Help - Exercising and eating well but not losing

I have been exercising hard (sweating and puffing, heart rate at around 145-157) for 30 or more minutes a day and eating up to or below by a little my calorie target for the past 3 or 4 weeks but have yet to see any change on the scale. It's very frustrating. I have been pretty vigilant with tracking my calories. In the past 30 days I have gone over 6 days. Anyone else had a similar experience? Even if I was way off with my calorie tracking (which I'm not), I would need to be eating an extra 1,000 calories a day to be staying the same. Do I need to cut my calories further (my current goal is 1,700 net a day for a 2 pound a week loss)?


  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    Diary is closed, cant help :(
  • penejoe
    penejoe Posts: 5
    Well now I'm looking at my diary with fresh eyes and I see quite a lot of "bad" food the past few days. So that's probably the problem. I have opened it up.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    1700 to lose 2 lbs/week, that means your maintenance is 2700 with no exercise, that seems quite high.

    How much weight in total are you looking at losing?

    If you are not diabetic, or pre-diabetic, I would suggest you track sodium instead of sugar, as sugar is a carb and you already track those. You may be retaining water due to high levels of sodium, or increase intensity in workouts, or new workout program.
  • I have been using MFP since beginning of May and was losing really well, I have trouble with knees and bad elbow so I have been swimming about 30 minutes a day until 2 weeks ago I was losing about 2lb a week then I increased my swimming to an hour most days and I am struggling to lose anything or half a pound.

    I eat 1200 calories a day regardless of exercise, I am 5'2 weighing at the moment 12 stone 2. I just want the weight to start coming off again any ideas? by the way I am rubbish with food and some days I struggle to get to 1200 calories?

    Many thanks wendywiz
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member

    I've viewed your diary and looking at your foods/exercise you'll probably lose between 1/2 lb and 1 lb a week so not very noticeable in a short period of time.

    If you want to lose weight quicker you'll have to get serious.

    Less calories in (better calories as well) more exercise = less fat :smile:
  • golfpunknz
    golfpunknz Posts: 2 Member
    Wendywiz, Too much of a deficit and your body can put the breaks on the fat loss. (Not saying that's happening here but could be a reason) Your metabolism starts to slow because it's going into starvation mode. Trick is to find that sweet spot. I know it sounds counter intuitive but eat a little more and see how ya go after a week. Just let your body know it's not actually starving and it'll reward you back with more pounds lost.
  • penejoe
    penejoe Posts: 5
    Why do you say I would only lose 1/2 pound to a pound? I'm normally eating the net calories that are recommended for a 2 pound per week loss.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Why do you say I would only lose 1/2 pound to a pound? I'm normally eating the net calories that are recommended for a 2 pound per week loss.

    You will sustain your weight loss with lower expectations.

    How much have you got to lose? And how much have you lost since April?
  • penejoe
    penejoe Posts: 5
    I have 140 pounds to lose total and since April I have lost a whopping 4 pounds! I have only been exercising and mindful really for the last 3-4 weeks though. I have literally had a lifetime of dieting - do you think it's possible that my body just thinks it's another fad diet and is holding on to the weight until I convince it I'm serious?
  • amyljl77
    amyljl77 Posts: 43 Member
    You're eating too many calories. Going over 6 days out of 30 (average of more than once a week) would be enough to keep me from losing weight! I go two weeks before I give myself a cheat day and I find I have to stay under 1500 calories (net) to lose weight.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I have 140 pounds to lose total and since April I have lost a whopping 4 pounds! I have only been exercising and mindful really for the last 3-4 weeks though. I have literally had a lifetime of dieting - do you think it's possible that my body just thinks it's another fad diet and is holding on to the weight until I convince it I'm serious?

    No, with that amount to lose you should be losing steadily. I see why your caloric intake seems high for 2lbs/week. How are you determining the amount of food you eat? I suggest getting a kitchen scale and weigh all solids and measure liquids, if you are not doing this already there is a very very good chance you are eating more calories than you think you are.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    The first step in debugging a weight loss plateau is to ascertain that you are logging accurately. From looking at your diary, I suspect that you are not weighing your food portions. You should:

    This said, plateaus are normal--keep track not only of your weight but also of measurements, and take progress pictures.
  • amyljl77
    amyljl77 Posts: 43 Member
    I would also suggest only doing cardio every other day (3 or 4 times at the most a week) and concentrating on strength training on the days in between. This made a huge difference for me!
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I have 140 pounds to lose total and since April I have lost a whopping 4 pounds! I have only been exercising and mindful really for the last 3-4 weeks though. I have literally had a lifetime of dieting - do you think it's possible that my body just thinks it's another fad diet and is holding on to the weight until I convince it I'm serious?

    Four pounds in 3-4 weeks is a very respectable loss. Adjust your expectations--getting to a healthy weight and maintaining it is not a sprint, it's a lifelong process.

    Exercising sometimes delays progress on a scale because new activities cause your muscles to retain water. When the body finally decides to flush all that water out, you will experience a so-called "whoosh". Weight loss is not linear.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    Try cutting your calories by a couple hundred per day, buy a food scale and weigh EVERYTHING so that you know what you take in is actually and truly what you take in! Even a small portion of oatmeal or peanut butter that isn't weighed, but just eyeballed, can add up to a lot more than you think....

    Food scale first.
    Log religiously and everything
    Then check your progress.
  • I am really just getting started here but had lost 130 pounds on Weight Watchers. I gained 20 pounds back while training for a half marathon and am now training for a full marathon and having similar problems. I did drink this weekend which is a weakness for me but I only drink on Saturdays typically. anyway, it has my calories at 1200. Does this seem right? Any thoughts?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I am really just getting started here but had lost 130 pounds on Weight Watchers. I gained 20 pounds back while training for a half marathon and am now training for a full marathon and having similar problems. I did drink this weekend which is a weakness for me but I only drink on Saturdays typically. anyway, it has my calories at 1200. Does this seem right? Any thoughts?

    No, 1200 is much too low while training for an even such as a marathon. Are you eating only 1200 or 1200 Net (1200 plus eating back what you burn from training) If it is Net you may be okay, though I think still on the low side
  • chloeobe
    chloeobe Posts: 72
    Just my opinion but looks like you are eating more than you think, and going over on quite a few days. If you go over you need to make up for it in either exercise or the following day. Also I noticed the level of fat each days tends to be really quite high, and is made up of mostly saturated fat. Maybe think about swapping some snacks for something healthier. Cutting out sat fat and refined suagrs always makes me feel better, as you wont feel bloated.

    Also start lift heavy things! Youll start seeing a difference in no time!!!
  • Yesterday I ate 1544 and burned 818 between my Insanity workout and then my four mile run. I am starving!!!! I have tried to do the clean eating a lot and rarely eat frozen meals but had to yesterday. I feel like I should be eating around 2500 and should still be able to lose a little.
  • I feel your pain. As a long term exerciser, I have to really crank it up to get any results. I have been on MFP since October and just past the 10 pound mark. I have a friend who does it and she has lost 40. I am short and thick and have dense muscles. IT IS HARD. But I refused to quit and did eventually lose some weight. It is about health and longevity so I stick it out. I seem to have better results when I give myself a "free" day. Your metabolism will reset as you go through this process so you need to shock it every so often. Eat sensibly but don't count it. Also you do need to rest between workouts. Do something different every other day.