SKINNY FIBER....Negatives?



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Hello so I'm a real human, no seller. I've been on skinny fiber for not even a week now I think (lol I have 150 pounds to lose I don't care what day I start or what I do anymore! I need to lose weight)...
    So positive feedback.. It fills me up to be honest like it says it does. I feel happier, I sleep better, have more energy, eat better things but here's the negative:
    I always want/go to fast food when I get home from work cause I crash cause I'm either really hungry at night or eating a salad every day just doesn't cut it
    More of a person thing so beware as you read but it is proven that when a change of diet, your natural lubricants when feeling excited may "reduce".. Mine stopped completely. No matter how excited I am, there is no personal lubrification down there and has ruined my sex life for this past week.
    Yaddy yaddy yadda about the FDA thing .. Bummer.
    The personal lubrification and still wanting to run to fast foods are my main things but going home in about 2 months and want to lose weight before to surprise my family !! Going to be doing the good ol diet and exercise but also with the help of skinny fiber

    Lack of lubrication could also indicate a hormonal imbalance if it remains a problem please see your doctor
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    Get your "Skinny Fiber" from kale shakes....

    2 cups kale
    2 cups baby spinach
    4 stalks celery
    2 carrots
    1 cucumber
    1 apple
    1/2 cup to 1 cup almond milk

    Chop up, toss in a blender... drink.

    all the skinny fiber you need in a day
  • I have nothing negative to say about Skinny Fiber and have been taking it for almost 5 months. Between Skinny Fiber and My Fitness Pal I have lost 27 pounds and 19 1/4 inches. It has given me the boost that I need to get rid of this extra weight. I still have another 15 pounds to go.

    With the extra energy I have I WILL SUCCEED thanks to Skinny Fiber. It has no caffeine
    and doesn't make me anxious.

    On a side note Skinny Fiber has also cleared up my IBS and Acid Reflux. :) For more info on what ingredients are in Skinny Fiber go to and it lists the ingredients.
  • stratcat45
    stratcat45 Posts: 48 Member

    Not considering to try the product at the moment, but was wondering as well if anyone has tried it...

    I have my own small opinion(not very detailed) on the product, but that's only based off of what I've seen... On Facebook there's a group "Healthy Weight Loss Support Group" and everyone vouches for the product, promotes the purchase of the product, and posts their results- but the pictures for results seem completely unreal... Well, some of them at least! I would say that exercise & healthy eating habits are the way to go, sometimes people do need that extra push... But some cases I've seen people lose nearly 20 pounds in two weeks, and that just seems unhealthy... While the weight loss slows down to a more normal loss, I don't know if its really a "healthy" way to go.

    On another note, the group is helpful for low carb-low cal recipes and general tips! And you don't have to take the "skinny fiber" product to be a member.

    I must belong to the same group. Though I know nothing of the product, I get tired of hearing "it's all natural"....all natural products sometimes do not work well with prescription meds, so "all natural" doesn't always mean "safe". Another thing I noticed on this group is that they are saying you don't have to exercise...then you follow the link to the website and it says "Helps support weight management when combined with a healthy diet and exercise." Plus it really annoys me that she states in all her posts how it has CURED ailments: thyroid disease, high blood pressure, reduces cholesteral, and helps with GERD, acid reflux, bowel inflammation, joint inflammation, joint pain, joint dysfunction, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, infertility, renal dysfunction, compromised liver function, edema, gout and a host of other health issues.

    I mean seriously...... why have doctors, hospitals and medications???? Skinny Fiber is the cure all for EVERYTHING!! And's not FDA approved and there's no news out there about it...... hmmmmmm.......

    I understand this person sells it and that's fine; there have been success stories and that's great....but I don't think she should be telling people it's going to cure all their may, it may not, or it could hit that one person who gets the bad reaction off of it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Eat your fruits and veggies instead :tongue:

    Exactly. You can get all your diary fiber with a few servings of veggies alone. Why bother wasting money on more supplements. Here's a tip, skinny fiber isn't what is making people skinny. A calorie deficit is doing that. Taking skinny fiber and eating 1000 calories above your TDEE will not cause weight loss.
  • mrsfly
    mrsfly Posts: 2
    I used the Skinny Fiber pills and gained a couple ppounds,i know there are others that have lost but the people that I got mine from were more worried about selling the 65.00 product thancaring about peoples questions.Anything negative it was something i was doing wrong.I drank so much water i could float down the Mississippi and took the pills consistently,exercised and ate right but it was my fault i gained 2 lbs
  • mrsfly
    mrsfly Posts: 2
    I agrer,busting your butt exercising and eating well gets the same results
  • astokes16
    astokes16 Posts: 1
    It's too bad no one can just answer the lady's question without putting their two cents in. Different strokes for different folks.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    It's too bad no one can just answer the lady's question without putting their two cents in. Different strokes for different folks.

