How well does Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred work after.....

The first 30 days? Do you still see pretty good results? I'm assuming you wont see the 20 pound weight loss every month, because your body is getting used to doing it. But has anyone still seen significant results when doing it for several months at a time?

I was just kind of wandering. I was thinking of picking up some of her other DVD's and alternating them to get the best results (So my body didn't get used to any one thing).


  • MissJanelle5
    I just bought it! waiting for it in the mail. Do you have a wii? if you do i love her wii games and the biggest loser one it has everything. If your looking for dvds i just picked some up at marshalls for 2.99 and 4.99. so check it out!
  • Hughes39
    I just bought it! waiting for it in the mail. Do you have a wii? if you do i love her wii games and the biggest loser one it has everything. If your looking for dvds i just picked some up at marshalls for 2.99 and 4.99. so check it out!
    I just bought mine a few days ago too. At Wal-mart though, so no waiting! I did see her Wii game. I think I might pick that one up next! I love my Wii and Wii fit Plus
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I've been using it since January, in addition to her No More Trouble Zone and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I also walk and jog. I'm losing an average of 5 pounds per month, but I don't do it every day. I'm sure if I used it every day I would be losing at a faster rate, but in my opinion 20 pounds a month is unrealistic - especially since I don't want to gain it all back if something happens and I can't work out at the level I am now.

    Of all her DVD's 30 Day Shred is my favorite. It's a kick butt workout, but it's quick enough that I can do it when I'm pressed for time.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I did 30 day shred first, (for 30 days straight) and saw great results. I didn't see a huge drop on the scale but I lost 2(!!!) pant sizes in 20 days. It was pretty amazing. The good thing about Shred is that you switch levels every 10 days or so so your body doesn't get used to it. It's designed to keep challenging you. Then I did NMTZ and BFBM for another 5 weeks or so, with some shred mixed in when I didn't have time for the longer workouts. I love Jillian, but I am sick of Shred. I couldn't have done 2 months straight of shred! I actually gave my dvd away! I think I will always do her other dvd's though. I can always count on her to kick my butt!

    She's coming out with a new Shred in a couple of months, I think it's with heavier weights or something.
  • Hughes39
    I've been using it since January, in addition to her No More Trouble Zone and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I also walk and jog. I'm losing an average of 5 pounds per month, but I don't do it every day. I'm sure if I used it every day I would be losing at a faster rate, but in my opinion 20 pounds a month is unrealistic - especially since I don't want to gain it all back if something happens and I can't work out at the level I am now.

    Of all her DVD's 30 Day Shred is my favorite. It's a kick butt workout, but it's quick enough that I can do it when I'm pressed for time.
    i think 20lb is a bit unrealistic as well. i want to loose about 8/mo and i kinda think that may be pushing it. i know they say 1-2lb a week is the most you should loose.
    i know that i shortcut a lot when first starting out so i never expected to loose 20lb in 30 days but i was hoping for a good workout! and that it is!!!
  • kjvanatta
    kjvanatta Posts: 7 Member
    I also bought the fat burning metabolism boosting DVd and have tried it too. I plan to use that one as well.
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I did the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workout DVD starting January 2009. Its basically a boot camp. I was very dedicated and got up at 6am every morning. It really kicked my butt because it is hard and I am not a morning person. So I started trying different DVDs that I found at Wal-mart and K-mart. I started to have heart paptations. So that's another reason I stopped the 30 day shred. I like the other guy on Biggest Loser, Denise Austin and Shawn T. Hip Hop Abs and others better. I will say that Jillian Michael's 30 day shred help me get toned! I didn't loose any weight because I wasn't watching what I eating. This year I am in a running group and thanks to this web site, I am finally loosing weight with the food diary.
  • LaurenGetsFit2
    LaurenGetsFit2 Posts: 35 Member
    I did this (along with a couple of others, for variety) last summer, for about two months while incorporating it with my efforts to pick up running (for the first time in my life); I remember it being the closest thing to torture I had ever experienced. I was about 115 lbs, 5'2" and a 20-year-old, hard-studying college student who was ready to make a change. The day after I first started doing the DVDs, I could barely walk or lift my arms. 0_o

    A year later, and with summer once again upon me, I'm running 6-7 miles a couple of times a week (I was up to 8.5, until an injury forced me to shorten up) along with doing "Banish Fat" and "No More Trouble Zones" (because they're longer workouts) and occasionally I'll throw in "Killer Abs" to mix things up. I could do two of the DVDs in a row, if I felt motivated enough & had the time. I probably *still* wouldn't feel much soreness or exhaustion.
    Now I'm (still) 5'2", and around 100 lbs. That 15 pound loss happened almost entirely over last summer, as I don't really have much time to workout as much or as often as I do during the summer, and of course...I'm something of a stress eater (worst. curse. ever.).

    But in June I returned to Jillian Michaels in hopes of toning up a bit of what muscle I lost over the school year as well as drop another 5 lbs. I've gotten some muscle definition back, but haven't really lost any "weight".

    Overall, for people who aren't in shape to begin with and have less than ideal diets, the 30 Day Shred (and others) is a fantastic place to start. I really used it to coax myself into what "working out" was, as I had never really done much exercise aside from brisk walks until last year. Now, I use some of what she presents and I might modify it or find similar exercises online to make my own routines.
    Genetically, I'm pretty athletic and I enjoy exercise--I just grew up home schooled, so I wasn't exposed to a lot of it until later in life. Plus I used to have an eating disorder, and after I recovered, I focused on eating healthy, so my diet really didn't need much Spring cleaning.

    Anyway. Yes. I would recommend it. Yes, I had results, but not like they advertised, although I'm sure it's because I was only 5'2" and already on the "thinner" side at 115 lbs. At 100lbs, my body *really* doesn't want to lose any more weight lol!