Jenny Craig vs. Weight Watchers

gillian_gail Posts: 66
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm thinking about starting a program like these two. So I'm hoping I can get some opinions on both. Have any of you done either, or both? If so, what are the pros and cons of your experience? Thanks in advance for your responses. :heart:



  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    I did WW in my mid twenties and had success with it. If you go to the meetings and listen to what they have to say about how life can throw roadblocks at you, you could have great success... I never bought any of their meals. Alas, me being in my 20s and thinking I knew EVERYTHING dropped the plan not long after I got to my goal weight and in less than 5 years had put the weight back on plus about 25lbs.

    I think WW is the lesser of the two evils as they don't require you to purchase their food to attend a support meeting.
  • I'm doing Jenny Craig because I don't cook. I suppose I could go to the grocery store and stock up on frozen foods, but JC does it all for you. It costs about $125/week for the food. It's a preset calorie count, the meals are structured, and the bottom line is, it's easy. And, actually, the food is usually pretty good, if you don't let the Microwave overcook it.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I'm currently on Jenny Craig. I started November 1st. So far I've lost a little over 51 lbs on the program. 90% of the food is really good and is better than Nutrisystem. I recommend the program, however it is pricey. I usually spend $100 per week on food. I'm starting to find that Lean Cuisine are starting to offer more options and their lunches/dinners are cheaper than Jenny Craig. Downside to Lean Cuisine is that it has more sodium than JC.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I have done WW. I think it's a pretty good program. However, if you don't go to meetings, you might as well use this site instead. If you need the group support, it can really help. It's a lifestyle. I have joined a bunch of times and about half the times I was successful. Its what you make of it. Any program will work if u give it your all :smile:
  • I've been doing WW since January....lost 20 lbs (it's a slow process) but I wasn't doing any exercise at all. Several relatives have left WW and joined MFP and encouraged me to try it. I've been on it two days and it's a little confusing to get started with but I'm really liking it. I enjoyed the WW (I did not attend the meetings) and ate the Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine (the points value for WW is on the side of the Lean Cuisine boxes). I don't eat meat (hardly any at all) so I basically eat the rice, beans and pasta meals and pizzas by Smart Ones. In nine months, I have NOT had one bad meal....I like them so much that when I cook for my husband, I don't even want any of what I have cooked. I am just so geared to those meals. I couldn't afford Jenny Craig or Nutri-System....and to me WW was very user friendly. I've also tried SouthBeach...I think I've tried most all of them (that was affordable). Good luck in your choice. Have you thought about MFP???:smile:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Here are JC lunches:

    Beef Barley Stew 230 cal. $4.99
    Beef Chow Mein 220 cal. $5.49
    Broccoli & Cheese Stuffed Potato 210 cal. $4.39
    Cheesy Enchilada 260 cal. $5.49
    Chicken Salad Lunch Kit $5.29
    Cheesy Potatoes & Chicken $6.49
    Chicken Sandwich 250 cal. $5.29
    Chicken Stuffed Sandwich 270 cal. $5.29
    Classic Chicken Noodle Soup 210 cal.$4.99
    Creamy Chicken & Corn Chowder 210 cal. $4.99
    Personal Pizza 260 cal. $5.49
    Meatball Stuffed Sandwich $5.29
    Pesto Pizza $5.49 YUCK
    Rotini with Meatballs Lunch 250 cal. $5.49
    Southwest Style Chicken Burrito $5.29 good
    Southwestern Chicken w/Rice & Beans 250 cal. $5.49
    Spinach & Cheese Tortellini 5.29
    Swedish Meatballs 250 cal. $5.49
    Tuna Salad Kit Lunch $5.29
    Turkey Burger Sandwich 280 cal. $5.29
    Turkey Club Panini $5.99
    Veggie & artichoke Quesadilla $5.49
    Zesty Tortellini Soup $4.99
  • Great advice from is definitely a lifestyle change and you have to have your mind set that this is what you want, it's worth it and you're gonna do it. Stay focused, eat the right things, exercise and either count points, calories or something...have a goal and stick to it. Good luck!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    i would highly recommend using MFP to count your calories. Maybe get something like Healthy Choice steamers or Lean Cuisine for your portion control during lunch and dinner. Add in fruits and veggies. A couple of servings of low fat or non-fat cheese items and you're good to go. Even with Jenny Craig I still have to buy outside fruit, veggies, non-fat yogurt, etc.
  • jess1430
    jess1430 Posts: 9 Member
    I did Nutrisystem about a year ago. While I lost nearly 10 lbs in just two weeks, I thought the food was terrible and I couldn't make myself eat half of the meals I had ordered! Granted i'm a picky eater, but like others have said, I don't have a problem with Lean Cuisines and Smart Ones. To me that means the Nutrisystem meals were actually pretty bad. I'm not sure if Jenny Craig meals are better, but something about having all of that food from Nutrisystem and have not a single thing require a fridge kind of freaked me out.

