Looking for more MFP friends!

My first week in and I am loving all the MFP friends I have so far. I am interested in finding more ladies who may either be in the same situation and weight as I am (5'5" and 177 lbs, wanting to lose about 40 lbs), who have had experience in losing weight, and just any friends in general!! I'm not that knowledgeable in things yet (still working out how much to eat, what exercises to do, I have yet to lose :(...) but I will always do my best to help motivate because nobody should feel down on themselves and should feel good about every little accomplishment they make!


  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    always willing to lend any advice from what I learned.
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    I'm a tad bigger .. 5'7ish @180 right now w/45 to lose.
    You can add me. :)
  • bdahlia13
    bdahlia13 Posts: 26
    Added, thanks!!
  • Zenjaeie
    Zenjaeie Posts: 95
    Hey! You can add me! I need some support, too :) Our weight loss goals aren't quite the same, but motivation is motivation!
  • lfig720
    lfig720 Posts: 3
    I'm just learning about eating and being healthy myself. I never had to pay attention to what I ate before...until I had two kids that is! I was at 185...went down to 158 and just got stuck at that place for a while now...and looking to go to 130. This app really helps, and it helps having people going through it too! Feel free to add me! :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • DarthMom280
    DarthMom280 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! I'm new to MFP. We sound like we're in the same boat. I'm 5'5 and 178 lbs. I successfully lost 35 pounds in 8 months about 2 years ago, fell off the wagon, and put it all back on. This time around, I won't be making the same mistake. Add me if you like!
  • Project9
    Project9 Posts: 135
    Well, I put in a request. I'm just getting started. Good luck!
  • SunsetAvn
    SunsetAvn Posts: 8

    I'm 5'6' and currently 151lbs. At my heaviest I was 185lbs and was able to get down to 148lbs. Then I went on a cruise and didn't stay as active as I would have like and gained some weight back. Then I further fell off the wagon and hit 165lbs. I'm back on track and I'm still working my way to my ultimate goal of 135lbs. Hang in there it takes a little while to see any changes. Good luck to you! You can add me if you would like.
  • I'm 5'6", CW 205, I wanna get to 135#, I started at 236# in march. Feel free to add me ????
  • nmfsc
    nmfsc Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there. I'm just getting started again and would enjoy the support. I'm 5'4, 191lbs. My goal is 155lb first and then go from there. Please feel free to add me.
  • Mamabearto5
    Mamabearto5 Posts: 17 Member
    HI there, ya'll can add me too. Our stats are different but we can still help each other :)

    I am 5'2"... my high was 203 and I am currently 175... working my way down to my first goal of 160... ultimate goal is 135.

    4 pregnancies has gotten me where I was and I am ready for a change... once and for all!
  • cdn_girl
    cdn_girl Posts: 12
    I'm also a newbie looking for MFP friends, anyone can add me!
  • I'm new here as well adjusting to logging food and learning new things here. Feel free to add!
  • quietmama
    quietmama Posts: 24
    Hi there, Im not new but kinda starting again. I could use more friends. I lost 38lbs then gained back about 5 lbs. Trying to get back on track. :smile:
  • sav3175
    sav3175 Posts: 47
    HI I'm Savannah I only have less then 20lbs to go but ive lost 90 so far so if anyone wants to add me I'm open to helping and providing motivation and support