Fitbit and mfp buddies

bunnyhawk Posts: 23 Member
Hi all:) My name is Jessica..Im a 37 yr old mom of 5 living in south eastern WI. I originally started on mfp in 2011 and was successful at losing over 55 pounds. Fast forward into late 2012 and I fell off the bandwagon due to a death in the family and my daughter spending time in the hospital due to illness. I knew emotionally I wasnt ready to get back on track until one month ago. I put my fitbit back on, and bought a new hrm. I am seeing results again and beginning to feel the hope that I felt was once lost. I am looking for other fellow fitbit users, and mfp users that are just geting back on track..or someone who is restarting up. Also for those of you who are in maintance mode that can offer support and encouragment! Thank you!


  • hd2208
    hd2208 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Jessica,
    I am a fellow fitbit user, please feel free to add me. I am 33yrs old and been fighting the weight loss battle unsuccessfully for years, my head seems to never be int he right place. However having just dug out all my summer clothes (the UK is having a heatwave) I have had a bit of a reality check, going to be online everyday and sticking to calories - I need to do this to become a happier me. Good luck on your journey x
  • duckgirlpdx
    I am using the fitbit zip and loving it. I'm almost 3 months in to this journey, and I'm pleased with the moderate success I've had so far. I'll be 35 in a few weeks (yikes!) and a mom to 14 month old twin boys. I'm new-ish to mfp and finding that it holds me accountable. Along with the fitbit, I'm holding myself accountable for the first time ever. Feel free to add me as well. Good luck on your journey!