healthier treats?

My fave thing to have if I want a 'treat'

banana icecream

slice a banana and freeze
once frozen blitz together with a couple of tablespoons of milk!

it's delicious and quick. ( and not too bad for you!!)

what do you guys have as a 'healther treat'?? I'm looking for some variety! :)


  • CarlHKF
    CarlHKF Posts: 42
    fruit cocktail consisting of pinapple, watermelon, banana, nectarine then some muller light yoghurt and sprinkle some cinnamon on the top
  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    A piping hot microwave apple if it's a cold day and microwave apple slices on a rack ($3 on eBay) to make apple chips for cool days :-) I love apples
  • emilyc_1987
    emilyc_1987 Posts: 62 Member
    oooh i love apples too!
    sounds like a great idea! thanks!
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    plain greek yogurt (Fage) with fruit spread and sometimes cocoa and cinnamon
  • I love hummus, and it's very healthy for you, I make mine at home. I don't have much of a sweet tooth so I prefer savory treats. Sometimes fruit and yogurt does it for me.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Lots of strawberries :love:
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    *fruit mixed with plain yogurt
    *rice cakes spread with low fat cream cheese/goat cheese and drizzled with date honey or sugar-free strawberry preserves (a friend of mine calls this "cheesecake":tongue: , i just think they're yummy to eat)