Low carb help

first up I'm looking for low carb friends so plz plz plz add me if you are on low carb.

I'm not sure if i have finally hit a plateau? I had been losing like 0.4/0.5 kg per day now it only seems to be 0.1kg per day for like 4 days now. So not sure what to do I've not really been one for checking the scales but I've been trying out jimmy moores way of eating. So I've been checking my weight daily and also checking my ketones and gluc level every morning. My ketones are around 0.9 to 1.2 every morning and blood sugar is around 4.2 to 4.5 so that is all pretty good for fat burning mode. Ive kept my carbs under 20 apart from today. My diary is open for all to see so If anyone can see something I'm doing wrong food wise I'm open to suggestions. I'm eating everything jimmy Moore recommends to eat. It looks a lot in my diary but its not really I just weigh everything and I mean everything hehe.

If anyone also has any good low carb ideas for meals with the jimmy Moore way of eating plz plz help hahaha I'm so bord of full English breakfasts and omelettes haha

I know this is a life style change and takes time I'm good at sticking at things. I've changed my life so much in the past 18'months after I got cancer. I've given up smoking hash given up smoking cigarettes and the final thing is to lose all this weight the illness helped me put on.

Thanks guys hope I've not bord you to much


  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    With low carb you usually lose a lot of weight really quickly in the first coupe of weeks from water weight, then it levels off to a normal 1-2lb a week loss.

    You are still losing every DAY so it isn't a plateau.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm not familiar with Jimmy Moore, but I am currently living low-carb. I'll add you. I like to post my on the spot recipes that actually turn out well.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Also, I took a peek at your diary. Perhaps shake it up a bit and go for low-carb, low-fat for a little while. I'm on that program. It's only been 3 weeks, but it's working so far.
  • Faery_Dust
    Faery_Dust Posts: 246 Member
    After the first couple of weeks you should only expect the regular 1-2lbs of weight loss each weeks, you are still losing and still moving in the right direction. I wouldn't worry too much :)

    PS, feel free to add me although I only do low carb intermittently. I follo keto because I like it but then miss my fruit and starchy veggies so go back to low fat / high carb for a while. But spend most of the time feeling hungry so end up going back to keto for a while lol.

    It's a long way around I guess but works for me :)
  • Hey thanks guys I expected it to slow down that all good. Just wasn't sure if it would been this soon but time flys when you're having funny it's been 3 wks using MFP I lost maybe a stone before staying to use MFP I will post some pics at some point just bait shy ATM hehe 3wks with no friends using this app is kinda said so thanks to anyone that adds me. THe reason I'm on high fat low carb is because I tried the low fat low carb before and didn't work for me till I saw jimmy moores story you guys should YouTube it he's done test after test.
  • Faery_Dust
    Faery_Dust Posts: 246 Member
    Personally for me, I could only ever do high fat / low carb / moderate protein. The high fat is very satisfying and leaves you feeling full. If I ate low fat as well as low carb I would not be a happy bunny lol. The calories would be too low for me personally.

    Sounds like you are doing great. There is a helpful Keto group on here, you could join there for help.

    I have a fab recipe for a keto friendly pizza if you want? So the base isn't made from dough, it's a mix of egg and cream cheese but it's still pretty yummy!
  • Personally for me, I could only ever do high fat / low carb / moderate protein. The high fat is very satisfying and leaves you feeling full. If I ate low fat as well as low carb I would not be a happy bunny lol. The calories would be too low for me personally.

    Sounds like you are doing great. There is a helpful Keto group on here, you could join there for help.

    I have a fab recipe for a keto friendly pizza if you want? So the base isn't made from dough, it's a mix of egg and cream cheese but it's still pretty yummy!

    Yes please I would be very great full of any recipe and I used to love pizza hehe. I'm the same I don't believe the low carb diet was made to be low carb low fat. I think I just need to work out what % of fat and protein Is good for me.

    I couldn't find that keto group on here under what part of the forum is it under thanks a lot for the help btw :)

    P.s sorry about any typo errors I'm on my iPad and still got fat fingers hehe
  • lincs_lass
    lincs_lass Posts: 18 Member
    I'm low carbing and high fat too but my loss is very slow and I actually put weight on last week although it's come back off again this week (but no additional loss :( ) i've added you so you can see what i eat. I do eat fruit though so my carbs maybe aren't as low as yours!
  • BigSexi1
    BigSexi1 Posts: 3
    I get really bored with the low carb and when i get the carb cravings I eat everything. I am trying carb cycling where I do two days of low carb then one day of high carb to kill the cravings. Even though I have high carb, the carbs are gotten in fruits, brown rice, whole wheats, etc. This has been working very well along with working out 3-5 days a week! You may want to switch it up!
  • I'm low carbing and high fat too but my loss is very slow and I actually put weight on last week although it's come back off again this week (but no additional loss :( ) i've added you so you can see what i eat. I do eat fruit though so my carbs maybe aren't as low as yours!

    Thanks i will take a look and thanks for adding me its just nice after being on here for 3 weeks to finally have some other people to help me and me to help them if i can thanks ;)

    I notice you have taken sugar out of your diary why? is that not a must watch thing on low carb?
    I get really bored with the low carb and when i get the carb cravings I eat everything. I am trying carb cycling where I do two days of low carb then one day of high carb to kill the cravings. Even though I have high carb, the carbs are gotten in fruits, brown rice, whole wheats, etc. This has been working very well along with working out 3-5 days a week! You may want to switch it up!

    Thanks for the idea. As i am not really craving carbs it does not really apply to me i can go with 0 carbs if i have to really its more the bored feeling over cooking the same stuff over and over. Maybe it might be a good idea to have one day a week off the meat ? have a full day of eating nice fruits of course low in carbs....? what you think?
  • Faery_Dust
    Faery_Dust Posts: 246 Member
    Here's a couple of groups that you might find helpful.



