
Does anybody do their workouts in the morning? I do mine first thing when I wake up, but then I feel guilty about eating afterwards bc I feel like the workout is down the drain. What do I do???


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Well, if you don't recover properly, your workout could scientifically go down the drain. Your body needs fuel to perform, and fuel to recover. I occasionally run in the morning, and I'll consume a good chunk of recovery food after (carbs over protein). If I go lifting, I'll do the same (protein over carbs).
  • aharper84
    aharper84 Posts: 67 Member
    Even if you worked out mid-afternoon, then you would still most likely eat. You need to eat to survive. Plus, your body usually requires food as recovery after a workout.
  • KikiODonoghue
    I don't really ever do my exercises in the morning, mainly because I'm not a morning person and I usually wake up too late to do my exercises and make it to work on time, but as far as I've learned and heard exercising in the morning is really good, even better than at any other part of the day, because it boosts your metabolism early in the day, so don't feel guilty for eating later on. Look at it this way: you wake up and speed your metabolism and are therefore setting your body to burn extra calories from the food you're going to eat til the end of the day, eating as clean as possible is also recommended.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I almost always work out in the morning.

    Food is fuel, it's necessary.
    You need to eat.
    No need to feel guilty if its healthy.

    I eat yogurt before my cardio and then have a protein bar before my strength.

    Think of it this way: you worked out so you earned more calories to eat.
    Enjoy :drinker:
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I don't really ever do my exercises in the morning, mainly because I'm not a morning person and I usually wake up too late to do my exercises and make it to work on time, but as far as I've learned and heard exercising in the morning is really good, even better than at any other part of the day, because it boosts your metabolism early in the day, so don't feel guilty for eating later on. Look at it this way: you wake up and speed your metabolism and are therefore setting your body to burn extra calories from the food you're going to eat til the end of the day, eating as clean as possible is also recommended.

    Really? OP, do yourself a favor and disregard this hogwash.
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    I exercise at various different times during the day but the first thing I do when I leave the gym is eat a protein bar, 250 cals in about 2mins, Yum!!

    Don't worry about this at all, you need the fuel anyway and weight loss wise your body won't care if you have those calories straight after a work out or two hours down the road. There is plenty of evidence to say that eating after a work out is a good thing and helps recovery too so you're all good!
  • karli2121
    karli2121 Posts: 12
    Thanks for all the responses! It helps. Just after the hour long cardio workout, I busted my butt for, don't want to eat it away. Just hard workout then a small meal, then hours later another meal...I feel like after my workout I don't do much I feel like! Except eat lunch dinner and snack etc...