Not sure where to post this.... Moodiness?

micqs Posts: 186 Member
Hey you all. Wasn't sure where to post this or if its a legitimate question related to my diet/weight loss. I have been ectremely moody for like the past three months. I don't think it's menstruation related as mine occurred last week. Every thing is just pissing me off. I'm snapping at my fiancé for no apparent reason and being completely ugly to him when I do it. Afterwards I feel so freaking terrible. I am getting pissed off at myself for the littlest things. I wanted to know if this could be related to my food choices or my wishy washy exercise. I exercise periodically because I work with toddlers and any one who has or works with them know how exhausting it is. I just recently started running with the c25k program. I attend Zumba most Saturdays for 2 hours. I just want to get to the root cause. I before was just unhappy due to my weight but I have been losing so I don't really have an excuse. I just want to fix it because I feel like I'm potentially setting my marriage up for disaster. I don't want to keep being ugly with him. His patience will only go so far. Should i change the foods im eating? should I exercise more? Help me please :( I'm feeling awful with myself.


  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    This will probably be of no real help at all, but I've realised I get like this after exercising. Not always, but enough for it to be a pattern, and it's very unpleasant. It doesn't co-incide with the running, or any changes to your programme, does it?
  • Katkamm77
    Katkamm77 Posts: 108 Member
    Could you be stressed about your upcoming wedding? About losing the amount of weight you want to before the wedding? Even when we look forward to something with such happiness, there can be stress. I don't know if you've already done it but, I would sit my fiance down and tell him that you know you've been mean/snappy lately and tell him how sorry you are.
  • micqs
    micqs Posts: 186 Member
    This will probably be of no real help at all, but I've realised I get like this after exercising. Not always, but enough for it to be a pattern, and it's very unpleasant. It doesn't co-incide with the running, or any changes to your programme, does it?

    I don't see a pattern at all. It just all the time. I mean at work I'm fine but I get home and I'm just immediately in a bad mood. My fiancé isn't doing anything wrong. I just don't know.

    As for stressing about the wedding, I'm not sure. I mean its in 9 months. We've got most of it planned out already. We are planning it from afar as my fiancé was relocated on a work assignment and I went with him. But we have most of our vendors chosen. I start dress shopping in August. That might be it since I'm nervous about it. I have to go alone as I have no family or friends in the area.

    I alway apologize to him but make up some lame excuse as to why I did it because I don't honestly know the answer. I started my weightloss journey around the same time as this all started. That's why I wasn't sure if diet/exercise had anything to do with it. I've lost 15 pounds in three and a half months or so. I just feel I have no excuse for my behavior and moodiness so there has to be a scientific explanation. Lol
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    It might be... Maybe see your doctor since some vitamin deficiencies can affect your moods. It was for me when I had a Vitamin D deficiency.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I'm not an expert, but I'm leaning towards vitamin deficiency, too. I glanced at your diary, and overall I think it's really good. So any of the suggestions I'm making here are totally just, like, "ideas" that you might want to think about.

    Increase quality of food. You're doing a good job, and you should be proud of yourself. And no one is perfect, so this isn't a criticism. But when you cut your calories down to 1300/day, for some people it's REALLY important to ensure that every calorie is of the highest quality possible. I don't have a label for SlimFast and your flavored yogurt in front of me, but do they have a lot of preservatives and stuff? If you're restricting calories and vitamins you're also restricting enzymes and co-enzymes that are necessary to metabolize the crap that are used as additives in prepackaged foods. Normally, the benefits of flavored yogurt outweighs the crap they put in. But maybe you're restricting calories enough where you want to increase the quality of things like your yogurt to organic or homemade. Does that make sense?

    If you're not already taking it, take a multivitamin with minerals and maybe a fish oil pill. Again, prepackaged foods add things like B vitamins and D to them. But when you're restricting calories, we might accidentally miss some important minerals and lipids we need for our brain to function right.
  • star5785
    star5785 Posts: 140
    I feel for you b/c I get grumpy when I diet too. My husband used to tell me how mean I was so I stopped dieting because I don't want to hurt our relationship. Obviously that's not the answer, it's just that I haven't found a way to balance my moods and my diet.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I got like that too. I actually even got pulled aside and talked to at work about my attitude, which had never happened. And I spent a lot of time apologizing to my hubby for totally snapping at him when things had nothing to do with him.

    I took a short break. Kept logging, and didn't go crazy, but I just allowed myself to enjoy whatever suited my mood at that time. I did that for about a month and then when I went back to actual watching of what I was eating I upped my overall calories. It worked perfectly as a good mental reset for me. My mood regulated and I've felt better ever since. I think I was just eating too few calories for too long at that point and it was making me cranky.
  • rdianemu
    rdianemu Posts: 132 Member
    If you have relocated recently it might just be mild depression from the move. It took me six months to a year to get over moving from IN to TX. It was a move my husband and I wanted but it still was stressful and took longer to snap out of than I thought it would. If you are thinking a lot about your wedding and getting fit you might not realize you are also homesick.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Have you thought about therapy?
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    A few years ago I felt like crap but didn't know why - I was moody, irritable, cried easily, etc. I had a noticeable decrease in my physical abilities - I was doing an am bootcamp at the time and all of a sudden I couldn't keep up anymore and my knees were aching. I knew something was wrong but I had no clue what was going on.

    After 3 months of this I saw something on TV (Dr. Oz of all things) about hypothyroidism. As they ticked off they symptoms I was like "yes, I have that!" "and that!" "and that!"

    Went to my doctor, got my labs, eventually got on meds, felt better.

    TL;DR, go to your doctor and get a blood panel done. Your moodiness may be rooted in a physical condition rather than a mental one.
  • micqs
    micqs Posts: 186 Member
    When my insurance picks up in August I'm going to find a doctor just to check out the things you guys mentioned. Or like someone said I'm homesick. I haven't made many friends (just work friebds) due to the remote area. I just want to figure it out. Thank you guys for your ideas and suggestions.
  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    If you have relocated recently it might just be mild depression from the move. It took me six months to a year to get over moving from IN to TX. It was a move my husband and I wanted but it still was stressful and took longer to snap out of than I thought it would. If you are thinking a lot about your wedding and getting fit you might not realize you are also homesick.

    I agree with this. My boyfriend and I moved 400 miles across state a year ago, and I became the exact same way. Just being away from my friends and family was a huge downer. I know this is going to sound silly, but have you made any friends yet? I got to know some of the people from work and hanging out with them, it helped a lot. Now I just go through phases of moodiness (mostly just around that time of the month), but its much more bearable.

    Also, are you taking any birth control or have you recently switched? The pill I used to take in high school would make me really depressed all the time, then i switched and no more crazy mood swings!

    (Oops, didn't see your last comment. Try making some friends, like I said it helped me)
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I was going to suggest hypothyroidism. I will get cranky/moody and my dh will ask if I've had my medicine.

    I have noticed that I get very grouchy when I'm hungry. I need to be better with having a snack on hand and making sure I have enough protein.