Artist/Photographers, let's see your works



  • inkmonster
    inkmonster Posts: 36
    the only peice i have as a digital photo lol :)
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    the only peice i have as a digital photo lol :)

  • Kassidi21
    Kassidi21 Posts: 267 Member
    I wouldn't call myself an artist, but i like to doodle =) same with photography =P

  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    Cape Town, One of my Most favourite cities in the world

  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    I don't know what to call my artwork. This is stuff I've done on the Polyvore website which is really for fashonistas making collections of shoes and outfits they like, I guess. I started playing with non-clothes pics and went from there. Basically you paste in pics, font, colors, frames, etc and arrange it. Most of the time pics end up being transparent which creates some neat effects. Some of my "pieces" have dozens of layers to them. It's fun to play around but sometimes it requires patience.




    Wow. They're really big. Sorry about that.
  • My 18 yr. old daughter is the artistic one in the family. She will be studying photography in college in a couple months. She has been a dancer for 9 yrs. so alot of her work features her dance friends as her models. I made a slideshow of some of her work over the last 3-4 yrs.
  • Kassidi21
    Kassidi21 Posts: 267 Member
    My 18 yr. old daughter is the artistic one in the family. She will be studying photography in college in a couple months. She has been a dancer for 9 yrs. so alot of her work features her dance friends as her models. I made a slideshow of some of her work over the last 3-4 yrs.

    Beautiful shots =)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm working on a portrait of my dearly departed Fergus today.

  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    None of these pictures feature glazed work- either pre fired or bisque fired



  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Sands of time...

    The sands of time have run out for most of this - Fob Watches - Italian Lira, Yugoslavian coins, Hourglasses - Even Books and Globes have their alternatives on t'Internet...

    And of course Eddie's seen better days, as has his Rose. And we could always throw away the pince-nez and get laser eye surgery.

    All we have to do is swap Keys for PIN numbers, and a pair of Dice for a randon number generator and we could throw this all away.

    Or maybe not!

    Delusions of Grandeur

    Still Life with Port and Walnuts

    Three's a Crowd
    (or, when is a Pear not a Pear - When it's a Gooseberry....)

    Either Way, it's a Small World...
  • @kassidi21: Thank you. She has found a passion that she really loves and hopes to make a career out of it one day:smile:
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    Sands of time...

    The sands of time have run out for most of this - Fob Watches - Italian Lira, Yugoslavian coins, Hourglasses - Even Books and Globes have their alternatives on t'Internet...

    And of course Eddie's seen better days, as has his Rose. And we could always throw away the pince-nez and get laser eye surgery.

    All we have to do is swap Keys for PIN numbers, and a pair of Dice for a randon number generator and we could throw this all away.

    Or maybe not!

    Delusions of Grandeur

    Still Life with Port and Walnuts

    Three's a Crowd
    (or, when is a Pear not a Pear - When it's a Gooseberry....)

    Either Way, it's a Small World...

    A very interesting and modern approach to still life. Love it!!
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    My 18 yr. old daughter is the artistic one in the family. She will be studying photography in college in a couple months. She has been a dancer for 9 yrs. so alot of her work features her dance friends as her models. I made a slideshow of some of her work over the last 3-4 yrs.

    I'm sorry pinkgurl29, I tried to view the video, but my youtube keeps crashing!! But even those first 4 minutes or so of the video I am able to see are awesome!! I can tell your daughter's very talented.
  • My 18 yr. old daughter is the artistic one in the family. She will be studying photography in college in a couple months. She has been a dancer for 9 yrs. so alot of her work features her dance friends as her models. I made a slideshow of some of her work over the last 3-4 yrs.

    I'm sorry pinkgurl29, I tried to view the video, but my youtube keeps crashing!! But even those first 4 minutes or so of the video I am able to see are awesome!! I can tell your daughter's very talented.

    Thank you, and to think she started taking random photos of her friends on a little cell phone. Some of the photos in the slideshow are taken with a cell and the others are with a Canon Rebel she got for Xmas.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    Reminiscent of vanitas, love it! Excellent work
    Sands of time...

    The sands of time have run out for most of this - Fob Watches - Italian Lira, Yugoslavian coins, Hourglasses - Even Books and Globes have their alternatives on t'Internet...

    And of course Eddie's seen better days, as has his Rose. And we could always throw away the pince-nez and get laser eye surgery.

    All we have to do is swap Keys for PIN numbers, and a pair of Dice for a randon number generator and we could throw this all away.

    Or maybe not!

    Delusions of Grandeur

    Still Life with Port and Walnuts

    Three's a Crowd
    (or, when is a Pear not a Pear - When it's a Gooseberry....)

    Either Way, it's a Small World...