    Good luck in your decision making!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I've done both, and even worked as a WW leader for a few years, so maybe I'm biased, but here's my $0.02: Both worked. I lost about 25 lb. on JC in 1996, and about 55 later on WW (2001), then 15 more after my first daughter was born (2003), and I'm following WW now. Here are the differences I perceive in them

    Price -- JC is a lot more expensive.
    Convenience -- JC foods are 99% pre-cooked and ready to go.
    Flexibility -- I found it very hard to adapt to eating out or parties or travelling on JC
    Maintenance -- I NEVER learned to maintain on JC. I maintained easily on WW for about a year before I got pregnant.
    Busy-bodies -- If you work outside the home, I think it would be very hard to keep your weight-loss plans private if you wanted to. I know personally, I hate everyone constantly asking me questions about my "diet," so if I started heating up JC meals in the office kitchen, I'd get all kinds of unwelcome remarks.
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    I did Jenny Craig - and one week I asked them "When do I learn how to do this myself? I cant buy your meals forever." And they were like, "wull... uhhh... ummm..." So that was when I stopped. I even had purchased their LIFETIME membership. DOH. I'm sort of sick when I remember that little detail. I joined with a bunch of girls from work and we all dropped out, one by one, and gained weight back when we didn't have their meals to rely on.

    I vote for w.w. if you want to do a program.
  • mcoombe
    mcoombe Posts: 7 Member
    I have done both - they both work. However, Jenny C doesn't teach you how to eat once you've lost the weight. I worked as a Weight Watchers leader for 9 years and have maintained a 40 lb. weight loss. I am using this myfitnesspal site to continue to maintain my loss. Don't want to pay for WW online! LOL

    I highly recommend you go to Weight Watchers! Its a way to lose and MAINTAIN. You learn/get tools that you can use for a lifetime.
  • I don't do either I exercise to P90X program and eat healthy cutting out fats and basically anything white. I also eat the Smart Ones meals for lunch as it is more convienent and they are by WW and are very good, in my opinion most are better then Lean Cuisine and the same price even cheaper in some stores. You can buy them in Wal-Mart ....I have learned that eatting all processed foods for every meal will only make you gain it all back after you go off the program, and 2 yrs ago I lost 65 lbs on just WW meals, went off and gained every bit back!. The real key is to learn to eat healthy at home and not buy all the foods they tell you to...I eat oatmeal or an egg sand for break on wheat toast, lunch is usually a smart one or tossed salad and dinner is either fish or chicken or a pasta that is whole wheat. I have lost 14 lbs and 7 inches doing this combined with P90X which is an awesome fitness program! Good Luck!
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    I've had a couple friends do Jenny Craig - all lost weight but could not keep it off once they switched from the JC prepackaged food to regular food. I'd recommend weight watchers since it teaches you to eat regular food from the start.
  • Interesting topic and great feedback. Sorry to hear some people feel JC doesn't teach them to maintain. Without being rude, did they make it to their goal and go on the maintenance programme? I've seen many woman complete their year long maintenance and be within their goal range. I was a consultant, so I guess I'm happy to report that I've helped/seen a few ladies reach their goals.

