Dropping it Like I'm Hot

So, I lost over 40 lbs 5 years ago and kept it off. I even lost another 5 through the years that followed. However, my weight crept up 5 lbs last year and another 10 lbs this summer due to eating out way too much with friends. It's been a good summer :). Anyway, I'm starting Bistro MD today to drop 15 lbs and will be tracking my progress on my profile page. I'm a little ambivalent about having to go the meal delivery route because I know how to prepare my own healthy meals, but I am just too busy with work at the moment. Best of luck to everyone!


  • Breenee
    Breenee Posts: 6 Member
    You did it once, you will definitely be able to do it again. Much success to you on your journey! :D