Need Buddies!

Hi all!

I desperately need some friends on here. I dont really have any support from friends and family. Dont get me wrong, its not like my friends or family are discouraging or completely unsupportive. I just dont have the support that I need from people who have similar goals. I'm just ready to get fit and be the happiest, healthiest me I can be and I would LOVE to share that journey with more people!


  • hey! :D

    ive been trying to look for some motivated people on here, but no luck. i just started this saturday, but ima get serious about it now!
    add me if you want, i just need some people who log in and actually put effort. :)
  • wifenmotherx3
    wifenmotherx3 Posts: 35 Member
    Anyone can add me if they want ... I'm always open to new and motivated f riends
  • inflames95
    inflames95 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey, nice to meet you :) im always looking to share health tips and motivation!!
  • Stacyschim
    Stacyschim Posts: 24 Member
    just started on here myself. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other
  • keninf
    keninf Posts: 215 Member
    Hi- feel free to add me. I log pretty routinely with the only time not being vacations where either I let go entirely to enjoy my time, or can't get to the net or have cell service. I love adding new people to help motivate and support each other.
  • I'm starting this again because I let myself slip last time :( I would love to help people and get a little motivation from people in the same boat! Please add me!
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    Feel free to add me, just getting back on the wagon after having my third baby :)
  • haaaleyx
    haaaleyx Posts: 83 Member
    Just added you ! Anyone else looking for support feel free to add ! I love having motivated friends on my newsfeed ( :
  • I need some weight loss buddies also anyone feel free to add me:)
  • I am pretty much in the same boat. Every time I say something about needing to lose the wt my bf tells me I am fine the way I am. It annoys me because I want to be a better me. I have added you for extra support!
    Hope your journey goes well!
  • kellzi89
    kellzi89 Posts: 65 Member
    I Need new friends too only fairly new and would like a better support network add me if you want too..