    Here is the basic recipe I used for my pizza. I added some mixed herbs and some garlic granuals to the base to give it a kind of italian flavour. I have tried it with and without the cream of tartar. With it, the base is a little fluffier, but overall not much difference. Definitely grease the base (I used parchment paper and then rubbed some butter over it) as it has a tendancy to stick.


    I just used a cheap store own brand of cream cheese. I used a little Passata and a dessert spoon of sugar free BBQ sauce as a sauce for it. Then added plenty of cheese and some shredded chicken and a little garlic butter. Was absolutely divine! It's quite high in calories and the carbs can add up a bit depending what you add to it so I only had it once a week, usually a weekend treat (I would eat half the pizza with salad and lost weight still whenever I had it, guess everyone is different though).

    With left over mixture I would do a few blobs (it's a fluffly pre-cooked merangue texture not like dough) on to a baking sheet and flatten it down to make burger buns. Again, not exactly like bread but still something you can put your burger or sandwich filler in and eat with your hands :)
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    I follow Jimmy Moore. I don't know if I am in ketosis or not, I don't check my ketones. I do eat pretty low carb, around 50g or less. I usually have bacon, cheese, and eggs omelette every morning, throwing in avocados, green onions, or hot peppers. My new breakfast meal that I have recently thrown in for variety is ham steak with warm apple sauce or sliced apple cooked on the stovetop, cinnamon, and slivered or crushed almonds. Sometimes it is just full fat yogurt and some berries. Once in a while I skip breakfast and make "bulletproof" coffee. It is 8-10oz coffee with 1T heavy cream, 1T coconut oil, 1T grass fed butter. I whip it all up with a handheld frother and it keeps me full and energized past lunch. Sometimes I sprinkle cinnamon or cocoa powder in.

    Your weight loss seems fine. I would look at total progress over a week not day to day even though you weigh in daily. You didn't mention what you do for exercise. I know that I don't see too much loss when I don't keep a routine workout or walks.
  • Here's a couple of groups that you might find helpful.



    Here is the basic recipe I used for my pizza. I added some mixed herbs and some garlic granuals to the base to give it a kind of italian flavour. I have tried it with and without the cream of tartar. With it, the base is a little fluffier, but overall not much difference. Definitely grease the base (I used parchment paper and then rubbed some butter over it) as it has a tendancy to stick.


    I just used a cheap store own brand of cream cheese. I used a little Passata and a dessert spoon of sugar free BBQ sauce as a sauce for it. Then added plenty of cheese and some shredded chicken and a little garlic butter. Was absolutely divine! It's quite high in calories and the carbs can add up a bit depending what you add to it so I only had it once a week, usually a weekend treat (I would eat half the pizza with salad and lost weight still whenever I had it, guess everyone is different though).

    With left over mixture I would do a few blobs (it's a fluffly pre-cooked merangue texture not like dough) on to a baking sheet and flatten it down to make burger buns. Again, not exactly like bread but still something you can put your burger or sandwich filler in and eat with your hands :)

    thanks so much i will defo give that a try anything one a week to break the same old food up will help... Sounds good tbh i'll let you know i get on with it HAHA wish me luck

    I follow Jimmy Moore. I don't know if I am in ketosis or not, I don't check my ketones. I do eat pretty low carb, around 50g or less. I usually have bacon, cheese, and eggs omelette every morning, throwing in avocados, green onions, or hot peppers. My new breakfast meal that I have recently thrown in for variety is ham steak with warm apple sauce or sliced apple cooked on the stovetop, cinnamon, and slivered or crushed almonds. Sometimes it is just full fat yogurt and some berries. Once in a while I skip breakfast and make "bulletproof" coffee. It is 8-10oz coffee with 1T heavy cream, 1T coconut oil, 1T grass fed butter. I whip it all up with a handheld frother and it keeps me full and energized past lunch. Sometimes I sprinkle cinnamon or cocoa powder in.

    Your weight loss seems fine. I would look at total progress over a week not day to day even though you weigh in daily. You didn't mention what you do for exercise. I know that I don't see too much loss when I don't keep a routine workout or walks.

    Yea i love jimmy moore. I know i am in ketosis because i use a blood meter best thing i got. Did you stall abit on your weight loss after 2-3 weeks? This seems to be the case for most people.. So do you think i should just keep as i am? 60lbs lost for you buddy good job well done. I didn't used to look at my weight daily and i have now stopped that from this week. I was only doing it to see if my change in my diet was going to effect my weight but as i have learn scales lie hahahaha

    Sorry i thought you could see my exercise as part of my diary i'm pretty new to MFP sorry

    This is what i do ruffly everyday apart from sunday.

    20-25 mins of hard punch bag work (kick boxing)

    rest 5 mins

    15-20 mins cycling very intense

    rest 5 mins

    seated biceps curls 3-4 sets with 15 reps

    bench press barbells 3-4 sets 25 reps

    abdominal crunches 3-4 sets 15 reps

    then after Dinner maybe 10-15 mins cycling not so intense

    i have also got 2 dogs that i walk 2-3 times a day depending on what else i have got in the day to do

    bulletproof coffee sounds nice i might give that ago thanks dude :)
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    I lost most of it 3 years ago and maintained it for a while until I started developing new bad habits and gained back about 10lbs. Since recommitting I lost that and am trying to go lower. I need to do more strength training then I do to change more body composition. Most of my exercise is cardio. 3 years ago I dipped into the 170s and maintained low 180s for a long time. I am 184 now and I think the 170s are about where I want to be, just win more muscle mass and strength.