What are your short term and long term goals?

I've been trying to lose weight for years, with some ups and downs, and it's time for me to get motivated again and set some new goals for myself.

Since I am up 20 lbs from my lowest weight last year, my first goal is 30 lbs in 3 months - just in time for my engagement photos.

My long term goal is to lose 80 lbs total,.. ideally before my wedding in October 2014. That gives me 15 months to lose 80 lbs, which is roughly 1.3 lbs per week (I think..)

I think this is doable! What do you think, and what are your short and long term goals for the next part of your journey?


  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    Your goal is definitely doable. I wish you the best in getting there.

    My short term goal. 4 pounds off before i go on vacation in two weeks. Come back with no more than 5 pounds more than I left with.

    Long term goal is the same as the day I started. 100 pounds off. I don't have a time frame in mind. I plan to stay with MFP calorie goals and see where they take me

    When I reach my goal I will reevaluate and plan my next step from there.
  • lysser
    lysser Posts: 15 Member
    That is definitely a realistic vacation goal - I always come back from vacation with a big weight gain. Vegas in February hit me with 6 lbs.. in 4 days!

    As for not having a time frame for your overall goal, that is probably the best way to go because you're focusing on the long haul and not a mad dash to a finish line.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    short term goal is 20# off by end of year. Long term goal is staying in shape and keeping up with exercise.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Good luck with your goal! It's very doable.

    My short term goal is to hit my goal weight by the end of this year (another 20-30lbs). Long term goal is to get better and faster at running. I have my first marathon in 6 weeks and look forward to many more after that!
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    Yup, I bet you can do it!

    I want to be under 200 lbs by the end of August (14lbs to go) because I'm going to start the actual feet to the pavement training for a 5K in August (right now I'm doing endurance and strength in the gym to spare the impact on my knees). I want to run that in under 30 minutes.
    Long term, I want to fit back into my wedding dress and avoid knee surgery.
  • kriskris92
    kriskris92 Posts: 190 Member
    Short term: Lose 10 pounds by September. Started at 160, aiming for 150, and I'm currently hovering around 157.

    Long term: Get to somewhere between 130-140...I'll decide when I get there! I'm more concerned with getting into shape and continuing to improve my fitness than I am with the number on the scale.