Example 1600-1700 calories Meal Plan. What you guys think?

What do you guys think?


1cup Fiber One dry cereal, 1cup Skim Milk, 1cup thawed blueberries can
12-16oz water or unsweetened green tea
****eat within an hour of waking up****

1-2 servings of fruit(unpeeled) w/ 10 almonds
or if at work a good whey Protein Shake Like ISO Sensation 93
12-16 oz water or unsweetened green tea
**1 sandwich** with
3-4oz of meat(turkey, chicken, tuna, ham)
2 slices 100% whole grain bread ( 80-110 calories a slice Pref. Ezekiel )
2 servings Raw veggies
1/4 cup low fat cottage cheese
1tbsp Kraft mayo w/olive oil(optional) 45 calories
12 -16 oz water or unsweetened green tea

Yogurt( Greek) or dannon lite& Fit or Yoplait lite(80-100 cal) w/ 10 almonds
or if at work Protein Shake myoplex
12 -16 oz water or unsweetened decaf. green tea

6oz. lean meat ( chicken, fish, pork, beef, venison)
1 ½-2 servings cook veggies
4oz Red potato
12 -16 oz water

Try and calculate and write everything down to check and total calories…weight and measure everything out! KEEP A FOOD LOG
Do Not eat anything with “High Fructose Corn Syrup”
“Bleached or enriched flour” BAD
“Simple Sugars”
Read YOUR LABLES “Partially hydrogenated
“Watch the salt”
These additives could make you feel hungry!!! and allow you to overeat!!! and cause long term health problems!!!!!!!!!!!
DRINK WATER!!!! VERY IMPORTANT-- GREEN TEA, WHITE TEA IS OK NON SWEETENED NO POP!!!! REGULAR OR DIET( they will cause weight gain and not allow you to lose weight) NO Alcohol !!!
Foods that help control hunger: Raw walnuts, raw peanuts or raw almonds, red peppers, cinnamon. ½ hour before eating meals eat raw…8 walnuts, 10 almonds, 20 peanuts (Only as needed if you feel hungry!) Make sure you read your labels


  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    looks good :D
  • jean51
    Thanks that looks do able and close to what I am already doing. I also appreciate the tips at the end.:happy:
  • johnthefatman
    Looks OK - I'd just be wary of the ham because of the Salt content
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I agree about watching your deli meats - also watch the sodium in the cottage cheese.

    I get Sara Lee Low Sodium Oven Roasted Turkey from the deli (they make a chicken breast and a ham too) - it's 40% lower in sodium. Hood (only in New England, I think?) makes a low fat, no salt added cottage cheese - it's about 80% lower sodium than regular low fat and delicious!!

    Good luck!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Looks easy enough. Thanks for the info
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Most Fiber One and ALL Yoplait have HFCS in their products. You may want to change that to Kashi cereal and Fage or Chobani yogurt. A decent bread is Nature's Own bread - never HFCS and you can get Sugar Free which tastes great.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Why is it never possible to get one of these meal plans with food that is interesting and tasty? The whole meat/potato type meals are really not suited for every day consumption... at least not in my life :S Seems really inflexible. How long are you supposed to keep this up before craving something that tastes good?
  • HappyCampers5
    HappyCampers5 Posts: 14 Member
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My average calorie intake is 1631 calories (including exercise). I get all sorts of interesting, tasty things to eat. Last night I had shrimp scampi, fried eggplant and fresh sliced tomato for dinner. I like chicken with capers, pasta pesto, bruschetta with feta and black olives, spinach and feta frittatas, meatballs with spagetti, caremelized, roasted brussel sprouts, and chicken sausage and baby red potatoes with dill and cracked black pepper to name some of my favorites. OMG, there are so many healthy, delicious foods you can eat besides a dry 4 oz piece of something. You just have to be creative.

    I even go out to eat and spurge now and then. And yet, with every single thing I eat and log, my average calorie intake is stil only 1631.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    My average calorie intake is 1631 calories (including exercise). I get all sorts of interesting, tasty things to eat. Last night I had shrimp scampi, fried eggplant and fresh sliced tomato for dinner. I like chicken with capers, pasta pesto, bruschetta with feta and black olives, spinach and feta frittatas, meatballs with spagetti, caremelized, roasted brussel sprouts, and chicken sausage and baby red potatoes with dill and cracked black pepper to name some of my favorites. OMG, there are so many healthy, delicious foods you can eat besides a dry 4 oz piece of something. You just have to be creative.

    I even go out to eat and spurge now and then. And yet, with every single thing I eat and log, my average calorie intake is stil only 1631.

    I do the same! I just can't fathom following a diet regimen like the one posted above. It doesn't seem to account for all the delicious things I eat. I also certainly don't eat the same thing every day :P
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Fiber One Bran cereal DOES NOT HAVE HFCS IN IT. i AM LOOKING AT the ingredents now. I mostly sugget oatmeal or oat bran. This is an option I gave a client. I also suggest first Greek yogurts and Yoplait lite or dannon lite and fit and this do not have HFCS either. I always suggest one thing and give options. On the meat I know all about the sodium so I always reccomend low sodium or fresh meats. Thanks for all the thoughts and opinions
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Looks pretty good except I would sub mustard for the mayo/olive oil spread. Fiber One does not have HFCS; however the Fiber One bars do so stay away from those. IMO, most Kashi cereals or oatmeal would be a better choice though.