Newbie Learning the Ropes

Hello I am 30 years old my name is Sherry AKA Dreamsicle. I have been a yo - yo dieter for years.I have finally come to my sense Now is my time and it has finally clicked. They say you cant do it until you are ready... well baby I am ready! I bought Turbo Jam back in January and love it I lost 30lbs with it! This tuesday I am starting the gym. I will be working out m-f every morning. I have never been excited about the gym lol but this is different i am thinking more clear then I ever have. I CAN see that finish line in the distance and it is not that far I CAN make it! I have gonethrough my cabinets ove the weekend and gave all my "crap food" away.. you know like brownies, cakes, pastas.. all kinds of bad food items.I will not buy that anymore.. I will follow the food plan for power 90X So I knowi will have some results.. I want to lose 50lbs by christmas and by the time Summer 09 gets here I will be in a bikini!! I have never worn a bikin but that is my goal! Iam looking forward to making some friends on here I am active on Beachbody site in the Turbo jam section and also on Sparkpeople. A wonderful friend of mine sent me this site so I am going to give it a try! :bigsmile:


  • Dreamsicle
    Hello I am 30 years old my name is Sherry AKA Dreamsicle. I have been a yo - yo dieter for years.I have finally come to my sense Now is my time and it has finally clicked. They say you cant do it until you are ready... well baby I am ready! I bought Turbo Jam back in January and love it I lost 30lbs with it! This tuesday I am starting the gym. I will be working out m-f every morning. I have never been excited about the gym lol but this is different i am thinking more clear then I ever have. I CAN see that finish line in the distance and it is not that far I CAN make it! I have gonethrough my cabinets ove the weekend and gave all my "crap food" away.. you know like brownies, cakes, pastas.. all kinds of bad food items.I will not buy that anymore.. I will follow the food plan for power 90X So I knowi will have some results.. I want to lose 50lbs by christmas and by the time Summer 09 gets here I will be in a bikini!! I have never worn a bikin but that is my goal! Iam looking forward to making some friends on here I am active on Beachbody site in the Turbo jam section and also on Sparkpeople. A wonderful friend of mine sent me this site so I am going to give it a try! :bigsmile:
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    Welcome to MFP! You got the right attitude!
  • Dreamsicle
    Thank you stschulz congrats on your loss so far! May I ask how do you make a signature?
  • sbacon1203
    sbacon1203 Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome and at 2lbs a week it adds up to 52lbs in 26 weeks or 6 months :smile:

    I love to give tips and they are
    1) log it BEFORE you eat it, this can help you make wise choices :wink:
    2) weigh and/or measure everything, my eye was much larger than actual amounts :noway:

    Wishing you the best :drinker:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Thank you stschulz congrats on your loss so far! May I ask how do you make a signature?


    Not sure if you're talking about the Tickers or the Signatures, but here's how to do them both--cut-n-pasted from the FAQ

    Q. Where can I create a weight loss ticker?

    A. Click on the "Tools" tab, then click on the "Tickers" link in the light blue bar below the tabs. That will take you to the section of the site where you can create your ticker.

    Q. How do I add a ticker to my forum signature?

    A. Here's a quick explanation of how to add a weight loss ticker to your forum signature:

    1. First, click on the "Tools" tab, then click on "Tickers" in the light blue bar below the tabs to reach the section of the site where you can create your ticker.

    2. Follow the steps to create your ticker. They should (hopefully) be self-explanatory.

    3. When your ticker has been completed, you'll be shown two boxes with code in them to display your ticker. Click on the box on the left (BBCode) - this is the code you need to use on the MyFitnessPal message boards. Highlight all of the code in that box (most browsers will do this automatically once you click on the box). If the code is not all highlighted, you can right-click on the box and choose "Select All"

    4. Once you have highlighted all of the code, right click on the code and choose "Copy."

    5. Now click on the "My Home" tab, then click "Settings" in the light blue bar below the tabs, and finally, click on the "Change forum signature" link.

    6. Right-click in the box where you can type your forum signature and choose "Paste."

    7. Finally, click "Save Changes."

    Once you've saved your new forum signature, every post you've ever made should now display your ticker at the bottom of it. You don't need to create a new post to test your ticker - just look at any previous post, and the ticker will be displayed there if you've followed the steps properly.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi Sherry, welcome to this great site!
    I too made the decision that "this is IT!" I guess we all just have to decide for ourselves when we've finally had enough of being "big", see, I can't even bring myself to say the "F" word! :laugh:
    This site has been such an eye opener as far as what I've been eating. I now watch those numbers and exercise and I've been steadily losing! I went from a size 18 to a 12, and I'm still going strong!
    It's almost easy, as well as downright fun to lose weight with this site!
  • sbacon1203
    sbacon1203 Posts: 307 Member
    May I ask how do you make a signature?

    Did you want to make a ticker and put it in the signature? The ticker instruction are under Tools tab, then copy the top box & go to home page, click on settings and then (I think it's #4) change signature and paste it & you should be good to go :tongue: Let me know if it doesn't work.

    Shorerider is always on it!!! She's great!!
  • Dreamsicle
    wow thank you all for the kind replies! I appreciate you taking the time to explain the signatures and tickers!

    And thank you for the tips I take them to heart! :flowerforyou: