It's all our fault (Men's) - It's official! lol

Relationships massively influence eating and exercising habits....
Here's a one-sided, fairly interesting read on the subject...

It's all so easy when you look back.. :laugh:


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I have been married 10yrs, I am quite aware anything that happens is always my fault :laugh:
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Since we're at it as a man I would also like to apologize for Global Warming, inflation, and the annoying yappy dog across the street that barks all night. I'm sorry. <click... click... BOOM>
  • Kevster75
    Steady on there Danooh!! LOL
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Aw! I agree that relationships influence weight, but I wouldn't say it's all the fault of men!

    I definitely exercised less and ate more when I got serious in my relationship, but it was up to me to take control of it. :)
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    This was great! Thanks for sharing ;-)

    My BF and I actually met AT the gym, in spin class no less. But now that he's in law school he's stopped going to the gym and pouts when I either come late (cuz I hit the gym after work) or tries to persuade me to skip a weekend workout. He's getting better and now he'll stop and say "I fully support that." when I tell him I'm leaving for the gym. I just wish we could do more active things together more often.

    Maybe once the cool weather starts, we'll start taking the dogs out for walks again. He doesn't have a weight problem or anything, he's just lazy and tired ALL the time!
  • tesha30
    tesha30 Posts: 72 Member
    I think it is just that each person gets so comfortable with one another and whether they gain weight or whatever the case may be.. its not because its one of their faults solely.. its just how close you are with them and how much you stop caring. Bad choice of words but hopefully you know what I mean!

    On a side note: I do blame my BF for some of the weight gain I have... I keep telling him we need to eat healthier (he is the cook in the family) but he still insists on making fattening foods at times. I do have some restraint and only eat small as* portions but still.... =)
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Ok, The article was fun to read, and funny, but FULL of stereotypes. Not all men fit that mold, but more often than not, young men do. I think it was geared more toward women in their early 20's. My ex-husband is STILL like this at 43, but he had Gastric Bypass so he's back to being skinny.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    On my wedding night, back at the house party, we had some drunken speaches.

    At the end of my speach, I told my wife.
    ............... and I'm sorry. For anything wrong I do in the future, I'm telling you now, I'm sorry. :laugh:
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Thanks guys for making your girlfriends fat. haha Kidding.

    I think it's a matter of comfort though too.. You get comfortable and then may just let things go. You figure you already have the sucker baited and don't need to impress them as much anymore.

    Which is definitely not true! It's always nice to see a sparkle in your boyfriend's eyes when you are looking good.
  • ismatts
    I have been married 10yrs, I am quite aware anything that happens is always my fault :laugh:

    LOL< Same here!!!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    that is good, and somewhat true! I used to try to make me ex fat...I would always make him sandwhiches, big past meals, bring him a beer when he was working outside LOL. I am evil :)
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    That was a good read and funny...but deffinitely one sided

    People do tend to gain weight when in relationships, because they are more layed back, and no longer on the prowl, so they have become content with themselves, but each relationship is different, but I dont think its all the mens' fault (in this situation only)

    Finally you guys get a free pass....LOL

    Thanks for sharing the article
  • adrienc
    I have been married 10yrs, I am quite aware anything that happens is always my fault :laugh:

    LOL totally true for me too!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    that is good, and somewhat true! I used to try to make me ex fat...I would always make him sandwhiches, big past meals, bring him a beer when he was working outside LOL. I am evil :)

    OMG! I've done the same - but only because my mom always told me "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!"

    Anyone who gains weight shouldn't be blamin' anyone but themselves - even if it's easy to blame the hubby!
  • Kevster75
    You're very welcome :happy:
    [For sharing the article]

    It's all so obvious, isn't it... Quite an eye opening read - and yes, based on a lot of stereotypes.... but the general theme of
    'letting go' seems common place... which isn't what we were initially attracted to in our partners!

    I guess people grow fat....grow together or grow apart...
    But there's no need to get fat! :wink:
    *No offence to the medical-related-weight-gain sufferers on this site*
  • lyngoode
    lyngoode Posts: 197 Member
    Too funny! I have 2 closets of clothing and I call one the "before hubby" closet and the other one the "after hubby" closet. I gained 30 pounds after I started dating him. I am currently back in the clothes in my "before hubby" closet and those are getting too big:laugh: .

    So, my "before hubby" closet and my "after hubby" closet will soon become my "after MFP" closets with a whole new "skinny me" wardrobe that hubby is going to pay for with a shopping spree when I meet my final goal.

  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    What in the world?? *lol* I've heard of this, but every relationship I've been in, I've dropped 10 lbs! I always end up doing a TON of walking places with my boyfriends, and hiking, and swimming, and dancing....LOTS of dancing. Mmm. And let's not forget moving furniture and carrying heavy sound equipment and staging. I must be the evil one in the relationships because I'm always trying to fatten up those beanpoles and make them sit down for a real meal instead of gnoshing on the run. The guys I've dated have all been health conscious too with martial arts a part of their regular weeks. So maybe it's only certain kinds men that are fattening?

    Then again, this might all change one day--marriage hasn't hit me yet. :laugh:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Too funny! Thanks for sharing!

    I will own up to being the cook here, and conforming my cooking to his "will eat" lists. He has gained 20 pounds. When his parents visit they complain that they gain weight too. I have repeatedly told my b/f that I will quit cooking and let him go back to his former way of eatting. Funny thing, his reply is always "the hell you will!". He don't know that I have been cooking "healthy-er" than he thinks I am! lol Everyone just eats too much of what I cook. Since starting MFP I have gone back to fixing vegies for me (he won't eat them) and the potatoes for him. He likes his carbs! They don't agree with me! lol We have managed to drop his cholesterol levels by 120 points, and his triglycerides by nearly 300. Now if I could only get him off the sweet tea....