What else besides running/Walking??

As of this week I have lost 23lbs since May 7th pretty much through running alone & obviously healthy eating/lifestyle change. I have 20 more lbs to go & while I love running, I was just checking to see if there is anything else any suggests to do to BURN CALORIES & LOSE WEIGHT. I am 165 now & when I get to 150 I want to work more on toning & muscles. My end goal is 145. I want to do insanity, but I don't have the money at the moment & I have 30DS, but I've heard you don't really lose weight on that.

Any suggestions. Sorry if it's a stupid question.


  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    Don't wait to start strength training. You will achieve the look you're after faster if you start lifting weights now. Personally I like to do circuit training.

    Cycling or spinning is a great way to get an intense cardio workout without all the impact of running. If you have access to a pool, swimming laps is another great, no-impact workout.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I would suggest using your diet as your primary weight control...then set independent fitness goals and do those exercises that will most help you meet those fitness goals. To that end, I'd definitely do some resistance training...too many women neglect that aspect of fitness and wonder why they don't have the rockin' body they thought they'd have.

    Weight loss itself is all about calories in/out. The easiest and most efficient way to create a calorie deficit is in your diet; exercise is actually rather inefficient. If you're using MFP the way it is intended, you have a calorie goal that includes a weight loss deficit without any exercise whatsoever.

    Also, you burn calories just being alive. Actually, most of your daily caloric burn is from just being alive...heart pumping, lungs pumping, etc. A lot of people either don't know this fact or they forget about it...then they think they need to go workout and burn a gazillion calories when in truth, a solid and efficient workout is generally going to be in the 250-500 calorie range depending...with 500 being a pretty intense workout. For people who workout like an athlete, the need to eat like one too...which means lots of food.
  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    I am REALLY good about what I eat. I stick to 1200 calories a day (some people have said that's too little). There are times when I eat more. I've recently started adding more veggies because I noticed I was eating a lot of carbs (according to mfp). I eat Nuts, fruits, veggies, turkey wraps, & greek yogurt. Even if my meals are processed I am getting really good at portion control. I also gave up soda awhile ago & its all water or sparkling ice for me.

    Circuit training...what exactly would that be?
  • mscountrygirl39456
    mscountrygirl39456 Posts: 113 Member
    I do 20-30 minutes of low impact aerobics.a day, only been doing it about a week......