Finally getting serious...hit rock bottom...



  • arkansas300
    arkansas300 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello MFP Friends
    I can relate to you. I started my journey June 5,2013. I weighed 308 pounds. I was sick and tired of being the biggest person at work. I have losted 18 pounds so far. I move each and everyday. I work 3-5 miles a day. i plan on losing 120 pounds within a year. I will never abuse my body again with junk food. I take it one day at a time. you can do it stay focus each and everyday. My goal is 170 pounds. I want to live again. Being overweight is no fun. Pictures of my sisters. I'm the blonde. You can do it Take small steps daily to change your old habits to healthy new habits.. :flowerforyou:
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    get the science right. start with 'Good Calories, Bad Calories' by Gary Taubes. long read but worth it. cut the carbs.
  • treesloth
    treesloth Posts: 162 Member
    This may sound sarcastic, but congratulations on hitting rock bottom and having it mean something to you. I say that seriously. A lot of people would see that and turn away and immediately start rationalizing it away. You didn't. You saw it, took a hard lesson from it, and decided to change it. That's a real strength. Welcome to a new way of living, and a chance to inspire other people.

    MFP is a great tool. Be honest with it. Don't allow unrecorded treats. The improved health you'll gain is better than any "I deserve this"-type treat you will ever eat. Keep a photo record. That's one thing I wish I'd done. I came up with a substitute, though. I have a very nice daily-wear belt that I've just started adding more and more holes to. It's 52" long, and I used the third hole when I first got it. I now use the 13th hole. I've had to add a bunch. My wife can't figure out why I keep it, but it's become my daily reminder of how far I've come and where I want to be. I think I can get up to the 15th at least.

    Friends help. Talk to people you know and tell them what you're trying to do. That creates a barrier to lapsing into old habits-- you have to let others see you fail, and who wants that? Online friends help, too, so please send me a request if you'd like! I'd say good luck, but I don't think you'll need it. Instead, how about "welcome to your best self"?
  • arkansas300
    arkansas300 Posts: 24 Member
  • KayaVice
    KayaVice Posts: 24 Member
    Sometimes hitting rock bottom isn't such a bad thing, especially if it motivates you to do something about it. I keep myself motivated by getting naked and looking at myself in the mirror (if I don't have time for all that, I at least take my shirt stomach and bat wings are enough). Anytime I don't feel like working out, or if I find myself really wanting to binge on something unhealthy, I pull up my shirt and look at my stomach and ask, "Do you want to get rid of this fat or not?"

    Keep your 'motivating' pic handy in case you start lagging behind in desire. Get a game plan for exercise and food changes and you WILL get somewhere.
  • Barbieg428
    Barbieg428 Posts: 18 Member
    Congrats ! on first making the choice that's the biggest part ! There is GREAT motivation and encouragement here on MFP, I have a group of AWESOME friends that keep me going and like wise I do the same for them. YOU CAN DO THIS !!! and I am here if you need me. Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • The other poster said it perfect. We all start with a picture. I'm new here too, and after a few weeks doing it myself, I found that support is key. Sending a friend request :)
    Don't lose hope, we can do it!
  • chaoticrunner
    chaoticrunner Posts: 32 Member
    Congrats on your new start! Having a strong support system like MFP is so important. Please feel free to add me.
  • RockClimber69
    RockClimber69 Posts: 82 Member
    Feel free to add me too. You can do it, you've already taken the first step!
  • Hey Mary Lynn

    As they say the only place from rock bottom is up so there is always a positive, I am slowly reaching that place myself with more than weight being an issue I have other demons to deal with but looking forward now I want to get things back on track.

    Good luck, there are alot of good people on here.
  • Wefita
    Wefita Posts: 91 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I used to just ignore my pictures, then a few months ago, I was where you are now. I saw a picture of me, and I just cried all night. I will send you a request, because I have found that having positive and encouraging people around is just we need! MFP is amazing, there are so many positive and encouraging people on here! It’s so humbling that I have found so many people on here that have rooted me on, and encouraged me and most of them I don’t even know in real life! I think we should all stick together, and kick this weight loss journey in the *kitten*! I log in faithfully every day, exercise pretty much every day, and am cooking healthy recipes. I have lost a total of 28 lbs and 18 lbs since I have been on MFP. 75 more lbs for me to go!! I know you can do it!!
  • tpcooper
    tpcooper Posts: 30 Member
    Congrats on deciding to do something about it!
  • Been here about six weeks now , . Lost over a stone
    I also write a blog on here
    It's about growing up with deaf parents and a morbidly obese parent
    It's about being bullied and the abuse I suffered as a child
    So it's not related to the here and now but related to food
    It's my journey , and I hope to share it with people here on mfp
    Good luck with your new journey :)
  • truelove7
    truelove7 Posts: 79 Member
    WOW! Thank you all SO SO much! I am completely humbled by the response I've received on this post. You know, our society is not very nice to fat people. Most places I go, I feel invisible...sometimes people won't look at me. Even the other day, this dude held the door for the good looking lady in front of me, but let it shut on me.

    To have so many people reach out to me is truly touching. I don't feel invisible here. (And yes, I may had shed a tear...HA!)

    I look forward to continued success and motivation...and look forward to supporting others. :)
  • penelopeyvonne
    penelopeyvonne Posts: 97 Member
    You *have* come to the right place. I have never been as successful on ANY diet before I found MFP at the beginning of this year. Good luck with it all. Enjoy the shopping for new clothes (I did and still do!)! x
  • JGray1973
    JGray1973 Posts: 1
    I know where you are coming from. I thought that I was okay. I knew I was overweight but I thought not that bad until I saw a pic of me and my boyfriend. Gross... is this really me? I need to lose this weight.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    You will find that MFP is a great place! I have met many amazing friends on here and every day I look forward to see what they are doing.

    I subscribe to the "everything in moderation" and "as long as it fits" mentality and I think that is the reason why it has finally worked for me. I can have what I want in moderation so I don't spend my time being remorseful that I can't have another cupcake for the rest of my life. Patience is key with this, but it works!

    Friend me if you would like and most of all good luck!
  • Hi there!!! Im new to this community!! And i need some encouragement to,, im on the same page as everybody else,, i need
    Some inspiration and help too
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Hi there!!! Im new to this community!! And i need some encouragement to,, im on the same page as everybody else,, i need
    Some inspiration and help too

    Friend request sent
  • I so know how you feel. I was 563 lbs in August of 2011. My daughter's wedding pics of me were a real wake up call for me too. You can do this. We are all here to support you! Getting moving and committing to changing how you eat, is most of the battle. Then you just have to stick to it. I had RNY Gastric Bypass a year ago July 30. I've lost 280 lbs and still going. I go to the gym every day and do exercises in the water as my knees are completely blown from carrying all that weight. You're still young and you can do this...if I can do it, anyone can!!! You are welcome to friend me if you like....YOU CAN DO IT...KEEP THE FAITH!!!!

    Janine Alfke