I wanna be a success story :)

TinaMae86 Posts: 12 Member
I need to lose about 40 lbs at least. I will decide once I get there if I want or need to lose more. I'm currently at 215 . I'm only a couple weeks in and I definitely could use the support of people who are on or have already made the weight loss journey.


  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    hi and welcome! I've been here 50 days (according to the MFP counter!) and it's really made a big change in my life. I hope to be a success story too! I KNOW i WILL be.

    so far, i'm setting mini goals and logging all the time, eating healthy, portion control, and exercise.
  • robertvss
    robertvss Posts: 7
    Add me up, I always check my MFP.
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    I so want to be a success story too
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    I'm also on my way to becoming a success story.
    Feel free to add me!
  • Hey..I am also on a journey to get healthy and be fit..I know your battle..you have made the first, most important step and that is you have acknowledged where you are at and that you are going to actively work at it...that is huge!! I know a lot of women that say
    they need to lose weight and still sit at home every nite eating m and ms...now that is self defeating...

    Being over 200lbs myself...I knew I had to set reasonable expectations for myself and to watch what I put in my mouth...I power walk every day for 45 min rain or shine...starting to run is insane at this weight and hard on your joints..but anyone can walk and
    you can increase the intensity of your walk by going faster and choosing more hills,,to go up...lol...add watching what goes in your
    mouth and you will really see results...I am not dieting..I have just committed myself to not eating any takeout...no processed foods..watching foods with hidden sugars..and ultimately I only eat foods that are real ...fruits, veggies, chicken, beef, fish, milk, eggs, cheese, yougart...I have a protein at every meal...and there are so many fruits and veggies that I mix them up and always have a new taste. Removing all the processed junk from my diet means all the food tastes better now.....i do endulge in some salad dressings lol...but you can make an olive oil and vinager dressing too...I am eating what I want ...I add known fat burning veggies to every meal...cucumber or leafy greens, peppers, sweet potato, tomato, portabello mushrooms....list goes on... many to choose from..all healthy food and all helping me to my goal..I start every day with water and lemon..and I drink a minimum of 2 lites of water a day....I have lost 4 inches off my waist...lost almost 10 lbs already...

    I never tell anyone my weight..i am currently over 200 lbs..it embarrasses me to be that heavy..but I am on my way down and this is possible...
  • I am right with you! Every time I try to lose weight or get active, I try the "all or nothing mentality." That may work for some people but this time, I am going to try baby steps and set reasonable expectations as well. We can do it this time! I hope to look back at this in 3 months, 6 months, a year and be able to say "look what we did" :)

    Good luck to everyone! Please feel free to add me as a friend as well, I know I need all the motivation I can get!
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    I know what you mean! I love reading those success stories. One thing I noticed here is that people celebrate along the way and don't confine success to the scale. I joined in May and have not yet acquired friends. I am ready for a little support too.
  • amoi1601
    amoi1601 Posts: 1
    Congratulations on taking the hardest step of all - starting and sticking with it. I remember feeling the same way when I started. I began using MFP on 6/1/12 at a weight of 331 and have lost 65 pounds as of this week. Just set small goals 2 lbs, 5 lbs, etc. there will be days where it is hard and the weight doesn't seem to be coming off or may even go up. But then you will suddenly see a change (pants fit better, energy level higher etc) and it is all worth it.

    Stay positive - you can do it!!
  • pkbone
    pkbone Posts: 5 Member
    I've been down this road before, so I'm trying to learn from past mistakes. Several years ago, I lost 50 lbs using mainly dietary changes. After about a year, I got so frustrated with only being able to eat 1200 calories to maintain my weight. I ended up going off the deep end and put on all my original weight plus 15 lbs. This time I am using healthy eating AND exercise. Those extra workout calories during the week mean I can have a treat every now and then without sabotaging myself. I have lost 14 lbs in about seven weeks, which was better than I had hoped for. (I have my fitness tracker set to try for 1.5/week.)

    I have an extra motivation this time because my workplace is going to penalize me $40/month in health insurance credits if I don't get my BMI down below 30. It is 40.5 right now. I need to lose about 62 more to get my BMI out of the "obese" range. Toward the end of the year, when I have my physical, I have to either be down to that lower BMI or else demonstrate to my doctor that I have a plan and am following it. So basically, if you are making an effort, they give you an extra year to get there.

    One word of warning though, the fitness tracker gives really high numbers for exercise. If I put in 30 minutes on the treadmill at 3 mph, fitness tracker shows over 400 calories expended. The treadmill readout says 100-130 depending on the incline. I try to look up my exercise numbers elsewhere and input them manually.
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    welcome to MFP! I too want to (finally) be a success story. 40 years of obesity has taken a toll on my joints and confidence. I'm tired of the vicious cycle of up and down every time I fall off my healthy life style "wagon". In the past the ups have always been larger than the downs.
    stay with it, be honest with yourself most of all (tracking) and get it done now while your young! you will not regret it!
  • shortie32
    shortie32 Posts: 8
    i want to be a success story too i have to lose some more weight i am 12st 2lb and i am 4ft 9 my goal weight is to get down to 10st once there i will set another goal. does any1 have any suggestions? i have now been on mfp for 30 days and logged in every day
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    I have no doubt you can be a success. Everyone can if they want to. Please just remember it takes time so hang in there and do not get discouraged. We have all had set backs but just roll with the punches and always remember this is not a diet but a healthy way to live. Listen if a grouchy lazy old fart like me can do it, anyone can. You can add me ( what the hell, I'm retired so I am not going anywhere) Good Luck and hang in there:flowerforyou:
  • TinaMae86
    TinaMae86 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks guys! It's nice to hear only positive, encouraging words. We can do this together!!
  • pkbone
    pkbone Posts: 5 Member
    Yesterday I really had to push myself to exercise. It was my first day back at work after vacation and I just wanted to zone out and stare at the tv. I gave myself a big blister on the back of my heel over the weekend, so I had a good excuse not to do the treadmill or the stair master. But I psyched myself up and went to the gym and rode the exercise bike for 20 minutes. After the first five minutes I wanted to quit but I pushed through and by the end I was drenched in sweat and my legs muscles were all yelling at me. I went home, took a shower and ate a healthy dinner and *then* stared at the tv for a little while before bed.

    Incidentally, the gym I belong to is less than a mile away. I think if I had joined a gym ten minutes drive away I wouldn't have gone last night. And it was raining last night, so I probably wouldn't have walked outside. Having this place so close to home is great.
  • WiseAngel2
    WiseAngel2 Posts: 19
    Hey Tina!
    Welcome to the MFP family. Supporting and encouraging each other we all can end up being success stories in our own way. If you want some more encouragement and support and another friend in the journey, feel free to add me. I know you can do it!! : )
  • deeds2785
    deeds2785 Posts: 70 Member
    Me too! :) Anyone feel free to add me, I need all the support I can get haha
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    Quoting pkbone


    One word of warning though, the fitness tracker gives really high numbers for exercise. If I put in 30 minutes on the treadmill at 3 mph, fitness tracker shows over 400 calories expended. The treadmill readout says 100-130 depending on the incline. I try to look up my exercise numbers elsewhere and input them manually.

    I was under the impression that the fitness tracker on here was figuring in the weight you have logged. I would expend more calories at my weight than would someone else who weighs less doing the exact same thing for the exact same length of time.