    As for the difference? It's personal and believe me, all diets work, its what you do on a daily basis that will determine if you put the weight back on. I'm perfect at maintaining (except unfortunately that's not my goal). I support people regardless of what diet plan they choose, as what's most important is being happy whilst on a plan, moving, finding motivation/support, and getting healthy. And I feel MFP is right up there in terms of support, and info.

    Good luck!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Interesting topic and great feedback. Sorry to hear some people feel JC doesn't teach them to maintain. Without being rude, did they make it to their goal and go on the maintenance programme? I've seen many woman complete their year long maintenance and be within their goal range. I was a consultant, so I guess I'm happy to report that I've helped/seen a few ladies reach their goals.

    Jenny Craig does help it's clients to learn maintenance. The problem lies with people not trying to LEARN anything while they are on the program. If you have someone that just joined the program when their girlfriends joined and then quit when their girlfriends quit then most likely they didn't TRY to learn anything. These people were "interested" in losing weight, but not "committed" to losing the weight. The program isn't magic. The food isn't magic. It requires a lot of personal responsibility. The program didn't fail, they failed the program.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I did both and all I have to say about weigh loss programs = $$$$

    You're better off investing in a few nutrition classes, buying the book Calorie King and educating yourself on what to do for the rest of your life.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Oh I just thought of one more thing. Use this site (MFP) to the fullest. Ask your friends to open up their diaries to you, especially the ones who've done well on the site. Look at what they eat to give you ideas on meals and good days. There is just so much information on here and out there, at no cost, and there are a bunch of groups on here who are very motivational. They ask you to weigh in each week to track your progress, but in all honesty there's only one person who ultimately holds you accountable.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I've done both.....and I wouldn't recommend either but if I had to choose WW all the way!!!

    Jenny craig is in I can feed a family of 4 for a month for the same price as JC for a month for just me plus I still need to buy all the fruits and veggies etc. You are basically living off frozen, prepackaged meals and I found it didn't really teach me how to eat. I did lose 86 lbs on the program though but once I went back to having to make my own meals I gained 160+ back.

    WW I'd done off and on for 10 years. It's inexpensive especially if you choose to do it all online. Easy to follow and understand, you eat all your own food, nothing is off limits, the flex points are awesome for helping with cheat days or whatever you call them. I just don't like having to convert all my meals to points before I know the value of the food. I did however lose 40 lbs in 4 months on the program the last time I did it.

    and then I found this site................

    and now just following the guidelines of MFP and exercizing I've lost another 41 lbs in 3 months and know that I will continue to lose. MFP has taught my how to eat and watch sodium, fat, carbs etc . Calories are pretty much univeral, no conversion needed, there are no off limit foods here either and it's easy to follow, so honestly at this time it's the only program I have or will recommend.
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
    I did weight watchers and for me it was a waste of time and money. I get more from this site then i did there. Sitting in the meetings hearing things i felt i already knew deep down. Paying someone to weigh me pretty much. And have them sell me products that i felt i needed at the time. The only thing i bought there that i still use is my scale. If you need support add as many people on here as possible and turn to the boards. Nothing feels better then completing my diary and logging exercise and having a bunch of people give me positive feedback (even tho i dont know them personally lol) Log everything you eat.. like you would on weight watchers anyway (without wasting time figuring out point values). Jenny craig is almost the same thing i believe but you pay them for food?? Just portion and weight everything!! I personally am living on a tight budget right now and i still manage to eat great. So if you need some cheap healthy meals or ideas or just support you can add me!! I like to buy mini carrots and fruits and wash and portion them and put them in snack bags. Also you can hard boil eggs, bag them and just grab them and go. Save yourself the money i say!! Log into here everyday and track everything. Put an honest effort into exercise. You can do it girl!!!
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