So I'm starting tomorrow...

loorita90 Posts: 21 Member
Hi everyone. Found I mostly gain weight and get serious bloating and water retention when I consume carbs. Don't know why. I will get checked my blood sugar response next week from the doc. (it's a 5 hour examination. They will give me a glass of a very sugary drink mix and then take blood every hour for 5 hours. Anyone ever did that?)

However, I want to start eating low carb tomorrow (I have been eating a lot of carbs and sugars this weekend and I can definitely see the extra pounds of water and fat I gained omg)

I am Italian so I use to eat mostly pasta and bread. That is what my parents and culture taught me at home. I don't know any low carb recipes, so I wanted to ask you whether you had some tips/ suggestions/ recipes for me to start this tomorrow :)

Should be easy and not too exotic ingredients. Right now there are some things in my fridge:
- feta cheese
- mountain cheese
- tomatoes
-crumbled cheese

(so I think I've found the basic ingredients for a low carb diet.)

Hope to see some answers :))


  • Seefylol
    Seefylol Posts: 197
    Carbs do not make you fat. What makes you gain weight or get fat is an excess of calories over what you burn in a typical day.

    As for the bloating, drink plenty of water.

    Ingredients - a kick *kitten* omelette
  • johnelwell
    johnelwell Posts: 38 Member
    Why tomorrow and not now!
    Gunners start tomorrow because they are gonna start then, make a start now, even if you have eaten your quota for today go prepare for tomorrow, do your lunch etc.
    Enter your details in MFP and find how much you should eat, you then should find out how active you are. Its good to plan like this, add me if you think I can be of help
    Good luck
  • loorita90
    loorita90 Posts: 21 Member
    Oh Okay. I live in Germany and it's almost night.

    maybe I should reformulate my question.

    Does anyone have good low carb recipes (and preferably vegetarian)?

    Thanks :)
  • loorita90
    loorita90 Posts: 21 Member
    Why tomorrow and not now!
    Gunners start tomorrow because they are gonna start then, make a start now, even if you have eaten your quota for today go prepare for tomorrow, do your lunch etc.
    Enter your details in MFP and find how much you should eat, you then should find out how active you are. Its good to plan like this, add me if you think I can be of help
    Good luck

    I've been using MFP for several months now, I was just asking for some recipes and low carb tips.
    Also I WANT TO prepare lunch for tomorrow but I need recipes :wink:
  • I gain w/carbs too. Your list sounds great. You can prepare a lot of good healthy foods that are low carb. Good luck to you. I made a big tuna salad today. Egg salad is good too. Omelets are great. Soups w/cabbage, salads, coleslaw w/o sugary dressing, steaks, chicken, hamburgers, pork chops. Eat the lean meats. Turkey slices or baked turkey. All the green veggies you can find. Enjoy & drink your water every day. Pickles are good snacks also olives. When I want something sweet I eat adkins bars.
  • jenillawafer
    jenillawafer Posts: 426 Member
    Carbs do not make you fat. What makes you gain weight or get fat is an excess of calories over what you burn in a typical day.

    As for the bloating, drink plenty of water.

    Ingredients - a kick *kitten* omelette

    ^^ This, or a kick-*kitten* salad.
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 341 Member
    This web site may help you get started. It has a tab that contains her daily menus for more than a year broken down by month. There are also recipes and tips. Generally, when I have been having a health problem requiring a blood test I try not to change my eating habits so I get an accurately reading of where I have been. If you are anticipating that the blood work will indicate that you should change your diet you will most like need follow up blood tests to make sure your dietary changes are working. I have had the blood test you are scheduled for. The first hour they took blood every 15 minutes in alternating arms. Half way thru they had to abort the test because it was causing because my body was not tollerating the sugary drink very well and they had gathered enough data to determine the information. I was pregnant at the time so it wasn't worth the risk of continuing. My arms were black and blue and I couldn't bend them for a few days afterwards without wincing in pain. Good luck!
  • Molly_bee
    Molly_bee Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome makings for a salad with the veggies. Use hard boiled egg whites or the tuna for some added protein that will help keep you full longer.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    Veggies are going to have more carbs than anything else. That's why Atkin's makes me giggle. All the bacon in the world, but god forbid you have a salad.

    Balance your carbohydrates, don't erase them. Crack down on portions, lean towards whole grains, and see how many veggies you can eat before you burst.

