ELLO! Hoping to find some motivating buddies!

Hi All,

I'm not new to this site, but since I lost all my info I had to create another account. Bummer, but my old account was a mess. so I figured this is a chance for a new start. I am a 22 year old college student and I've struggled with weight most of my life. Myfitnesspal and been such a help in me losing some weight, but now I am trying to kick it into high gear. i want to lose about 100+ pounds and a big part of that is connecting with others and gaining and giving consistent motivation. I am also in the process of putting out a website/blog about holistic living and just things I love to write about and advise about things that have held me back from my full potential. Losing weight is the last phase in me finally transitioning from who I use to be and thriving in who I will be!
Hope to really build relationships with some of you and can't wait to meet you all!



  • Been here about six weeks now , . Lost over a stone
    I also write a blog on here
    It's about growing up with deaf parents and a morbidly obese parent
    It's about being bullied and the abuse I suffered as a child
    So it's not related to the here and now but related to food
    It's my journey , and I hope to share it with people here on mfp
    Good luck with your new journey :)
  • WthBetch
    WthBetch Posts: 6
    Hey, Pria!

    I'm 21 and wanting to lose over 100+ pounds myself. I love having inspirational buddies! I think the more people who cheer us on the more motivated we become. This is definitely going to be my biggest life change. I wish you the best on your journey as well!!
  • mains_adam25
    mains_adam25 Posts: 382 Member
    everyone can add me
  • catgirl711
    catgirl711 Posts: 59
    Feel free to add me :) I'm always looking for more buddies and I try to be on every day looking at everyone
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    yall can add me, im in for some aserious *kitten* kickin (if you will return it on my down days)

    oh and hii im Mon, my first goal is to lose 15 kg before december....then another 15 before summer of '14 and do some serious tonning...

    we can do iiit!
  • Hi Pria!

    Feel free to add me, we're close in age and situation :) It might also be good to check out the twenty-somethings group...lots of lovely supportive people on there too if you want a couple people at the same time of life.

    Have fun!
  • LiveLovePri
    LiveLovePri Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks so much and I really look forward to reading your posts!
  • LiveLovePri
    LiveLovePri Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks so much for the encouragement and i wish you well on your journey too. Let's keep one another motivated because we can do anything we set our minds to! We are our own enemies. One we conquer self, the rest is not as hard! Pria <3