Terrible Week - An off-the-wagon rant

I feel off the wagon last week, and I mean really feel from it. It's winter here - its cold, its dark and its rainy - and all I'm craving is a feed of soups and stews and hot, filling type food. On top of it all a PT session pulled my quad muscles and made it difficult to walk let alone work out at the start of the week... Fair enough, happens to everyone, so I sat. But then I kept sitting. Then the OH got man-flu and needed caring for, then I got sick and needed caring for, and after it all I ended up comfort eating whenever I felt like it and whatever I wanted.

Cue me waking up today, still feeling a little under the weather and really guilty after I was getting there before. And to top it off its still dark and cold outside and my motivation is at an all time low. I dont want to leave the house, let alone get to a gym full of people I envy. I dont believe in instant results, but am so new to this I have yet to see the difference and be able to use that as motivation, despite what people tell me about seeign a difference in me already.

I know you have to just dust yourself and take it one step at the time. But when you are feeling low what do you do to cheer yourself up from the self pitying blues?

Any motivation would be gladly accepted.


  • kellzi89
    kellzi89 Posts: 65 Member
    If I find myself wanting to stay at home on the couch with chips or chocolate. I promise myself I can but that treat after I have been at they gym and done that days workout. I find buy the end of my workout I feel much better about the day and no longer need that chocolate or I'm that red in the face I feel to embarrassed to walk into the shops either way I get my workout without the treat.