


  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member

    P.S. There is a thread in the success stories section with all kinds of people that are doing this particular diet.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Why dont you just eat right and exercise?
  • dougsheldon
    Why dont you just eat right and exercise?

    The best advice anybody could ever receive.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Why dont you just eat right and exercise?

    amen! :)

    I'm going to give my opinion, and thats what it is, an OPINION! I think you're lazy and taking the easy way out if you try this "fad" diet. Try counting your calories first, you just joined MFP---give it a month of strict calorie counting and see where that gets you. You just might be surprised at your intake. Then the next month add in some exercise (if you aren't already exercising) You might even be more surprised at what you can do without any help from some terrible diet!
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    There are so many benefits to tackling your weight loss the "old fashioned" way. Im not going to voice my personal opinion on the HCG diet because that topic always gets heated and im not in the mood for it today...BUT, by simply eating right and exersizing and leading a more healthy lifestyle you are helping yourself in SO many are learning new healthy eatting habits, you are improving your health, weight, moods, skin, hair and the list can go on and on by working out and drinking plenty of water daily and eating foods that are not processed and are good for your body!
    The progress will be slower this way, but you WILL see progress and if you stick with it you WILL reach your goal and you will feel good about all the hard work you put into yourself to get there!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member

    :laugh: :laugh:

    Want some? :bigsmile:
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    LMAO, I'm new to this site this as of this week and even I know that this diet is a hot topic. LOLOL!
  • ks11811
    My friend from church did the HCG drops "diet" and did lose 30 lbs in a month. My friend has somewhat maintained it by going on and off the diet. I will say she she did not exercise. But there is more to it than the drops. You have to follow a regimine of taking like 6-8 drops every 2 hrs, and take them 30 minutes prior to eating. Also, you'll be restricted to a 500 calorie diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, high fiber, no sugar or refined white foods. Of course anyone will lose weight fast if restricted to a 500 calorie, no sugar, lean protein diet, etc.. Drink lots of water too! The drops are suppossed to make you "feel less hungry". After being on the diet for 23-28 days, you are supposed to get off of it for a few weeks. I think it so your body doesn't build an immunity to it and it stops working for you. They say the hormone is supposed to speed up your metabolism so it burns fat faster. I'm still on the fence about this "magic bullet" diet. So is it the drops or is it the calorie and food restriction part that works??? If your body is starving itself, it will use up your fat reserves to have energy. I have a pharmicist friend that is not crazy about any diet supplement and major calorie restriction. Dropping weight fast is hard on the body and when it comes down to it it is about a life style change. Does it really teach you how to make right choices or is it just another dependant, money sucking ,diet regimine? I know it's not probably what you want to hear. I struggle with weight myself. I was able to lose 30 lbs in 3 months by walking 30-45 minutes everyday, eating less portions and making healthier choices(not restricting myself), drinking lots of water and documenting what I ate. It's all about being aware and exercising. Yuk, huh? It was slower but it worked, naturally. I love food too much, so If I feel restricted, I'm not likely to stick to a diet like that. Anyway, hope this helps in your thinking process and good luck in a decision that is right for you. Research it. Also, talk with your physician before starting something like this to see if it conflicts with any health issues you may have. :smile:
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    My concern with this is that, just like every fad diet I have tried in the past, is that these are quick TEMPORARY "fixes". We need to re-train our brains on HOW we eat, WHAT we eat, WHEN we eat and WHY we eat. We can take all the drugs in the world, have all the surgeries in the world and lose weight. BUT, without fixing ourselves (and by that I mean our minds) we are not going to become healthy. Sure there are exceptions but most people will resume their original way of eating because something caused us to gain weight and that is the part that needs to be fixed.... this is just my opinion.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    My concern with this is that, just like every fad diet I have tried in the past, is that these are quick TEMPORARY "fixes". We need to re-train our brains on HOW we eat, WHAT we eat, WHEN we eat and WHY we eat. We can take all the drugs in the world, have all the surgeries in the world and lose weight. BUT, without fixing ourselves (and by that I mean our minds) we are not going to become healthy. Sure there are exceptions but most people will resume their original way of eating because something caused us to gain weight and that is the part that needs to be fixed.... this is just my opinion.