    Also, easy on the cheese. I could live off the stuff but it tends to be nothing but salt, fat, and a random shot of protein for good measure. I think I only have seven different types in my fridge at the moment...
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    Why wait until tomorrow? Why NOT today?....
    BAKCP Posts: 1
    Hi loorita, about 3 wks ago I started a new way of dieting. A friend of mine told me about : The Metabolism Miracle by Diane Kress ; and The Metabolism Miracle Cookbook. I first found these 2 books at my local library, since then I ordered them through Amazon.
    You honestly can feel the pounds leaving you..I'm not kidding. Check it out , if you truly can stop Pasta for 8 will be worth it. The way you will feel energy and how good you will sleep are the added benefits. My goal is to lessen my meds plus loose that awful mid-section.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    ♫ I can't live, if living is without carbs.
    I can't live. I can't live anymore. ♫
  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    I watch my calories, Carbs and Fats.
    I eat about 50 calories below my calorie goal

    I drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses and sometimes more.
    I have lost 17 pounds in 2 months.

    I do not exercise very much as I have health problems.
    Try to walk at least 30 mins a day .If not more.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    I'll keep my carbs. :smile: Without them I'd have no energy. Love those carbs! Can't win any races without them.
  • loorita90
    loorita90 Posts: 21 Member
    Why wait until tomorrow? Why NOT today?....

    It's in the middle of the night here
  • loorita90
    loorita90 Posts: 21 Member
    I'll keep my carbs. :smile: Without them I'd have no energy. Love those carbs! Can't win any races without them.

    Hi :)
    I'm not very much into running or fitness.
    I am very sedentary actually :(
    I don't need all the energy
    I am a student and mostly sitting in the library studying books, researching, studying and writing ... no more activity (final exam period right now)
    I only ride my bike to school and back which is like a 5 miles bike ride every day ..
  • loorita90
    loorita90 Posts: 21 Member
    Got tofu here, too :D

    what can I do with that?
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    vegetarian omelette with grilled tofu and spinach

    All food contains carbs. Carbs are good for you, they give you energy (energy that you need for studying). Carbs don't make you gain weight, no matter how many people agree with you. Eating an excess of food makes you gain weight. Eating your entire days intake of calories in bread will not make you gain weight, as long as you maintain a calorie deficit.

    I'm sad for the people that are afraid of pasta.
  • Thats right ;) Somedays I make the mistake of saying tomorrow when everything if fixable and possible today !
  • loorita90
    loorita90 Posts: 21 Member
    vegetarian omelette with grilled tofu and spinach

    All food contains carbs. Carbs are good for you, they give you energy (energy that you need for studying). Carbs don't make you gain weight, no matter how many people agree with you. Eating an excess of food makes you gain weight. Eating your entire days intake of calories in bread will not make you gain weight, as long as you maintain a calorie deficit.

    I'm sad for the people that are afraid of pasta.

    love reading this


    it's not that I'm afraid. I still do it (just got back from the kitchen and made myself a slice of whole wheat bread with feta cheese on it)
    the problem is that I have something going on in my body and it seems that carbs cause this..
    whenever I eat them I retain so much water!! It's crazy even my mom always notices (though I never talked to her about that) that my face seems" swollen"
    same with feet, hands etc

    also: sounds weird but after a carb binge my skin starts hurting and starts being sensitive to touch
    it's like a pain from a bruise
    too hard to explain
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    I suffer from serious carb face after a binge too, however, is it not the binge that causes it? I think so. Binging on anything will cause unpleasant things to happen to your body.

    Maybe you're sensitive/intolerant to wheat or gluten? It's worth finding that out. If not, portion control is key. I feel patronising saying that but, as you said yourself, a carb BINGE makes you feel this way. Not carbs themselves.

    As a student, I can say with complete honesty that I wouldn't have made it through my 9am-9pm days in the library without a big bowl of porridge for breakfast!
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    Why wait until tomorrow? Why NOT today?....

    It's in the middle of the night here

    Haha... Well, I guess that makes perfect sense! Good luck! (-;
  • princesspea234
    princesspea234 Posts: 182 Member
    Carbs do not make you fat. What makes you gain weight or get fat is an excess of calories over what you burn in a typical day.

    As for the bloating, drink plenty of water.

    Ingredients - a kick *kitten* omelette

    ^^ This, or a kick-*kitten* salad.

    While that may true for a normal person, it sounds like her blood sugar is being tested this week. If she has diabetes or insulin resistance, white carbs are certainly not good for her. As the doctor told me, they turn straight to sugar and will leave you hungry.
    I think when the OP is talking about carbs, she may mean white bread, white pasta, cookies, etc. OP switch over to whole grain pasta, sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes, quinoa, farro, brown rice, etc.

    You may cook many of the same recipes. Just make adjustments. Choose the leanest cuts of meat, smaller amounts of cheese or lower fat cheese, switch to whole grain carbs and use smaller amounts of extra virgin olive oil....Sometimes I even just use cooking spray to prevent the food from sticking and omit the oil. WATCH PORTIONS! Buy a food scale and measure foods raw before cooking them. Also, it helps to pre-plan meals in the beginning with MFP. That way you are sure to stay within your calorie limit.