Any Bone/Joint Specialists in the House?

Not sure what section to put this under but here goes:

I am a 39 year old female with no prior history of knee or leg injury. A few months ago I started Zumba and since then my right knee has been increasing with mild discomfort. When I walk/jog on the treadmill or regular walking there is no pain but during Zumba (lunges, squats, or walking down steps and sitting down) I have noticed increased pain in this area. I put some icy hot on it this morning with no improvement. I wore a knee brace last night but I swear it made it worse. Does anyone have any advice for information to make my knee feel better. I'm worried I need to lay off Zumba for awhile but I love it and that makes me sad :sad:


  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I would suggest you go and see your Dr. this is not something that can be diagnosed over the internet.

    Secondly, how old are your running shoes?

  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Lunges and squats are particularly hard on knees, especially if the muscles supporting them are not strong enough, and if your form isn't perfect. Definitely see the doctor, and if he/she approves see about having a certified trainer or physical therapist watch your form. You may need something a little less intense in order to build UP the muscles so that you won't overtax the joint.
  • Michellef67
    Michellef67 Posts: 9 Member
    Although you should see a doctor, you might try taking a glucosemine supplement. My husband complained of shoulder and knee pain for quite some time. After he started taking the glucosemine for about a week, the pain in both areas was gone. Also, if your shoes are worn down, it can cause pain in both your legs and back. Good luck.
  • Not sure what section to put this under but here goes:

    I am a 39 year old female with no prior history of knee or leg injury. A few months ago I started Zumba and since then my right knee has been increasing with mild discomfort. When I walk/jog on the treadmill or regular walking there is no pain but during Zumba (lunges, squats, or walking down steps and sitting down) I have noticed increased pain in this area. I put some icy hot on it this morning with no improvement. I wore a knee brace last night but I swear it made it worse. Does anyone have any advice for information to make my knee feel better. I'm worried I need to lay off Zumba for awhile but I love it and that makes me sad :sad:

    Lay off the Zumba until you see your doctor. I have severe arthritis in both knees, and the pain lessens with Aleve or any other generic NSAID. Soaking in a hot tub also helps for a temp fix. These are just a couple stopgaps until you can get an appt. Any muscle or joint injury should be diagnosed by sight and feel .... not by word alone! Good luck, and just do what you can do .... what feels comfortable ... until you get a diagnosis and proper treatment recommendation.

  • 3110cynthia
    please don't do things that cause you pain or at least don't continue doing things that cause you pain - pain is your body's way of telling you something's not right here - definitely get to the ortho asap just in case there is something wrong and if it's a mild injury than hopefully he/she will give you some course of action that will heal it and then you can go back to your favorite exercise once you're healed. and i think you know what pain is the kind that is wrong and what pain is just exercise good pain. you wouldn't have brought it up if it was just strecthing or after workout soreness - there's something obviously going on so get to doc immediately
  • melodieRN
    I'm not a specialist in joint or bones, ,my specialty is cardiology but... Here is my 2 cents take it for what it is worth. Lay off the zumba, if you are still having pain after a week go to your doctor and ask for an mri of your knee it could be your meniscus(cartilage of the knee). I injured mine last year in a horse riding accident, needed surgery and therapy. Glucosamine is good long term but I would take some ibuprofen or advil for a couple of days to reduce the inflammation.
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    Another idea would be to look up some stretches online and try to do some some stretches that help quads/hamstrings. Sometimes if they are tight, they will make your knees hurt.

    Maybe your zumba instructor can tell you how to modify the exercises that seem to be bothering you??? (I'm doing yoga and have to modify)

    I also wonder about your shoes...go to a running store and have someone professionally check them to be sure they are right for your feet and activity. I believe with zumba, you will need more of a cross-trainer shoe.

    I'm currently having knee issues (minor torn meniscus) and am using anti-inflammatories and ice-ing my knee for 20 min at a time several times a day. As a matter of fact, I have ice on it now :smile:.

    Hope you feel better soon!
  • tairui2009
    tairui2009 Posts: 37 Member
    Kat ~ if there's no physical injury to that area, you may be building acid along that joint. Try super hydrating for a few days (I mean DRINK sister! 2-3 liters) That will help to alleviate the issue...

    Also.. longer term, make sure you're wearing the correct shoes for your workout. For years, everyone told me.. get cross trainers. I always wore running shoes no matter what the workout, which are not designed for the side to side movements. I, too, had some aches along the sides of my knees and in the back.. once I switched shoes.. I noticed a HUGE difference.

    And you better be stretching too..
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and my knees are generally bad. That being said, I too love zumba and have really wanted to keep up the workouts with it. Did a little research on the internet and several articles suggested using more of a dance style shoe than any other kind of sneaker, running shoe or cross trainer. The reason is that zumba, as you know, involves alot of different rotations on the ball of the foot .. after all - it is a type of dancing. I bought a pair of Nike Mystics and what a difference. They are specially designed for zumba. I still have to be careful but with the exception of lunges (which I still have to be very careful with), I find that I can do a 45 - 60 minute session without hardly any discomfort.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Be kind to your knees.
    I just had surgery last Friday for what the mri showed to be a torn meniscus. In addition to that I am bone on bone and in need of a knee replacement. Baby it till you can see your doctor