    I totally agree!!!

    Just my opinion here - -

    I have been overweight my whole life and over 100 lbs overweight for last 10 probably...i have tried different diets my whole life cookie diet (yes, special cookies), veg soup diet, rx diet pills, otc diet pills, metoblife, atkins, and several other variations.

    THe best luck i have had ever had was finding MFP and now loosing 67 lbs, 60 of it since i joined MFP last October. COunting calories, eating right (not starving and still eating what i want occasionally), working out and I feel better than i have in a very very long time.

    The changes i am making in my life are life long..understanding that why we gained weight and the right ways to get it off and keep it off forever. I am not even 1/2 way done and i have a long way to go , still about 85 lbs..

    I would love for the fat to be gone and for me to be skinny, but i did that once took rx diet pills lost 40-50 lbs in 3 months, was skinny and loving it , then i gained it + 80 more lbs back.

    Everyone is different, i am not sure of what the HCG diet really is, but anything that restricts calories under 1200 doesn't seem legit and healthy to me.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I've made my opinion known on this..

    But basically, my objections are three-fold.

    A ) Forcing weight loss through pills, or shots or whatever does not retrain your habits and mind to enable you to keep the weight off. Most people got overweight by bad habits - overeating, underexercising, food choices. Taking drops or shots or milkshakes does not educate us so that we don't make the same mistakes again and again once the "diet" ends.


    B ) Anything at all that deprives your body of necessary nutrition is not healthy and not sustainable in the long run. I do not (nor does the World Health Organization) believe that 500 calories can possibly contain all of the nutrients which the human body requires in order to function. It doesn't matter how "clean" those calories are, the quantity simply isn't enough. Vitamin pills are not nutrition. According to a study published in the American Journal of CLinical Nutrition, HCG has no effect on weight loss or hunger levels (1). This double blind study showed 500 calories a day, with or without HCG, caused basically the same weight loss.


    C ) You are supposedly causing changes to your hormones (hunger hormone, satiation hormone, glucose processing hormone, and fat storage hormone) and sometimes, such results aren't pretty. Elevated levels of HCG during pregnancy correlate to pre-ecclampsia and gestational diabetes.(2) Are you sure putting this hormone into your body isn't going to cause problems in the future with your metabolism or reproductive system? Maybe it's safe....maybe NOT. Do you want to take that chance?


    In any case, please see your doctor for guidance rather than trying it unsupervised.
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Wow, I am going to actually keep this short for once. We just had this conversation yesterday and I am proud to see the same friends from my page spoke up again. Splendid job and I so agree in learning and retuning your mind so you have have a life style built around principles and sensible choices vs a quick fix that will end in devastation on 90 percent of the occasions.
  • vencellia
    vencellia Posts: 89 Member
    Please don't do this diet!! I lost over 151 pounds through exercising and eating healthy!!! My aunt almost died doing this diet it is not worth it!!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
  • adrianagrande

    I started doing the HCG (homeopathic drops) two weeks ago. I did well on the first week and lost 6 lbs. It works, I didn't feel hungry at all. My problem is my sugar craving. I realize I do crave sugar like an addict and I'm working on it. I noticed a lot of people's opinion but I have some friends here in my town how lost 114 lbs, 50, and 30 lbs on it and I couldn't not let this opportunity pass. I have hormonal problems that did influenced my weight gain and I need to lose 50 lbs. People will do what works for them, many people have different opinion about how to lose weight . for me, It is making me healthier, happier and I couldn't ask for more. If you want to buddy up, feel free to contact me! Good Luck on your efforts!

  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I kindly and respectfully suggest you choose another plan.

    MFP works!!! Give it a try and with patience, you will see the results that our veteran users have accomplished!

    that's just my 2cents.

    Countdown to thread lockdown.......10...9...8...
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    If you would like to communicate with people who are actually doing the HCG plan, and are happy to answer questions, here is a link to the current thread. It WAS located under success stories, but some of us on that thread suggested, and Mike, the operator of this website apparently agreed, so it was moved to the motivation area due to some disrespectful posts.

    Good luck to you, whatever you decide.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Countdown to thread lockdown.......10...9...8...
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: