Muscle tension for 5 days after workout

So I`ve been at it, losing weight, for about 1 year and 10 months now. My Starting Weight was 275 lbs and now I`m down to 175. I`ve had my ups and downs, but I`m ready to take it up to the next level and start exercising :happy:

I started jogging before my finals this summer, it was going really well, in the meaning that I could breathe normal for like 2 minutes of running :laugh: yeah don`t judge...I`m trying here :laugh:

And now, after the finals I wanted to start a new practice. Doing home workouts, and EVERY TIME after about 10 minutes of planks, squats, hip bridges and other simple stuff of the kind I would be spent, tired. And I mean like 15 reps of each, for about 10 minutes. Now that isn`t really the problem, I was expecting low endurance for a while...but the day after a workout like this... I feel my leg muscles HATING me! I mean I couldn`t do a squat to save my life! And things stay like that for a good 5 days every time.

I do some warm-up before the workout, and obviously don`t over-do-it, and I try to take a walk after I get my breath back.
But I can`t wait 5 days every time to be able to move again :laugh:
So any tips? Massage techniques or some life cheats so my muscles don`t tense up so bad?:frown:

Going to start jogging again soon... it didn`t seem to happen so bad when I just jogged

Thank you for any input :flowerforyou:


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you dont mention stretching after your workout?
  • PatriNina
    PatriNina Posts: 154 Member
    Well I usually do the walk after as in stretching... because my legs are always the problems after a workout. Guess I better find a proper stretching method
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Well I usually do the walk after as in stretching... because my legs are always the problems after a workout. Guess I better find a proper stretching method

    walking isnt stretching, its walking! definitely find a decent cool down strething routine. that is why you are so sore.
  • I agree, stretching afterwards is MORE important. I am NOT an expert but I suggest lowering the number of reps to maybe five at a time to begin EVERY day until you are up to 12 and do that daily for about 10 days. After that double your exercises of 12 reps, again for ten days and then triple them and stay there for awhile (about a month) & then try something a bit more challenging, same way. Good Luck My Friend:love::flowerforyou:

    Start at five and add one every day until you are up to 12 :smooched:
  • rickphill
    rickphill Posts: 4 Member
    Good job for starting to workout but here's the deal your muscle are going to ache after you torture them with something they aren't use to. Here is where you take the discipline you have from your diet and to continue to push through the the muscle aches and stiffness, so enough of the tough love.

    The good news is it gets better your body was designed to run from dinosaurs, fight bears with sticks and generally survive in the wilderness living off berries and squirrels = if you push your body it will respond the way you want it to.

    After a tough workout soak in a HOT bath for about 30 minutes it helps the muscles relax and you will not be as stiff the next day.

    Don't quit, focus on your goal and push through.