Looking for motivational and supportive friends!



  • b0bbystewart
    b0bbystewart Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • bogle34
    bogle34 Posts: 107 Member
    Feel free to add me, I need all the motivation and need all encouragement of others - who are going through this journey!:smile:
  • Hello there,

    I am a mother of 4. I run track and field with my 12 year old. We run everyday except on Fridays. I just restarted this program after I

    tried with other family members and everyone quitted. I am very serious this time. Also which is recently I have started the insanity

    program. I have been faithful with it for the last two weeks. I wish you the best reaching your goal. Stay encourage you can do it.
  • JayVarys
    JayVarys Posts: 37
    I'm sure this time you'll reach those goals. Feel free to add me, I'm looking for future heathy/exercise friends
  • Oh how awesome! Congratulations on that as well :) Feel free to add me, I'll be happy to support you and help you with what I can :)