semesters of my prerequisites before I can apply for the LPN-RN Transition Program and have been a nurse for 5 years. as an LPN, and for those of you wondering, it's not all that bad :) Though I do work nights for that reason.. being that the administration and powers that be, along with family, visitors, and lawyers don't show up in the middle of the night and there is usually enough time to take a breath and enjoy your time, and sometimes, if your workplace allows, to work on school work. I just left a 6pm-6am job for an 11-7 shift job and start my first night at a new job tonight (fingers crossed!) :drinker:

    I started out nursing school as a skinny minnie and when I got comfortable being a nurse and not working 1000 hours, I took my time and the weight piled on, lol. So no it's time to undo the damage of relationship/work weight and keep busy this semester! I hope to work my way up to a supervisory position one day.

    Keep your eye on the prize, ladies; nurse, upcoming nurse, or not! :wink:
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    bump for my daughter---a senior this year for BSN
  • Littlle1
    Littlle1 Posts: 11

    Just wanted to say- anyone can add me!

    I am starting my second year of nursing school (RN) in one week. I have three kids ages 7,5, and 3 and I work full-time as a medical records clerk and occasional CNA. I did work full-time as a CNA my first semester last year which was very hard on my family. I am thirty (eek!) and have a BS in geology.

    I had fifty lbs to lose and lost 20lbs before school started by walking and doing yoga. First semester I stopped exercising and gained almost all of it back. Then I started running- which actually helped with the stress level of school! I lost all of the weight I had gained and then some. And ran a half marathon the week after finals.

    I haven't been very dedicated this summer, had to take two months off of running, so I've stalled with my weight loss. (I joined mfp after I had already lost weight) But, I started doing C25k (starting week 6 on Tuesday). I am planning to keep running through the school year and doing the half again after graduation!
  • zurigarcia9
    I am 26 yrs old and I am in my 3rd sem of vn school, I will finish in aug! But... I have gained 15 lbs =( I cant seem to shed it off, any tips? ?

  • shipley2480
    shipley2480 Posts: 9 Member
    Just finished an accelerated BSN program (14 months of good times) just took and passed the NCLEX. I start my MSN in nursing informatics in the fall. I gained 50 lbs during the program but working towards shedding it. Feel free to add me. I'll also share any study guides that I have.
