Not new but, in need of more friends

I have been on MFP for about 6 months now and have lost 52 pounds so far. I still have 96 pounds until my weight goal....and a lot of inches to lose. my daughter is almost 7 Months old and makes it easy to work out during the day! ;)
I am hoping to find more friends who post every day, log their food daily and are willing to help other's lose their weight! I have quite a ways to go and love reading updates! :) I hope someone reads this and is looking for something similar.

also, I am thinking about going 'low carb" and would like some success stories or motivational help letting me know what you have experienced with it :)

Hope to get a request from you!


  • Rocktobermom
    Hi! I feel the same way. Though I'd like to know what people with kids eat during the day to help them lose weight..

    Im kind of flailing at the moment with food.