My Name's Naomi and I'm a Sugar Addict



  • carefulkate
    carefulkate Posts: 34 Member
    Sugar is my weakness/drug too but try as I might I cant give it up I dont drink dont eat junk food but chocolate and i have history I cannot eat one square whole bar disappears just managed 1 week with very little of my drug and will try to minimise it too but if I give it up then I binge sad but true good luck with your weight loss I will try to keep on the straight and narrow xx
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I agree eating sugar laced food is very addictive... I do my best to stay away from that stuff... I do not eat ice cream, or cake, or candy anymore...

    I know that it is not very easy to curb the junk food habit...
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    That's awesome Naomi. I too am a sugar addict. I also have to think about it like an alcoholic. I went 5 months without any processed or natural sugar (honey palm sugar etc...) and then fell off the wagon for a few weeks. I'm back on but during that 5 months I was gluten/grain free but I found myself binging on fruit. I know it sounds healthy but I could eat 4 oranges at one time. My body was trying to find any way to get that sugar. 10 days ago I started a low carb/no sugar way of eating. I'm basically experimenting with what will make my body run efficiently and make me feel great. I don't have a bunch of weight to lose but have always gained easily if I eat crappy. i used to exercise like a crazy person but after 25+years of chronic cardio my body doesn't even respond to it anymore. So I can' t fill up on junk and burn it off.
    Please feel free to add me as a friend. It's nice to know someone else is eating no sugar!
  • kyliep99
    kyliep99 Posts: 15
    Hi Naomi, I'm trying to give up sugar and processed meals, it's very difficult, there's added sugar in nearly all supermarket food. I once read that sugar is "the devil's crystal"
  • cluelessang
    cluelessang Posts: 36 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss!! That is awesome. Keep it up.

    For me, sugar is also my drug of choice. A sugar addict to the core. Keeping up with MFP it has helped me, and so has OA (Overeaters Anonymous).

    Best of luck to you!!
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 335 Member
    Thanks for sharing! Congrats on your weight loss and taking time to educate us and yourself on that sugar beast! :)

    Keep it up, all the best!
