New here and looking for motivation!



  • veggielove33
    veggielove33 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you! I hope the same for you :D
  • deniselouisea
    deniselouisea Posts: 4 Member
    Hello.I have tried this several times. It goes good for a week and then I just stop all-together... Looking to connect to reach my goal and stick with this...... Denise
  • deniselouisea
    deniselouisea Posts: 4 Member
    Hello....I do Not like being this weight at all...... I've attempted weight loss on this site before..but I usually stop after a week or so....looking forward to logging on here everyday....Here is a quote to motivate myself and anyone else...Success is not a race, be patient. Success leads to success. Success is always a work in progress. Success doesn't come to you--you go to it...Denise
  • jrico62
    jrico62 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, I'm new to MFP, and like so many I am eager when I start, but after a week I get lazy and do not follow thru. I hope to connect with others who struggle with making good habits, and keeping them and maybe I have some motivational words for you as well.
  • deniselouisea
    deniselouisea Posts: 4 Member
    Hello.....Here are some quotes to motivate myself and anyone else who reads this..
    Success is not a race, be patient.
    Success leads to success.
    Success is always a work in progress.
    Success doesn't come to you--you go to it..
    I Really want to achieve my goal weigh and when I can to encourage someone else.!...... I've attempted weight loss on this site before..but I usually stop after a week or so....looking forward to logging on here everyday.. .. Looking to connect with others to reach my goal and stick with this...... Denise..
  • veggielove33
    veggielove33 Posts: 16 Member
    Those are really great quotes Denise :)
  • That's awesome. Wish I'd done this when I was your age! But I guess there's no good time in your life to let your weight hold you back. It's never too late. :)
    I've struggled with my weight since I was 11 years old and finally feel like I'm on the right track. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • hi I started today and would love to know how to add you and others for help and motivation but unfortunately I have no idea how, lol. please share the secrets of the website, thanks and good luck on your journey here
  • veggielove33
    veggielove33 Posts: 16 Member
    Just go to their profile and click on the "add as friend" button :)

    Unless you are on the mobile app, I'm not sure how to add friends on their. I couldn't figure out how so I log onto the website from my laptop to add friends.

    I'll send you a request and hopefully is will let you accept it! Thanks for the good luck wishes, good luck to you too!