    They did answer the questions, YOU just don't like the answers!!!!
  • Both my husband and I take skinny fiber as well as monitor what we eat. I have a broken back and neck so exersise for me is impossible. We both love it. I've lost 8kg in 3 weeks and he has lost 9kg (17.5lb & almost 20lb) it's been a great motivator :-)
  • I have a lifelong friend who says she's been using Skinny Fiber for months now and with great results. She's lost 25 lbs and has stopped having to take her thyroid and Diabetic meds. I've seen her results, but she's also given up starches, sugars and such since her results started working so well. She's not much of an exercise person, but doesn't sit around all day either. Her husband is now planning on trying it.

    She just told me today about this, knowing I can't exercise due to several health conditions and thought I might want to try it. She did warn me about there being impostor products out there though. She says she'll feel so hungry and then only can/will eat only about a cup of food. Sounds like natural Bariatric results without the surgery. Might be worth the cost. She says not buying her drugs now covers the cost of the product.
  • why do you need a pill to lose fat just eat right and do what you need to do and you will lose it im sooo sick of seeing this on facebook ppl takeing the dumb pills
  • I started Skinny Fiber three weeks ago. I have about 15 pounds to lose. As of today, 3 pounds and 2 inches down. I take 2 pills before breakfast and two before lunch. Am not hungry!! This helps me make better food choices. Some people lose faster, says body has to be regulated before losing, Anyway, nothing bad to say now!! Feeling hopeful
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    So many 1st posts make this product awesome!
  • candymom04
    candymom04 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been reading alot about skinny fiber and trying to decide if its worth the money. One thing I did not see mentioned here that I have found out is: Skinny Fiber distributors are NOT allowed to sell it on Amazon or Ebay. From what I have read, some people sell fake pills on there! They are capsules. so they can open them up and put whatever they want in. that is SCARY! I joined a weight loss group on facebook that is run by a distributor that that has lost alot of weight with skinny fiber. There are alot of people on there that order it and they have great things to say, and are always posting before and after pictures. I have alot of trouble believing that there is some kind of miracle pill for weight loss, but if there is one that this seems to be it. I think Im going to have to try it, they said it has a 30 day money back guarantee, I just wish it wasnt so expensive!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I have been reading alot about skinny fiber and trying to decide if its worth the money. One thing I did not see mentioned here that I have found out is: Skinny Fiber distributors are NOT allowed to sell it on Amazon or Ebay. From what I have read, some people sell fake pills on there! They are capsules. so they can open them up and put whatever they want in. that is SCARY! I joined a weight loss group on facebook that is run by a distributor that that has lost alot of weight with skinny fiber. There are alot of people on there that order it and they have great things to say, and are always posting before and after pictures. I have alot of trouble believing that there is some kind of miracle pill for weight loss, but if there is one that this seems to be it. I think Im going to have to try it, they said it has a 30 day money back guarantee, I just wish it wasnt so expensive!

    There is nothing magic about it. It's just a fiber pill, which you can get all the same benefits from veggies and fruit plus you will save money. And you can find tons of befores and after for any drug or pill out there, it's how the sell it. What you don't see is the entire story and is no different than any other MLM.
  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    I actually have a friend who sells/uses it and I'll can tell you, don't believe the hype.

    There is no magic pill! Nothing beats good ol' diet and exercise.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Remember two axioms:
    If it sounds too good to be true... it is & the government lets things of no value continue unregulated, but anything of value it regulates to death.

    Long and short, if it sounds like a short cut it's not real or the side effects outweigh the benefits. You DO need fiber in your diet though, but you can get it from most veggies or alternately from a dozen regulated companies that won't poison you with their fiber products.

    I read up on the tree main ingredients, all 3 are used for weight loss but are untested for it (eg: third world diet pills). One is supposedly a mild stimulant. One is a "gelling agent" (think jello) and fiber bulking agent used to treat constipation... so... unless you want to crap everywhere and potentially be putting something in you with no evidence to support its use, I don't recommend it.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    Reading up on the three main ingredients and the Canadian approvals and warnings, it does seem that the expansion of the fiber may cause some appetite reduction and concomitant reduction in weight. The Canadian government, among others, warned that you must drink 8 oz. of liquid with the product and not take it right before bed to avoid a choking hazard or intestinal blockage. The third ingredient is a natural form of caffeine and carries all the dangers and benefits of caffeine.

    It's probably cheaper to stick with generic psyllium and a cup of coffee if you need such things. Better yet, increase dietary fiber consumption.

    And, a final question: how will you ever learn to recognize when you are filled with a proper amount of food? This does nothing to lessen the amount of stuff you want in your stomach. It just replaces the stuff with other stuff.
  • KimmerzB
    KimmerzB Posts: 37
    Honestly, like several people have been saying...the sooner people stop buying into gimmicks the better off they will be. The best way to lose weight is to clean up your diet, eat properly, and exercise if you truly care about your body and your health. :)
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