I believe in the Blerch.


So this is about a comic, but I found it inspirational and hilarious. I have been having trouble getting back on track as of late. I lost over 100 lbs between June 2011 and June 2012. I then gained about 30 of that back since. So I have decided to get back to what I know works for me: going to the gym and logging my food. Today I did both. So that's a win for me today.

I also fought back my own "Blerch" in the grocery store, where I didn't buy most of the horrible things that have helped me put on that "oh so attractive" 30 lbs. Another win.

The Oatmeal posted a comic, which I found today about his feelings on his running. I read it and found it to be helpful with my restart today. Give it a look over and read all the sections, its worth it. His drawing style also just cracks me up.

" I do not believe in the wall, I believe in the Blerch." --- The Oatmeal. ( I seriously think I need that T-shirt.)

Hope you all find it motivating or at least a good laugh.



  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    Loved this comic! Makes we want to try jogging again - I'm useless at it, but those few spurts I manage always make me feel great afterwards.
    And my god, I know the Blerch...
  • soccerdog693
    soccerdog693 Posts: 73 Member
    Haha! This was floating around facebook today from my runner friends. Fantastic!
  • Celebi03
    Celebi03 Posts: 310 Member
    loved it.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Good read - I can certainly relate to that little negative voice!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    At this moment my wall is before I even start...this couldn't be more accurate...I've actually thought those exact words "OMG SerIOusly!"


    And this part just made me crack up so bad I almost had tears in my eyes.


    Soooooo worth it to read the whole comic it will crack you up!! :heart: Thanks Jeni for sharing!