
Hi I just got started trying to get my diet plan right & my aunt suggested this site, I am so thrilled about it! I look forward to making some serious progress, I'm too young to not have any energy, or lack of self esteem about my size so now is the time for a 360 turn around.


  • Jennifer0102
    Jennifer0102 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome Chessy! I am new as well, today is my first official day.
  • hammycat86
    Hello. I'm pretty new too. Been here for a week and a half. My first week was rough. My main goal that week was to log what I was eating. It was painful to see! :-) However watching my calories/carbs/fats/sugar/etc for the week and reading some of the recipes here and the food database has helped me to cut back and make better choiced in my second week, which I have done. I have swelling issues and try to keep my sodium low. So I track that too. I have actually been coming in under my sodium intake for the days this week and am amazed at the difference it has made with not swelling up.
    My advice is to be honest with yourself when youre logging your food. That is what made the difference for me!
    Good luck! Hope we can be friends here and help motivate each other!
  • kermie019
    kermie019 Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome. I find this site very helpful to log meals and exercise. I have been sharing it with all of my friends. Good Luck!
  • annie008
    Hello & welcome aboard!....I wish you the best of luck! I'm pretty much a newbie too...I just started last week and tomorrow will be my first weigh in since the initial one...which was horrid...but hopefully that is a number I will never ever see again when I step on a scale. So far I can tell you that I like this website. I originally found out about while looking through apps on my ipod touch....then I discovered the website. So far it's kept me motivated to see others keeping up with their calorie intake and pushing the exercise.....like someone else mentioned the best thing is to be true to yourself and log in every single thing!....feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like and we can motivate each other!