Hi, I'm New to MFP

I've been gaining weight for the last 13 yrs....I have been on another weight loss program and was encouraged to "try" MFP...I've been doing this since Sept. 1st and I'm liking it more and more with each passing day. Several relatives are doing it so that is encouragement for me, plus I wouldn't mind being some encouragement to others who need to lose those unwanted pounds. The weight is most definitely easier to put on than it is to take off...especially when you're in the "senior citizen" category. So for all of you, we shall be on this journey together. Good luck to everyone. Hapygranma:smile:


  • Netta2015
    Netta2015 Posts: 5 Member
    Glad you joined! I've been on for 3 weeks now, I absolutely love this site. I have tried several different tracking sites and none have been as user friendly and fun as this one! It really makes me accountable for what i eat during the day...I've also invited my co-workers, who are also on a weight loss journey, and we motivate each other daily, its great. :0) I believe your less likely to fall off the diet wagon when you have so much support. I wish you much success!!!
  • hapygranma
    Thanks so much bdaverette...this is alot like facebook and I've been on fb for quite a while. It really does help to have alot of support. I haven't fallen off the diet wagon but I've gotten a little "bored" at the WW so decided to do something different...can't wait to see how this works for me. And it has motivated me to "get on that treadmill" that has been sitting collecting dust. I wish you much success also...WE CAN DO THIS!!!