Female question - boobs

Hey ladies,
I have a really unusual and probably daft question but here goes. Has anyone else noticed a change in how their breast feels after losing weight? I know they tend to get smaller but mine feel... lumpier? No actual lumps... I guess this is probably the first time I've been able to feel my actual breast tissue or perhaps the fat is just broken down and distributed differently? I expected a change in the way they looked but it's weird to discover that they feel so different!

Seriously cannot stop grabbing them now...
Hoping somebody has had the same experience otherwise I may worry myself.

Amazing the things you discover when you remove the layer of fat... I nearly died of shock the other day when I caught glimpse of a rib in the mirror :P


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I'd recommend getting them looked at by your ob/gyn to be safe, especially with the word lump involved.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I agree with herblackwings to get it checked out just in case, but our breasts do have natural fibers that can feel lumpy, especially as you get closer to the muscle. I'm going to say chances are your breasts are just fine, but since I can't feel them myself, best to get them checked out as a precaution.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Your breast isn't just a pile of fat. There's lots of tissue there that you probably never felt before because it has a nice cushion of fat.
  • Getawayfromthecake
    Getawayfromthecake Posts: 124 Member
    I agree with herblackwings to get it checked out just in case, but our breasts do have natural fibers that can feel lumpy, especially as you get closer to the muscle. I'm going to say chances are your breasts are just fine, but since I can't feel them myself, best to get them checked out as a precaution.

    Yeh at the very least I'll get my dear old mum to have a feel. I was just hoping somebody had a similar experience to stop me being a worrier in the meantime. I honestly think it's probably the first time I've ever been able to feel the actual breast tissue/ muscle properly without so much fat but I will play it safe anyway. thanks for your advice
  • Getawayfromthecake
    Getawayfromthecake Posts: 124 Member
    Your breast isn't just a pile of fat. There's lots of tissue there that you probably never felt before because it has a nice cushion of fat.

    Exaclty the re assurance I needed, It's honestly the first time I've been able to feel the tissue without the fat so it's a completely new experience.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I agree with herblackwings to get it checked out just in case, but our breasts do have natural fibers that can feel lumpy, especially as you get closer to the muscle. I'm going to say chances are your breasts are just fine, but since I can't feel them myself, best to get them checked out as a precaution.

    Yeh at the very least I'll get my dear old mum to have a feel. I was just hoping somebody had a similar experience to stop me being a worrier in the meantime. I honestly think it's probably the first time I've ever been able to feel the actual breast tissue/ muscle properly without so much fat but I will play it safe anyway. thanks for your advice
    That's a good idea. Generally, tumors in the breast will be more pea-like in feel and shape - harder, and they'll stand out more than just regular lumpiness. Your mom will be able to tell as well because she's likely had a lot more experience in the whole breast-checking fiasco that we'll go through when we get older.
  • MrsSenecal
    MrsSenecal Posts: 312 Member
    I would get it checked too.
    With that being said, I would put money on the fact that you are probably feeling your milk ducts. As you lose fat you lose a lot of what breasts consist of. That leaves you milk ducts more able to be felt. If you have been heavy for a while you might not have felt them as much but I noticed when I lost weight that my milk ducts were very prominent and felt lumpy as heck, so I saw a doctor and she said the same thing.
  • Getawayfromthecake
    Getawayfromthecake Posts: 124 Member
    I would get it checked too.
    With that bean said, I would put money on the fact that you are probably feeling your milk ducts. As you lose fat you lose a lot of what breasts consist of. That leaves you milk ducts more able to be felt. If you have been heavy for a while you might not have felt them as much but I noticed when I lost weight that my milk ducts were very prominent and felt lumpy as heck, so I saw a doctor and she said the same thing.

    I'm pretty sure it will be the same thing and I'm glad somebody else has had the same confusion. I was a very big kid and I've always been overweight, I've never actually been this close to being thin so my body is a host of new discoveries.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Breast tissue feels lumpy, and that is probably all that you're feeling. But see a doctor and have it checked anyway. True story, when I was 12 I agonized because I was sure I was developing breast cancer. They felt like little lumps, kept getting bigger, and hurt all the time.
  • p1ppers
    p1ppers Posts: 40 Member
    Yeah, I just had my mammogram last week and 40 lbs less than last year made a big difference. My boobs are flatter and I can feel stuff in them much more than before, but that's a good thing because they didn't have to squish them near as much. But I also have a doctors appt where she will do a manual check. I know in the past when I thought I felt something, she said feel both sides and if it's the same, you're probably fine. If you feel something on one side that isn't on the other, then we can check it out. But also, she mentioned the breast structure changed throughout the month and depending upon when you did a self breast exam, you may feel different things. I've also read that women have found lumps after they lost weight and said it was a blessing that they did because when they were heavy, they just couldn't feel through the fat near as easily. So, it's good to get a second opinion and know for sure.
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    I've never had that issue with weight loss. I'd talk to your doc.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    I've lost 90 lbs and have dropped from a 44ddd to a 36/38 c and I can tell you mine feel lumpier too. They are also looking deflated...but to be on the safe side please see your doc. At least you'll get kudos on the weight loss, that's always nice. Good luck :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    There is a lot of boob squishing going on here...just sayin'.

    PS OP there is some weird fat "woosh" thing in a book by some man who says that at some point during weight loss the fat feels like "marbles" or something. Considering that boobs seem fatty, maybe that's the thing? Anyways I don't know what it will accomplish having your mom squish your boobs. She may at best agree with you and say "yeah that's weird". but you'll still know nothing. Maybe someone will tell you this guy I'm referring to with the marble fats and the wooshes or his book. meantime, how about you make an OB appointment with an experienced OB and let them feel them and tell you what they are feeling.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Random lumpy feelings can be perfectly normal. Personally, I tend to feel some very painful 'blobs' a week before my period starts. It freaked me out when I first discovered it, in my early 20s. My doctor told me that it's very common for tissue cells to mass together with hormone fluctuations before or during menstruation. Now I don't worry about it, I know it's just part of how my body works.

    The point is...it could be absolutely nothing to worry about. Or it could be something more serious. Don't mess around. If you're feeling anything in your breasts that you haven't felt before, you need to have it checked. Even if you are told that it's normal and fine and you waste a $40 copay. You need to make sure.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    No men offering to squeeze the OPs boobs? I am disappoint.

    But, get your Mum to look or see your gynocologist. It's probably nothing, but better safe than sorry.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    There is a lot of boob squishing going on here...just sayin'.

    PS OP there is some weird fat "woosh" thing in a book by some man who says that at some point during weight loss the fat feels like "marbles" or something. Considering that boobs seem fatty, maybe that's the thing? Anyways I don't know what it will accomplish having your mom squish your boobs. She may at best agree with you and say "yeah that's weird". but you'll still know nothing. Maybe someone will tell you this guy I'm referring to with the marble fats and the wooshes or his book. meantime, how about you make an OB appointment with an experienced OB and let them feel them and tell you what they are feeling.

  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I had the same concern when I felt some areas were more lumpy than others, and I went to get an ultrasound done. It came back clear, and it just turns out I have very fibrous breasts. Don't worry too much OP, but if it makes you feel better, definitely get your doc to check it out.