Frustrated...ready to give up!

I started this weight loss journey on June 22, 2013...calories under 1500 everyday, no alcohol, no sugar and low fat. Began P90X on July 1, have had 2 rest days since then. My weight went down and now it is up. I drink tons of water over 100 ounces. I began at 213.6 and I am 209.6 today. It seems not to want to fall off. I am 44 years old, 5'9" and my goal weight is 150. I need some encouragement or a voice of reason or I am going back to eating sundaes and drinking wine every night.


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    It's been 3 weeks and you've lost 4lbs, sounds like a success to me.
  • mrivera1962
    Don't give up...Its hard to lose weight but 4lbs already lost is Great..Stay Positive...Way 2 Go
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    the weight didn't come on over night- it's not going to leave over night.

    You literally have had a month... and a pound of a week is 4 lbs... and that's pretty normal.

    Relax- it's going to take time.

    I seriously do not understand why people think this **** happens over night. What happens when you face real adversity in your life? Are you going to just give up because it's to hard?

    You have to fight for this. It takes time but you have to fight for it. Every step for days on end- it's not a 1-2 month process... it's literally MONTHS and MONTHS and years of work. Relax. It will come.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    It's been 3 weeks and you've lost 4lbs, sounds like a success to me.

    Sounds like success to me, too. This process is a sure thing if you follow it by counting your calories, moving more and eating at the recommended calorie level. You are successful. You will continue to be successful if you stick with it. It is a sure thing, but not fast. You supply motivation, and people here supply encouragement and good advice.
  • dobermomof3
    Thank you
  • dobermomof3
    the weight didn't come on over night- it's not going to leave over night.

    You literally have had a month... and a pound of a week is 4 lbs... and that's pretty normal.

    Relax- it's going to take time.

    I seriously do not understand why people think this **** happens over night. What happens when you face real adversity in your life? Are you going to just give up because it's to hard?

    You have to fight for this. It takes time but you have to fight for it. Every step for days on end- it's not a 1-2 month process... it's literally MONTHS and MONTHS and years of work. Relax. It will come.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    There is no reason to restrict all that you've decided to restrict. You can still have ice cream and wine. Work it into your calories.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I think it is all that working out. You are probably holding a bunch of water in your muscles as they try to repair themselves.
  • janlee499
    janlee499 Posts: 2
    don't give up. I am 50 . gained 30 pounds since my 4oth birthday and had had it. Started watching my food (clean tracking calories, yes gave up the wine too) My goal is to get to 140 pounds. I was at 174 when I got serious about six weeks ago and now at 156. I feel amazing. the first week I lost 6lbs. Mostly water and now a steady 2lbs a week. that is the REAL weight loss. It doesn't come off fast. Just keep going. It takes us a while to get fat, now it is going to take a while to take it off!!
  • sammycat1
    sammycat1 Posts: 56 Member
    Be patient, your doing great. I cut my sodium right back to get my weight loss moving and it works a treat for me. I also cut out wine and sugar and anything artificial. I feel great with this woe.
  • dobermomof3
    I do feel great and have a lot of seems to be a scale situation. I decided to get rid of the scale for a month. :yawn:
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    Don't give up...Its hard to lose weight but 4lbs already lost is Great..Stay Positive...Way 2 Go
    This exactly!!! Throw the scale away. :)
  • sugah11
    sugah11 Posts: 156 Member
    try an overnight flush eat 1/2 cantaloupe at bed time and drink 16oz of water - you may have to get up a few times at night but this is a great natural diuretic. Stay the course and take your measurements, with the PX90 workouts you are building muscle but I am sure you have lost inches. One step at a time we all have stalls, your body does not want to give up the fat but it will and when it does all of the sudden your down several happens to all of us!
  • dobermomof3
    Thank you all for the encouragement. I opened my diary for everyone to see.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    try an overnight flush eat 1/2 cantaloupe at bed time and drink 16oz of water - you may have to get up a few times at night but this is a great natural diuretic. Stay the course and take your measurements, with the PX90 workouts you are building muscle but I am sure you have lost inches. One step at a time we all have stalls, your body does not want to give up the fat but it will and when it does all of the sudden your down several happens to all of us!

    No. OP you do not need an overnight flush.
  • shortmomma81
    Sometimes it takes several different workouts before you find one right for your body. Remember, we're all different. I'm saying this because my friends can shed pounds like nothing with zumba or the similar but I do it and NOTHING happens. I tried swimming, dancing, group classes. Finally, I tried speed walking at the highest incline for only twenty five minutes on my treadmill and the pounds just came right off. Don't give up!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You're doing so well! Just keep going.

    When I first started, every few weeks I'd get frustrated because it was taking forever. But it does come off if you keep going.
  • devlinn1
    devlinn1 Posts: 1 Member
    You are doing fine...
    Top-end is 2 lbs a week weight loss.
    1 lb a week is normal and healthy..

    If you are really doing the PX90 program, it's entirely possible you are shedding fat and building lean muscle...
    The only way to know for sure, is to get yourself onto a body-fat monitor/scale...
    They aren't perfect,, but + or - 3% is close enough for civilian (non-athlete) use.

    As someone earlier said, this isn't a sprint, it's a marathon...
    It took years of bad habits to get you here, it will take more than a month to turn it around...

    Diet is 80%-90% of the process...Every meal either takes you closer or further away from your goal...
    For example, you can burn 600 calories on a single PX90 program, and eat twice that much back with a single Dairy Queen Blizzard...

    Focus on the image of the new you...that will keep you on-track.

    BTW, if you aren't having fun with PX90 (and who would?)... find something else....
    There are several other efficient (less demanding) programs available..that also get great results..

    Never forget, your body WANTS to be healthy...It's a biological imperative, you just need to help it along..
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 429 Member
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Your weight loss is AWESOME!

    Try not to lose more than 1#/week. If you restrict your diet for a long time and aren't VERY vigilant about your nutrients like iron and calcium, you WILL lose bone and muscle mass. Learn from me! I lost 100 pounds, have kept it off for the most part since 2008, but have broken my collarbone three times since then, had four surgeries and a bone graft to correct it. I have struggled to put muscle and bone back on. Lose it slow! Bone density loss while dieting is a REAL risk.